dtproject and Francesca Patiño have set up “SOPHIA – Mantente Viva”, a project which will present a documentary that draws attention to the problem of human trafficking focussing on the life of Sophia, a woman who was a victim of trafficking at an extremely young age and who was locked up and enslaved for 22 years.
The project will also include a CD with songs that help to denounce this blot on society known as 21st Century slavery.
The project’s aim is to inform the listener/spectator and raise their awareness thereby challenging them to take an active role in the eradication of this type of slavery.
What the project will consist of
The project “SOPHIA – Mantente Viva” will consist of:
A 50 minute Documentary DVD filmed in Thailand, which will tell Sophia’s tragic yet hopeful story, recounting her past as a victim of trafficking and explaining her present as a person fighting against all types of slavery.
A Music CD: 10 original tracks which will help to denounce this problem and which will serve as an efficient tool for a live presentation of the project.
62 Page BOOK: 62 full-colour pages, with photographs which will reflect Sophia’s life journey and her work in the red-light districts of Bangkok. The book will include a prologue by the artist Dámaris LLaudís, Sophia’s complete life story and other contents. All accompanied by an artistic design by Ikarus Productions.
“SOPHIA Mantente Viva” Main Objectives
To inform people about the unjust situation of women and girls around the world, who are being treated like merchandise to satisfy the demands of unscrupulous men.
To raise everyone’s awareness concerning the dimensions of the problem and to highlight the key aspect where the majority of effort should be directed: if there is no demand there is no supply.
To motivate people into action according to each individual’s needs, providing information about the different organisations that are arduously working for the abolition of this slavery.
To generate funds through the sale of SOPHIA “Mantente Viva” to support Sophia’s work in particular and that of the different organisations who are working in this field in general.
To give presentations of this project in auditoriums and theatres building on the aforementioned points.
The team
dtproject is a platform of voluntary musicians and artists who use art as a channel of communication to perform live music/audio-visual projects in aid of those who are victims of war, poverty, illness, etc.
Every year hundreds of people work in conjunction with this platform which has been running for 10 years and is committed to helping our fellow man, providing hope in a broken world.
Francesca Patiño is a singer-songwriter with a long career who uses her music to support various good causes, but who is particularly committed to the fight against human trafficking which centres on sexual exploitation. Over the last 3 years she has worked from Spain to earn resources in support of Sophia and her work in rescuing victims of trafficking in Thailand.
What your donations will be spent on
Your donations will be used to cover recording and editing costs, both of the documentary and the CD, as well as transport costs to distribution destinations.
The rewards system
If you contribute to our project you will have various exclusive rewards at your fingertips: digital DVD/CD, physical DVD/CD (signed and sent), other previous works, etc.
Take a look at the sidebar, donate to the project and decide which reward you prefer
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Hola equipo de "Sophia mantente viva" Quisiera sostener en un futuro , una reunión con vosotros.Para realizar un largometraje, basado en esta" lacra social" sobre el trafico, explotación y secuestro .Este es mi numero directo 0034 630361205(WHATSAP)
Francesca Patiño
Susana, tienes que escoger la cantidad que quieres aportar. A la derecha de la página podrás ver las cantidades posibles y sus correspondientes recompensas. Una vez cliques en la cantidad escogida, te saldrá otra pantalla donde te pedirán los datos de tu tarjeta de crédito o de tu cuenta de paypal. Cualquier otra duda, me contactas por esta via o escribiéndome a [email protected]
Susana Gil
Buenos días, si deseo pagar con Paypal y Transferencia, como lo tengo que hacer? Muchas gracias y bendiciones!!
Francesca Patiño
Si lo haces a través de Verkami, ya sea por Paypal o tarjeta de crédito, tendrás derecho a tu recompensa. Si tienes algún problema en concreto para usar estas opciones, contacta conmigo escribiéndome a [email protected]
Jo Arizo
Hay una persona que pregunta que si se puede facilitar otra forma de pago, entiendo que no, que de lo que se trata es de usar esta plataforma que es verkami.
Francesca Patiño
El libro es en Papel
El libro ¿es en papel o en formato digital? ¿o se puede elegir?