Many thanks to the 265 backers to make the new Citysens garden a reality!!! We keep in touch at
The goal of this crowdfunding campaign is to coproduce with you the first units of the new Citysens garden, the first one that suits the urban lifestyle.
¿What is Citysens?
Citysens is an adaptive self-watering vertical garden that will take care of your plants.
Many of us don't have time or space to take care of our plants.
Vertical, so it doesn't occupy the room you need for other things.
Automatic, so you don't worry any more about watering plants.
Easy, convenient and environmetally friendly.
CITYSENS was made to:
Keep your plants beautiful at all times.
Take care of your plants while you're traveling.
Grow your own urban garden.
Make the first steps in hydroponics
9. + INFO
1. Citysens in the media
2. Rewards
The rewards are limited. Final prices will be 30% higher.
You'll receive your Citysens vertical gardens before Christmas.
New strech goals
Let's improve the rewards!! To celebrate that we have reached 100% we have prepared new strech goals. ** If we reach the new targets we will improve all the rewards and offer new plant fmilies**
15,000€ goal UNLOCKED We'll customize each garden with the serial number and the backer's name (in the language the backer prefers)
20,000€ goal UNLOCKED New plant family option: orchids' family. This family consists of 2 orchids and 4 hanging plants.
25,000€ goal UNLOCKED!!! WiFi timer included in CITYSENS KIT: Control your garden irrigation system from your mobile phonel, wherever you are.
CITYSENS KIT consists of:
The base with wooden deck
Water level
A water pump
A timer
Up to 4 structure pots
The top silicone cover
Up to 4 rack pots
A nebulizer
Nutrients for one year
Substrate for hydroponics: rockwool and peach pits
What timer options are available
Analog Timer: a safe bet for hydroponic system or watering herbs at the balcony
Two analog timers: the easiest option to schedule a weekly watering. Ideal for plants with soil.
WiFi Timer: Control your garden irrigation system from your mobile phonel, wherever you are. Programmable weekly irrigation.
Timer not included in the starter kit. Only if the campaign achieves 25,000€ will be included in the kit.
Shipment to Spain included
Choose the 20€ reward for shipments to European countries. For shipments outside Europe, please contact Citysens team [email protected]
You'll receive an email to choose structure's color once you've made your pledge.
After this crowdfunding campaign, the price of the 4 pots garden will be 140€
What plants can I have with my new Citysens garden?
A. Placid blue: houseplant set of different green tones (they need 4h of indirect sun light).
B. Air purifiers: NASA selection of plants that purify the air (they need 4h of indirect sun light).
C. Aromatics: aromatics set for cooking or preparing teas (they need 6h of direct sun light)
D. Vital red: houseplant set of different green and red colors (they need 6h of indirect sun light).
You'll always be able to move the plants or change them for a new one.
3. Join us. How does Verkami work
We need your support to produce the first Cityens units. In exchange, you'll get big product descounts.
How does Verkami work?
STEP 1: Choose your reward. All rewards have 30% discount
STEP 2: Confirm your reward and choose the payment method.
STEP 3: Sdd your personal data.
STEP 4: Verkami will only charge you when the campaign ends the 13th november
STEP 5: IMPORTANT: the more backers we are, the better the rewards
That is why your support is so important, with your support the new Citysens garden will be a reality before Christmas and the project will be greatly boosted.
4. SEVEN reasons to get a Citysens garden today
ONE: it's a vertical garden
Citysens is a vertical garden designed to fit any space. It has a vertical structure which goes up to 1.5 m high and only 30 cm wide, where you can have more than 4 plants in the space of one.
TWO: it's a home farming solution
Citysens makes it easy to have an urban garden to enjoy your herbs or vegetables at home or in the office.
The garden design makes it easy to add or change any plant whenever you want (pot bottom diameter of 12 cm).
Sorry, you no longer have an excuse to invite your friends to mojitos or cook your couple's favourite dish.
THREE: it's self-watering system
The Citysens key it's is self-watering system. The structure's base is a water tank and a small water pump, connected to a timer, waters the plants every day. We've taken into account all the details: the water pump is quite, it's power consumption is only 0.15€/year and you can go up to 30 days without re-watering.
FOUR: upgrade to hydroponics
Incredible, but true. It turns out that the automatic watering Citysens can also fertilize plants. This is possible thanks to hydroponics, which is nothing more than growing plants without soil. In hydroponics plants feed on the minerals that are dissolved in the irrigation water. It is a clean, efficient and sustainable system for enjoying plants in urban environments.
Citysens self-watering system mimics the water cicle in nature, reusing water and nutrients each time. The hydroponic watering system saves up to 50% water and nutrients compared to a conventional irrigation system and has a power consumption of only 0.15 €/year! It's definitely worth it!
FIVE: It's unique design
Citysens design is a result of the work from Lúcid Product Design Agency from Barcelona and the Swedish designer Pär Blanking.
Citysens perfectly combines Barcelona's creativity and Swedish' simplicity to create a fresh, practical, sustainable and high quality product.
Its structure and irrigation system were designed together. No tubes, no more connections, no hassles. The irrigation system is mounted while you mount the structure. The result is comfortable, safe and clean.
SIX: Customize your garden again and again
Citysens is modular so you can assemble and customize the garden to your taste in less than 5 minutes. Choose between two structure colors, black and white, between 3 different heights and place the pots in 4 different positions to create your unique vertical structure.
SEVEN: it's a sustainable product
Citysens is a sustainable and environmentally friendly product. It is mounted and packed at the Santa Teresa Foundation, a workplace that gives job opportunities to people at risk of social exclusion.
The structure is made of 100% reciclable polypropilene.
When upgrading to hydroponics, instead of soil we use peach bones, a waste material from Spanish juice industry which we turn into the substrate where roots grow and find water, nutrients and oxigen. Our tests show that this is a good material to grow plants in hydroponics.
Citysens is a company with values. We foster economic, social and environmental sustainability through an entrepreneurial and innovative initiative.
5. Experts say
Javier i Felipe / 5 floristeria / Tarragona
"We think it's a project that will succeed both in Spain and in Europe. We believed in Citysens from the beginning."
Xavi / Flors Lloveras / Barcelona
"It's a very well designed product. Bring me two when it's ready."
Ibon / Ibon and krais / Bilbao
"Innovation and quality are our hallmark. Citysens fits perfectly in our flower shop"
Rosa Maria / Artverd / Terrassa
"Bring me a Citysens today!"
Daniel / Daniel Fombuena / Valencia
"We like Citysens garden! We are always looking for innovations for our clients"
6. CITYSENS STORY: a colaborative project
Citysens was born in January 2012, when Xavi Rius made his first hydroponic vertical garden in his office. At this time, Xavi was doing his PhD in nanosensors at the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona.
After completing his doctoral thesis, Xavi started working with Francisco Andrade and Par Blanking (members of the Innovation Hub of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili) to explore the opportunities behind the relationship of people and nature in cities. With Carlos, Maria, Nuria, MªJosé and Remei we found that the main barriers to enjoy nature in cities are time, space and knowledge ... so we started working on Citysens to solve these issues!
We talked with more than 250 people and polished the initial idea with 5 prototypes. Then, we developed the first minimum viable product, which was well received by the first 70 customers.
The opinion and ideas from Beatriz, Xavi, Mireia, Oriol, Luisja, Josep M, Sandra, Raquel, Marc and the rest of the initial 70 customers (now friends) has improved the design of the garden to what we proudly launch in this crowdfunding campaign.
7. Timeline
This campaign ends on November 13th
You'll receive your Citysens vertical gardens before Christmas.
8. Team
Gradually Citysens team has grown to make the project possible: today the team consists of Xavi Rius, Blanca Serres, Par Blanking (Borders Crossing), Francisco Andrade (Innovation Hub), F. Xavier Rius, Pol Hortal, Maria Rius (Nua Arquitecturas), Veronica Ferrer ( and Valentí Acconcia (
An important part of the project is the partnership we have created with Lucid Product Design Agency (Terrassa, Barcelona).
We thank the support received from
NUA arquitectures (Tarragona)
Fundació Santa Teresa (Vendrell, Tarragona)
Moldblade (Valencia)
Alberto Luque (Málaga)
Floriplant (Tarragona)
Innovation Hub in Facultad de Química at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)
Xavier Mas, Joan Ovejo and Tarragona Impulsa team (Tarragona)
STARTUP CATALONIA accelerator program
5 flower shop & mood shop (Tarragona)
La Industria de la Goma (Tarragona)
Freytam (Tarragona)
Pixel Moreno (Tarragona)
NAM Arquitectura (Tarragona)
...and to all of you, the backers of this crowdfunding campaign, for being part of Citysens story.
11. + Info
We are available 24/7 through any of this channels
Email: [email protected]
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Hola Khryx! Claro que si, sin problema!!
Gracias a ti!!
Hola!!! Llego por los pelos!!!! Si quiero dos jardines y cojo la opción de 210 €, lo podéis enviar a dos domicilios diferentes en España? Muchas gracias!!!!
Hola Marta,
enviaremos uno u otro, el que cada mecenas prefiera.
Si un mecenas quiere los dos lo tendremos que hablar de forma personalizada por email o teléfono.
Si llegamos a 25.000 y conseguimos el WiFi; ¿igualmente incluiríais el analógico?
¡Aún quedan 48h para llegar a los 25.000€ Marta!
¡¡Todos a escribir emails y inundar las redes sociales del link de la campaña!! y seguro que lo conseguiremos
Oooohhhh por 600€... ¿Nos vamos a quedar sin riego por WiFi? Oooohhhh
Hola Joan!
estaríem molt contents de col·laborar amb
Sisplau, envieu-nos la vostra adreça postal a [email protected] per enviar-vos una de les nostres bombes i indicar-vos el contacte del proveedor per si en necessiteu comprar més.
Felicitats pel projecte!!!
Des de l'associació estem treballant amb prototips similars però pel cultiu de la microalga espirulina. Ens podríeu dir la marca de la bomba d'aigua silenciosa que utlitzeu i on trobar-la?
Moltes gràcie
¡Hola Marta!
Nos explicamos: hemos hecho muchas pruebas con plantas aromáticas y hemos visto que transplantar una planta aromática adulta de tierra a cultivo hidropónico es complicado y pocas plantas aguantan el transplante. Es mejor crecer la planta aromática des de plantel hidropónico directamente o cultivar las plantas aromáticas con tierra en nuestro jardín vertical.
Podemos hacer las dos cosas, según cada mecenas prefiera: enviar el plantel hidropónico (sin tierra) o enviar plantas adultas con tierra. Ambas soluciones funcionan bien con el jardín Citysens.
Entre una opción u otra cambia la cantidad y frecuencia de riego. Al enviaros las plantas os indicaremos la frecuencia y cantidad de riego ideal para vuestras plantas.
Cuando las plantas aromáticas crecen no hay problema en tanto a las hojas porque ya se van podando para ser consumidas. En tanto a las raíces:
a) Utilizando plantel hidropónico, la raíz sin tierra va creciendo por todo el sustrato hidropónico.
b) Utilizando macetas con tierra el crecimiento es el común en una maceta.
¡Y muy importante en las plantas aromáticas: necesitan sol directo! Lo ideal es 6h al día :-)
Tenemos muchas ganas de enviaros vuestros jardines...¡ya queda poco!
¡Un abrazo Marta!
¡Hola! He pedido el pack de 4 macetas + 4 plantas, 2 preguntas:
Prefiero plantas aromáticas pero he leído en otro comentario que mejor tierra, o enviaríais plantel.¿A qué os referís?¿Podéis explicar un poco +?
¿Qué pasa cuando las plantas crecen?