#HomelessEntrepreneur is a project created from Barcelona to show that homeless people, like Marcos, can give the best of themselves if given the chance. Participate!
What is #HomelessEntrepreneur?
A project created by Andrew Funk, an American entrepreneur and digital consultant, who is has been based in Barcelona for over 13 years.
Andrew performs actions of activism to show how society can take action to make positive changes. #HomelessEntrepreneur began when Andrew spent 24 hours living as homeless person on the streets of Barcelona. Since then, he has continued to make homeless people visible to denounce their condition and provide them with real opportunities.
There are more than 3,000 people homeless living in Barcelona. Our first step, which we want to take with you, is proving that we can help 1 person get off the street by giving him all the resources they need to focus on overcoming new challenges as a citizen and worker.
Who is Marcos?
Andrew met Marcos inside metro Universitat and showed his followers what he wanted to give him a chance to find work and prove his worth as well as a job where he would be respected and treated well.
Thanks to your collaboration, Barcelona will be able to give the best Christmas gift to Marcos from you personally: A home where he can start a new life.
Meet Marcos #1
Meet Marcos #2
Meet Marcos #3
Meet Marcos #4
How will we do it?
By creating a network of support to ensure greater stability in his new life:
Advising on how to manage money.
Support for day-to-day physiological difficulties.
Including him in circles of people aware of his needs.
Making him part of the organizational structure of a family.
Usually, institutions have a solution that works very well for the majority, but we're trying to offer a customized solution for people who do not feel comfortable in their model. Basically, there is a heterogeneous group that is not currently taken into consideration.
How will we allocate your contributions?
We want to give Marcos an opportunity with the help of everyone. Maybe then, Barcelona, as a city, which currently allows him to sleep on the streets night after night, will finally give him an opportunity.
The 4.360 euros of this campaign will go to the following.
500 euros to rent a room or flat for 6 months in Barcelona: a total of 3,000 euros.
360 euros for Verkami’s commission and payment system to raise campaign money (PayPal or credit card).
1,000 euro deposit for the owner of the apartment or room who rents it.
This opportunity of having a roof over 6 months will be combined with a tracking plan for Marcos to find work and keep it. Both Andrew and all of his team will turn to communicate the experience of Marcos’ job search as well as how he reintegrates into the labor market.
What happens if we get more than 100%?
New stretch goal! As we're near 100% of our goal we would like to fix a new and reachable stretch goal. The reason is to use the extra money collected exceeding the first goal. If we collect € 1,000 more (a total of € 5,360) we will use them to pay a medical insurance and a dental insurance for Marcos, a total of € 750. The remaining € 250 will be used to food for Marcos during his first month of stay in his new home.
If we reach the 8.720 euros, we will give the same opportunity to a second homeless person living in the city of Barcelona. Our supports will decide who will receive this second opportunity by voting. Attention! We will go for this goal in the near future, we will keep you informed!
The rewards for this campaign you will allow you to join the #HomelessEntrepreneur project personally and be part of Marcos new journey. We have entitled each reward as the main parts of a castle to illustrate that the fact that we can encourage Marcos during this new path together.
PINYA (base of a castle): For 1 euro, your name will appear in the video thanks to the patron.
SOCA (pinya with folre and maniples): For 10 euros, all of the above plus a special video for your support naming you in it.
FOLRE (reinforces the pinya of a castle): For 20 euros, all of the above plus access to an exclusive video blog for sponsors, which will tell Marco’s story after the campaign.
TRONC (visible part of a castle): For 40 euros, you will have all of the above plus a custom message from Andrew and Marcos thanking you for your help.
POM DE DALT (the castle’s dome): For 100 euros, you will have all of the above as well as be part of a collaborative video we will create together from Barcelona to show the world the experience and the project that we have created together with Marcos.
DOSOS (they support the aixecador): For 300 euros you will have all of the above as well as a complete access to all the extra materials including photos, exclusive videos and even outtakes.
AIXECADOR (supports the enxaneta): For 600 euros you will have all of the above and we'll spent an afternoon with you in the city of Barcelona so you can live the experience of being one more at the team.
ENXANETA (top of the castle): For 1,000 euros, meet with Marcos and Andrew in person and accompany them during Marco’s first day of his new life.
As funds are received, finding an accommodation to pay the stay for 6 months to Marcos will start.
We need at least 6 months to get Marcos ready to start working at a job through the help and active participation of our campaign team.
+ Info
You can follow the campaign and get more info on the following web sites.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Andrew Funk
Hola, Camila: Muchas gracias por tu mensaje que nos anima a seguir adelante con la iniciativa. ¡Con apoyos como el tuyo seguro que lo conseguiremos! :-)
Camila de Ros
Hola Andrew, felicidades por tu iniciativa. Muchas veces tenemos ideas o proyectos en la cabeza y TÚ has empezado la que has tenido.
Voy a dar voces para que podamos conseguir el regalo de navidad para Marcos. Lo vamos a conseguir!!
Andrew Funk
Hi Libbi! Your donation is a one time payment. The monthly payment is the one we will have to do during half a year to rent a room or a flat for Marcos. But your contribution is not a monthly payment! Thanks a lot for your contribution. :-)
Libbi Boerschig
I did not realize this was a monthly payment. I thought I was just donating a fixed amount. Please take 50 Euro and then stop the deductions.
Andrew Funk
Bon dia, Mayte: Gràcies a tu per la teva pregunta. Hem pressupostat 500 € per mirar d'aconseguir el lloguer d'un pis per al Marcos durant 6 mesos. Si no pogués ser un pis buscaríem una habitació però el nostre primer objectiu és un pis per tal de donar-li màxima independència i comoditat de cara a la seva cerca de feina amb la nostra ajuda.
Mayte Estévez Castelló
Bon dia, M'ha semblat un projecte força interessant, però el que no entenc és que pressuposteu un lloguer d'una habitació per 500€.
Que es tracta de que hi visquin varies persones? Cuantes?....
Gràcies a l'avança per la resposta.