What is Dark Frontier
The story and the card game of Dark Frontier elapses in a rich in planets and unknown civilizations universe. With your decks you become a space scoutship captain that travels through space searching for new planets. While each faction has its own intentions, every living being on the universe is interested in finding Cristal. This mineral is the best fuel known, food for weird beings, the ritual stone of ancient civilizations, the most valuable treasure for smugglers and much more. Your mission in every single game is command a spaceship that lands in a planet to destroy it, gather its resources or colonize it before the rival spaceships.
Game Features
Players: from 1 to 4, as a couple, teaming, playing solo mode or in duel.
How much time to play a game: from 15 – 45 minutes, depending on the game mode and the ammount of players.
Language: content totally in spanish. We also have the content totally in english, for our captains from out of Spain.
How can I play Dark Frontier?
In Dark Frontier, the players enliven a spaceship captain on its search of crystal in the galaxy limits. Upon arrival to a new each captain has to make a choice: colonize it, extract all the crystal, destroy it or face the enemy spaceships he finds there.
There are different game modes in Dark Frontier.
The story mode for 1 or 2 players, where playing more than 15 different stages you will be active part of the story of Dark Frontier. Choose the stage you want to play, the ammount of players, one of the two Factions that are in the stage and live the temporal moment of the stage. Sometimes you will start with additional cards in field, depending on the stage chosen.
The Multiplayer Mode for up to 4 players, where you and your friends will face in battles with up to four different factions for conquering space. Build your own decks and play with and against your friends, or choose a predefined stage and create the decks following the instructions in the rulebook and play to the end.
The Duel Mode for two players, where after building your own decks, you will face in a fierce battle. In this mode each player will build its own decks, with 40 cards minim and up to three copies of each card in the deck, to face its rival.
In each game mode , each player will have at the start of the game different things:
Decks and Spaceship. Each player will start the game with two decks from 25 to 40 cards (depends on the game mode) each one and one Spaceship in front of its game area. In the Army Deck you will find the Troops, Reactions, Equips and Improvements, while in the Orders Deck you will find the Actions, Events and Buildings. The max copies allowed of each card is 3.
Starting Hand. Each players draws seven cards at the start of the game combined as he or she wants between Orders cards and Army cards, drawing at least one of each deck, and keeps his or her hand hidden from the other players.
Discard Piles. Each player has two discard piles, one for the Army and another for the Orders. The cards which are destroyed, discarded or with a single use (as Actions or Reactions) goes to their proper discard pile.
Vanished Zone. Whenever a card is Vanished, goes to this place. During a game, a vanished card can't be recovered in any way.
Colonization Zone. This marker with your Faction's Symbol is the Colonization Zone, where you have to mark with counters or dices the ammount of Colonization Points you have each moment. At the start of the game place in the Colonization Zone as much Colonization points as your spaceship has.
Crystal Marker. The Crystal Marker is placed on your spaceship at the start of the game. It will allow you to generate Crystal from your Spaceship, shoot the cannons of your Spaceship or trigger certain abilities that requires to remove the Crystal Marker.
Each player will follow the order of the turn in the same way. But there are a lot of different win and lose conditions, conditions chosed by each player when is building its Dark Frontier decks.
Enjoy a unique game experience with the innovative and fun win conditions of Dark Frontier!
Check the Rulebook if you want to know more about the card types of Dark Frontier.
The extended rulebook will be given to each one that acquires a SPACE EXPLORER box or higher in PDF format. It has more than 50 pages, a detailed glossary, every single stage, factions undertone, stories and advices.
Factions in the Universe
There are six major Factions in the Dark Frontier universe:
Within technology, the humanity has advanced big steps under the direction of the New Government. Few millenium ago our home planet was destroyed, and we were forced to travel far from the known stars. Nowadays we're pariahs in the universe fighting close to each other to survive.
When you've dreamed with monsters under your bed you were slightly connecting to the Thrigots Synaptics. These tentacled and formless creatures appears from nowhere exterminating everything they touch. We know nothing about them, unless that they are a common danger to every life being, even for themselves
The universe is infinite, and when a Zrug merchant ship made contact for the first time trying to sell all kinds of things, we found that even in the stars are people that will trade with their relatives for few coins. Reptiliand and bug-shaped beings are what they are, and they work for money, money and more money
The Nixzits are a heartless parasytes that were found as a mistake in a far away planet. They coexist with us without our known in every sphere of the society. They have appeared from shadows surprisingly to control the Crystal trade from all galaxy
The Valcerians follow the religious dogma of the Great Glowing Ball, that can be found in the planet Bed-oul. This ball, after centuries dictating the same orders to their believers, has ordered to gather all the pure Crystal of the universe. Being happy to complain, the Valcerians have started to explore the space for first time in hundreds of years
Until the end of the war, this telephatic monks stopped all the communications with the other factions. After 30 years of calm and meditation, the recently ellected and war-likely leader of the Calhum counsel has decide that they have to make front the new menace from the limits of the unverse
Visit our Facebook page or our Verkami blog to find more info, pics and new from the game!
Content of the Dark Frontier boxes
There are three types of Dark Frontier boxes:
The Basic box of the game. Includes from 235 cards to 275 cards, depends on the unblocked goals, between three Factions (Tel·lus, Thrigot, Zrug), and neutral cards.
3 Spaceship Cards, one per faction
57 Tel·lus Cards
55 Thrigot Cards
54 Zrug Cards
66 Neutral Cards
3 Paperboard Crystal Marker
3 Paperboard Colonization Zones
Paperboard markers with numbers to count structure and colonization
Rulebook and Stage book with 16 pages
Extended Rulebook, with more stages and story mode in PDF
The Deluxe box of the game. Includes from 460 cards to 500 cards, depends on the unblocked goals, between six Factions (Tel·lus, Thrigot, Zrug, Nixzit, Valcerian, Calhum), and neutral cards.
11 Spaceship Cards, two per faction (one for the Nixzit)
61 Tel·lus Cards
61 Thrigot Cards
63 Zrug Cards
37 Nixzit Cards
61 Valcerian Cards
61 Calhum Cards
105 Neutrales Cards
6 Paperboard Crystal Marker
6 Paperboard Colonization Zones
Learn to play quick guide
Paperboard markers with numbers to count structure and colonization
Rulebook and Stage book with 16 pages
Extended Rulebook, with more stages and story mode in PDF
You can get other 2 special LIMITED and exclusive packs of the box FLEET ADMIRAL, called FIRST OFFICER and GENERAL COMMANDER.
Everything that FLEET ADMIRAL includes
Your face in a card of the game and in the graphic novel. Join our héroes in the Gryphus on its galaxy travels!
Everything that FLEET ADMIRAL includes
Your collaboration in the making of of the 10 promotional cards from the first expansion of the game. Join actively the future events of Dark Frontier!
This pledge of 10€ is an add-on that you can make to any other pledge with more value. When you get a FIRST CONTACT, you will choose a Faction (Tel·lus, Thrigot, Zrug, Nixzit, Valcerian, Calhum).
Inside the box FIRST CONTACT, you will find 75 cards
In the Tel·lus, Thrigot o Zrug you will find:
1 Tel·lus Spaceship, The Gryphus
57 Tel·lus Cards
17 Neutral Cards
1 Thrigot Spaceship, The Devourer
55 Thrigot Cards
19 Neutral Cards
1 Zrug Spaceship, The Sybilline Mausoleum
52 Zrug Cards
22 Neutral Cards
The cards from the Tel·lus, Thrigot or Zrug packs will be found in the box SPACE EXPLORER or the box FLEET ADMIRAL
In the Valcerian or Calhum you will find:
2 Spaceships from the chosen Faction.
61 Cards from the chosen Faction.
12 Neutral Cards that are NOT in the basic box (different as choosing faction)
The cards from the Valcerian o Calhum packs will be found in the box FLEET ADMIRAL, FIRST OFFICER and GENERAL COMMANDER
In the Nixzit you will find:
4 Spaceships: one Nixzit, one Thrigot, one Zrug and one Tel·lus, The Chronicler, The Sin Eater, The Merchant of Zrag'L-adar and The Conqueror
37 Nixzit Cards
4 New Tel·lus cards that aren't in the SPACE EXPLORER box
6 New Thrigot cards that aren't in the SPACE EXPLORER box
9 New Zrug cards that aren't in the SPACE EXPLORER box
15 New Neutral cards that aren't in the SPACE EXPLORER box
The cards from the Nixzit packs will be found in the box FLEET ADMIRAL, FIRST OFFICER and GENERAL COMMANDER
May 5th to June 14th: Verkami campaing.
June 14th to July 20th: making of of additional pics from patrons and rewards.
July 20th to September 1st: game production
September 1st: Game distribution to patrons.
Why contribute.
1 - We are constanly on touch
What matters to you, matters to us, that is why we appreciate your opinion. No answer will remain unanswered or a private message will remain unattended!
2 - You make the game better for everyone
We will reach the exclusive goals thanks to you. More contents, more story, more pics that will only be possible with your support.
3 - Exclusiveness
The Verkami campaing adds a lot of extras that we will only distribute in promotional way to you, the contributors. If anyone wants to get them far in the future they will have to contact us in individual way.
4 - You will get the game before anyone else
As contributors you’re the most important for us, so you’ll get the game before it would be found in stores.
5 - Dark Frontier needs you
We’ve work so hard so much time to make the game, making a rich and innovative universe, but we can’t finish the game and work on its expansions without your support. Yeah, that means that without your contributions, the game will never exist!
Where to follow us
You can find us in:
Web: http://www.darkfrontieruniverse.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darkfrontierCG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkFrontierU
Mail: [email protected]
Unlockable Goals
As we reach the fundation goal, this goals will be unlocked and added to every box of SPACE EXPLORER, FLEET ADMIRAL, FIRST OFFICER and GENERAL COMMANDER.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Studio Kat
¡Hola! Aún no me ha llegado el paquete, no se qué ha podido ocurrir. ¿Podéis mirarlo?
Buenas, todavia estoy a la espera de mi copia, he confirmado que envié los datos y no tengo mas noticia, ¿podeis decirme como esta la cosa? gracias!! un saludo
Buenas tardes. El juego me a llegado, tendría que empezar a preocuparme por no recibir el juego?¿
Buena noches, no tengo ninguna noticia del juego.. debería haberme llegado?
Dark Frontier
A partir del viernes de esta semana. No debería tardar más allá de este miércoles en llegarte :). Igualmente ya hemos recibido de vuelta uno de los paquetes (que no era el tuyo y la persona ya ha sido contactada) por falta de datos en la pegatina de envío, así que los tenemos todos controlados :D.
A partir de que día tendría que empezar a preocuparme por no recibir el juego?¿
Dark Frontier
Dos personas :D. Perdon por la tardanza, pero llevamos unos días...
Joel Bayona
Buenas, soy mecenas y me gustaría saber si con el pack Early Bird de 30€ podrán jugar dos personas, o sólo sirve para una. Gracias :D
Dark Frontier
Estamos pendientes de recibir el material, y solicitando los nombres y direcciones de todos los mecenas para poder mandarlos en cuanto lo tengamos :D. ¡Gracias por la espera, merece la pena!
Hola, soy mecenas y he participado en 2 Cajas Deluxe. ¿Cuanto queda para que empecéis con los envíos? Estoy deseando echarle el guante :) . Un saludo y enorabuena.