Red Pèrill is the alter- ego of Marc Mateu, songwriter, pianist and singer from Igualada he has been performing music alone or with other groups (Albatros, Bravadúnia), but in 2015 he decided to join The Collective Bionic group, the band who accompanying from now in their intrepid adventures.
What do we want?
From now on we will write in the first person, okay? Well, look: to finance a part of the new album due to early 2016 and, if possible copies and some extras for fans (no drugs, LOL). Because of it, we did what everyone does: A Verkami! Fund us and then you can go have your internal debates quietly at home.
What style do we do?
We play "Nova cansoul", a play on words invented for ourselves: an easy way to have no rival nor "unparalleled." It was difficult to define ourselves stylistically and galactic funk soul sounded "démodé", then we joined a 70's catalan concept called "Nova Cançó" (New Song) and "soul" to create "Nova cansoul".
Who are the "enemics de l'anar fent"?
Look at this picture for understand that catalan expression.
How will we use your contributions?
We will pay to finish recording, mixing and copies of the disc. The mastering is already paid, and part of the recording as well. But there are always places to invest: T-shirts, videos, singers, etc. Do not worry for that! In reality it is an advance purchase such things, but cool.
About the rewards:
They are brutal, aren’t they?
Hopefully we will deliver the rewards between January and February 2016. If you are living outside of Spain, we will send a CD for you by postal delivery.
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