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An horror/fantasy short-film that mixes live-action characters with stop-motion animation. Enjoy the thrilling adventures of a little girl lost within an old and mysterious amusement park….

Alfonso Bonet

A project of


Created in

From 4.000€
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Luna, a 12 year-old girl, gets lost in the forest after the family car breaks down on the road. Out of nowhere, in the middle of the forest, appears a strange and spectacular amusement park: Limboland.

In the beginning, Limboland seems like a fun and wonderful place, but bit by bit, she’ll discover the horrible hidden secrets of the park.

Limboland is our final project for ESCAC (Film School of Catalonia). It’s a short film that brings together live-action characters with a stop-motion world through a wide set of special effects.

¿How will we use your contributions?

· To finish Limboland’s scale model (done at a 1:30 scale)
· To build a full scale roller-coaster wagon to use during filming.
· To build a full scale basket for the free fall ride (Parachute Jump)
· To shoot dangerous and daring scenes like jumping off a moving roller-coaster Indiana Jones’ style!
· To complete the stop-motion animation process (which will take about two months) which includes: the park model for the backgrounds and the stop-motion characters: the popcorn, the candy box, the soda can and the toffee apple…

¡Delicious Rewards!

  • Four animation puppets from the movie. 100% hand-made

  • A miniature replica of an old bumper car

  • A special edition barrel organ from Limboland: a little music box shaped as an old 1900’s barrel organ.

  • A piece of the original roller coaster model used in the short film! The pieces will be distributed by order of arrival: the first ones to contribute will be the first ones to pick which piece they want (the loop is our favorite)

  • The visitors’ pack includes a special Limboland bag, a bookmark with Tillie’s head, a map of the park so you won’t get lost (we can’t guarantee that the rides won’t magically change places), and a vintage brochure of the park.

  • The golden ticket will arrive in your homes before the regular viewing, so you’ll be able to enjoy Limboland before anyone else does!

  • The DVD will include the short film and a making off besides fantastic drawings and various concept-arts!

  • The CD with the score by Anzê Rozman, which will transport you to a magical and dangerous world. You can listen to a sample of his work here:
  • The Jimboland chest: the movies and short films of the director in a nice design!

Here you can check out more short films and animated movies done by the director.


Filming is scheduled to begin this next December and will span throughout the Christmas vacations (from the 23rd of December to the 7th of January). Editing will take place during January and will be followed by two months entirely dedicated to animating the models and to VFX.

After this, the sound design will take place, lasting between three and four months (you have to take into account that we will be creating the sound completely from scratch). So, all in all, the short film will be completed around August and September 2016. The rewards will be delivered then.


Jim Sorribas Soler: Director

Alba Tejero: Assistant Director

Alba Molas: Screenwriter

Alfonso Bonet: Production Director

Carles Iniesta: Director of Photography

Laia Pallarès: Art Director

Juli Creus: VFX

Anna Novell: Sound Design

Alfonso Ruiz: Editing

+ Info

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  • vicrogo


    over 3 years

    Creo que el proyecto difícilmente se va a llevar a cabo, pero no me parece muy ético dar la callada por respuesta.

  • Daniel Espinosa (Cementerio de Noticias)

    Daniel Espinosa (Cementerio de Noticias)

    over 4 years

    2 años más desde el último mensaje y nada..., sería conveniente informar a los mecenas del estado actual del proyecto; gracias...

  • david


    over 6 years

    Colaboré con 35 euros y a día de hoy no he recibido nada de nada.

  • Alfonso Bonet

    Alfonso Bonet

    about 9 years

    Hola Pablo. Los gastos de envío son cosa nuestra, a los mecenas os dejamos la parte divertida, las recompensas!

  • PaulDj


    about 9 years

    Los gastos de envío en la península de las recompensas corren por cuenta del mecenas o del creador?

  • Vicente Rodríguez González

    Vicente Rodríguez González

    about 9 years

    He participado con una aportación de 35 euros, pero gustaría cambiarla por una de 100, ¿cómo podríamos hacer? El proyecto es genial, tiene que saliiiiir.

  • Miquel Díaz

    Miquel Díaz

    about 9 years

    Hola Jim

    Tengo ya el video donde te entrevisté en el salón del manga


    Apareces en el minuto 17:34

  • FK Garrucha

    FK Garrucha

    about 9 years


    ¿Que tamaño tienen aproximadamente los cuatro muñecos y el coche?


  • Alfonso Bonet

    Alfonso Bonet

    about 9 years

    Hola Félix, el coche mide 20 cm de largo por 10 de largo. En cuanto a los muñecos, son a escala real, así que depende de cada uno (las palomitas son del menú infantil 😊)

    Muchas gracias por tu pregunta.

  • Félix


    about 9 years

    Hola. ¿Que tamaño tienen aproximadamente los cuatro muñecos y el coche? Gracias.

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