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Centro de Documentación Circense de la Escuela de Circo CARAMPA

The library will be a space to house the collection of books, videos, magazines, photos, brochures, art work and posters about Circus, and make them available to the circus community in an exceptional site: The Carampa tent, in Casa de Campo in Madrid.

Javier Jiménez

A project of


Created in

From 5.000€
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The jugglers association, which runs Carampa Circus School in Madrid, started in 1987 with the aim of renovating circus performance and training. The association has been a pioneer of new circus in Spain and has always kept a specialized library to conserve different documents related to circus.

After almost 30 years of activity and 16 classes of students graduating from the school, the moment has come to create a Documentation Centre that catalogues all the material that has been accumulated and makes it available to our students and any interested parties from the general public.

At the moment the library at Carampa holds almost 3000 documents in the form of books, magazines, promotional publications, videos of shows, festivals, circus related films and other types of documents such as posters and postcards etc. Currently it is one of the most important collections in Spain and the only one with a vocation towards public service.

Right now our collection, unfortunately, finds itself packed up in a storeroom and has been there for the last two years since the Alcorcón city council decided to close the Municipal Circus School, where we had begun to catalogue and classify all our material with the aim of creating a Documentation Centre. This year we have decided to invest in a new space at Carampa to house the collection and make it available to the interested public and encourage an interest among our students and performers in the history and the evolution of circus up to the present day.

The funding is for a Documentation Center (multi media library), that will be located at the Carampa Circus School in Madrid: it will consist of two prefabricated modules, that, when united will create a space that measures 36 m2 equipped with the shelves and furniture necessary to house the collection. As a result our funds will be united in a single space, and the resources dedicated to the history of circus, and contemporary circus in Madrid and Spain will be able to continue to grow. At the same time, it will offer a tranquil place, away from the maddening crowd, to sit down and contemplate several bibliographic gems

The Documentation Centre will also serve as a classroom for the school´s theoretical courses. That these classes will take place in the Documentation Centre will connect the funds with the contents of these courses: there are books on the history of circus, on stage management, on theater techniques such as scenery, lighting, wardrobe, there are books on choreography, physical training and anatomy… This way, the center will help to actively create the habit of going to these sources and, in general, different sources of information than those available on the Internet.

What will allocate your contributions?

Together with the funding that Carampa will provide, all contributions, (after the costs of the crowd funding have been deducted) will be used for the acquisition of the prefabricated modules, their installation by the Carampa tent, including their technical needs (electricity, internet) and transporting the collection and existing furniture from the warehouse. If you want to see where the books are now, click here!.

Additional Goals

If we exceed the 5,000 € goal of this campaign, we will be able to equip the center with a video projector, screen and computers, and prepare a nice opening party. See the budget and calendar for the execution of the project below.

About the rewards

• The rewards will be available from march 2016 onwards, once the Centre is open.
• All the rewards are to be collected in our school in Madrid, except if the sponsor wants it to be sent by post, for which they will have to pay the postage costs.
• All our sponsors will get a year’s membership card for the Documentation Centre except the special members who will have a lifetime membership.

• The digital files come from the Documentation Centre´s collection and are original. Their publication is allowed if their origin is referenced.
• The tickets for the shows have to be reserved with 10 days of anticipation at [email protected]. You can see our show's schedule here.
• The rewards with a room to sleep don´t include the travel and meals


November-december 2015

• Buy and install a prefab hut measuring 7.20 by 4.80 outside Carampa Circus School.
• Install electrics, heating and shelves.
• Move all the material.
• Crowdfunding.

Budget : 6.000€

January-Febraury 2016

• Buy a computer and hard drive to complete the cataloguing and to help with the consulting and viewing of material.
• Make a catalogue which features all the material.

Budget : 3.000€

March 2016

• Official opening of the Documentation Centre in February 2016 with a party-performance in Carampa.

Budget : 1.000€

Why do we need funding?

  • Because, despite being an active part of FEDEC (Federación Europea de Escuelas de Circo), Despite receiving in 2011 the National Circus Prize from the Ministry of Culture and despite almost 30 years of activity, our project remains little known by Madrid-based institutions and it does not receive the same institutional help that other spaces do in the rest of Spain that are supported by institutions in their regions.

  • Because our annual budget is quite tight due to the small amount of public funding which our teaching project receives, making it economically fragile and almost wholly reliant on what we receive from our students. This impedes the planning of investments that will develop our project in different areas.

  • Because Madrid is a region and a city that does not support it´s inhabitants´ cultural projects, unlike other regions and cities in Spain and we want to continue being at the heart of new circus in Spain and in Madrid, and to do this we want to make available a space where one can look up and research the history of circus in the world and in Spain, and its evolution from its beginnings to the present day, to encourage research and make available all the material we have accumulated over the years.

  • Because Carampa was born and has survived and grown thanks to the human factor. Artists, students, friends, supporters and lovers of the circus and therefore culture, have maintained the project, despite the bad times, and this is an essential factor in making the project worthwhile.

  • For this reason, to fund part of this investment, we have decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign. Because we want a colective project from the beginning.

+ Info

Centro de Documentación Circense
Escuela de Circo Carampa
Clip sobre Carampa
Documental sobre Carampa
Circo Méliès. Blog sobre cine y circo
Revista El Ambidextro


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#12 / Listado de l@s patron@s del Centro de Documentación

Esta es la lista definitiva de nuestros patrones y colaboradores. A tod@s vosotr@s os queremos dar las gracias de nuevo por confiar en nuestro proyecto y estar ahí para apoyarnos.

El sábado inauguramos el centro. Esperamos que os paséis pronto por allí. Es vuestra casa.


La Gran Escuela de Magia "Ana Tamariz"

Michelle Man

Thorun Media

Alex "Jaxenolaf - EJA European Juggling Association"

Willy Monroe

Raúl, Nico y Tomo

Luis Haro

Union de Profesionales y Amigos de las Artes Circenses


Colectivo Adardunak

Nacho Flores

Nelli Ahmetova y Miguel Rubio

Tato Cabal

Juanjo Llorens

Celia y Rafa

Emilio Sánchez

Celso y Frana

Rosemary and Ricardo

Endika Salazar Fontenla

Alexander Weibel Weibel

Familia Cristobal Recio

Union de Profesionales y Amigos de las Artes Circenses


Elia Pérez

Hernán Gené

Pilar Jaén

Toby Philpott

Nico & Dario

Rafael Martin Blanco

Barbara Govan

La Comandanta

read more

#09 / ¡Ya está aquí!

La mitad del centro de documentación que hemos conseguido gracias a vuestra inestimable ayuda. Gracias y mil veces gracias

#08 / 6.000 euros, el crowdfunding acaba. Nosotros seguimos

Hola a todxs

Solamente quedan 5 horas y hemos superado la barrera de los 6.000€. Todo eso gracias a los 142 patronos que han confiado en nuestro proyecto.

Los patronos se distribuyen así:

37 de 10€

36 de 20€

24 de 35€

32 de 50€

13 de 100€

6 de 200€

Para nosotros, un orgullo contar con todos vosotros. Esperamos celebrar esta pequeña gran victoria con todos y todas el 12 de marzo, el día de la inauguración.

Hoy mismo ponemos los cimientos del Centro, figuradamente —porque acabamos el crowdfunding con éxito— y realmente —porque nos vamos a liar con el cemento esta mañana—, así que trabajaremos más ligeros gracias a vuestro apoyo. La semana que viene nos traen el módulo y podremos seguir con nuestro sueño.

Hasta entonces, os reitero las gracias en nombre de la Escuela de Circo Carampa y de la Asociación de Malabaristas.


#07 / ¡Objetivo conseguido!

Muchas gracias

No tenemos palabras para definir nuestra emoción al disfrutar de vuestra confianza para conseguir un objetivo que no sabíamos hasta dónde podía llegar.

Quedan 9 días y ya está. Gracias a vuestra generosa apuesta podemos respirar tranquilos ante un reto que no estábamos seguros de alcanzar.

Vuestro apoyo nos animará a cuidar el proyecto del Centro de Documentación aún más. Sois parte de él, seréis bienvenidos siempre.

Quedan 9 días e intentaremos llegar a los 6.000. Vuestro apoyo nos ha dado confianza. Esto no hay quien lo pare gracias a vosotros y a vosotras.


#06 / 4.000 € y sumando…

Ya estamos en los 4.000€. Solamente faltan 1.000€ y nos quedan ¡13 días!

Aprovecho para desearos felices fiestas con una original ilustración realizada en los años 50 del siglo pasado por Roland Butler, illustrador y jefe de prensa del circo americano Ringling Bross and Barnum & Bailey.
¡Felices fiestas!

#05 / Ya tenemos 3.000 y quedan 20 días…

Queda la mitad de la campaña —20 días— y ya hemos alcanzado los 3.000 €

La verdad es que nos sentimos muy honrados por vuestra generosidad y por la confianza que demostráis hacia nuestro proyecto. Gracias a todos y a todas vosotras estamos convencidos de que vamos a conseguirlo.

Va a ser un bonito regalo de navidad que vamos a poder disfrutar todos a partir de marzo de 2016. Seguro que os gusta. Os esperamos.

Gracias de nuevo

Nota: La ilustración del post es un cuadro de Daniel García Vázquez que ha cedido generosamente para incluir en las recompensas. ¿Os gusta? Es el Circo del Arte de Emilio Aragón en acuarela y tinta.

#04 / En la mitad de días, la mitad del objetivo

Estimad@s amig@s

Estamos felices. Hoy hemos conseguido superar la mitad de nuestro objetivo. Las aportaciones son muy generosas —muchísimas gracias, de corazón— así que estamos convencidos de que dentro de 24 días podremos brindar con vosotros por el éxito de esta campaña. Sois nuestros patronos, nuestros mecenas. Y nos sentimos orgullosos de contar con vosotros como soporte del futuro Centro de Documentación.

Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en esta aventura

El equipo Carampa

#03 / ¡¡Superamos los 2.000 €!!

Hola patron@s y amig@s

Tengo una buena noticia para tod@s. A 26 días del fin del crowdfunding hemos superado los 2.000€. Muchas gracias a tod@s, de verdad. Haremos un último esfuerzo para conseguir nuestro objetivo. Seguro que lo logramos entre tod@s. Muchas gracias :)

#01 / Hemos comenzado

Nada podía resultar más reconfortante que acabar el día con cinco patronos. 5 mecenas. Muchas gracias, de verdad. Esperamos conseguir nuestro objetivo que ahora ya es un objetivo de todxs vodotrxs.

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