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Yes, we fuck!

Yes, we fuck" is a project-documentary that seeks to address sexuality in people with functional diversity, called disabled.

From 12.000€
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Yes, we fuck! is a documentary that seeks not only to address sexuality in people with functional diversity, but also a project where people participate to communicate their ideas and, above all, question themselves. Social networks are fundamental. The elaboration process is also being useful to establish connections with different groups and collectives that are working on political problematics related to body and sexuality (functional diversity, feminisms, transfeminisms, LGBT, queer, intersex, fat activism, etc.)


This documentary shows 6 stories about sex and functional diversity. They are real stories where sex becomes a pleasure weapon for the individual and collective people rights.

-1st story: Post-op

The Post Op collective, interdisciplinary group related to gender investigation and post-pornography carries out a workshop on post-porn and functional diversity.

-2nd story; Miriam and Pama

Miriam, a person a wheelchair, opens the doors of her house to show us her love story with her partner Pama, born in India.

-3rd story; Oriol y Linda

Oriol , diagnosed with cerebral palsy, is always trying to explore new things and enjoy life fully. On this occasion, he contacts online with Linda, who offers BDSM services. They both live their first experience: Oriol with BDSM and Linda with a person with functional diversity.

-4th story; Mertxe

Mertxe is a blind person who has been all her life interested in sexuality and in feminist movements. She finds out about a workshop in Madrid on “cunts ejaculation”, and she obviously takes part in it. She meets there Kani, a boy who was diagnosed feminine sex when he was born.

-5th story: intellectual diversity

A group of boys and girls with intellectual diversity talk about their preferences and worries around sexual practices. At the same time, their parents explain how they have influenced on their children’s sexual life.

-6th story; ?

We have not filmed our sixth story yet, it is offered to people who would like to explain their own stories. Yes, we fuck! is a project that contributes people to empower themselves through their body and their sexuality. This last story would be the first one coming after the documentary; people with a hand-held camera empowering themselves: showing their own reality.

Yes, we fuck! origins

It all started in the summer of 2012 from a conversation between Antonio Centeno and Raúl de la Morena, documentary maker and author of the film “Editar una vida” (2005). This documentary compares life in an institution with an independent life. Crushing. It is equally devastating a few years later. It could be released again and still prevail, although there was an important progress in the 2006 law on personal autonomy and disabled people’s rights.).

It made us conclude that a big part of the problematic is related with things which are not presented in a written form, but in a collective imaginary that still remains anchored to the past. An imaginary that still sees the confinement in institutions as a possible solution. An imaginary that makes people with functional diversity more childish, as it still sustains that biology makes them “naturally dependent”. In an scenario such as this, dignity can only be reached by dying (Ramón Sampedro), regaining health (Christopher Reeve) or being a hero (Stephen Hawking).

For all these reasons, it is clear to us the need to break the pairing childish-dependent, terms that turn into a vicious cycle and make impossible any ideological or legal improvements. In this sense came out the idea of filming a documentary on sexuality and functional diversity: “Yes, we fuck!”

Obama’s Campaign “Yes, we (can) fuck!”

“Yes, we fuck!” The title parodies the famous Obama’s campaign that brought him to the White House. It is a declaration of interests: it is not about describing a piece of reality, it is more about blowing up the collective imaginary that visualizes people with functional diversity as non-sexual beings. Our strategy is to show real stories with explicit images that reveal people with functional diversity as sexual beings, as bodies which desire and are desired. We want these images to break our notion of being normal and challenge our ideas on desire, pleasure and beauty. It is all filmed in ordinary moments of our lives to help us understand the way of living, personal freedom and sexuality. Following intuition: you fuck how you live, and you live how you fuck.

Yes, we fuck! more than a documentary

Beyond the final result, the process of elaboration and production is being very rewarding in relation to social activism. The word “we” in the title has been meeting and discovering different groups that have in common our political work on and from our bodies (feminisms, transfeminisms, queer, functional diversity, fat activism) The word “fuck” has become more complex, as the idea was not to fit the norm, but to demolish it and make a valuable contribution to the required transformation of how we represent and experience human sexuality.

Be part of the documentary Yes, we fuck!

Be part of the documentary Yes, we fuck! Send a short video (webcam) telling us what sex is for you.

Duration max. 10 sec.

Contact: [email protected]

We'll get in touch with you to use it in the documentary Yes, we fuck!

Our T-shirts Yes, we fuck!

Blue and yellow T-shirts, Size: xxl, xl, l, m, s.

Yes, we fuck! in the media

Blog Las Horas Muertas
Diario El País

Project Steps Yes, we Fuck!

Step 1. Spread the word about our project in social networks

Step 2. Film the documentary Yes, we fuck!

Step 3. Broadcasting and media campaign.

Step 4. Consolidate ourselves as a platform to promote the creation of visual contents and discussions on sexuality, body and people with functional diversity.

We are right now in Step 2, and we expect to reach Step 3 in the first quarter 2015.

What are your contributions for?

Your contributions will help with the production and postproduction of the documentary, and to succeed in the two final steps of our project with a big media campaign in audiovisual festivals and other places of interest.

In the final stage of our project, Yes we fuck! wants to consolidate as a platform to promote the creation of visual contents and discussions on sexuality, body and people with functional diversity.

Expected Schedule

We have planned to finish the documentary in the first quarter 2015, and then continue with our project in Facebook and in our website.

+ Info



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  • Ranas Rebeldes

    Ranas Rebeldes

    almost 10 years

    Hola, somos un colectivo transfeminista de Salamanca y estamos pensando organizar unas jornadas posporno en las que nos gustaría difundir o estrenar el documental Yes, we fuck en mayo, ¿cómo podemos hacer? ¿estará ya? GRACIAS!

  • Marco


    almost 10 years

    quando si potrà vedere gratis il documentario?

  • Yes, we fuck!

    Yes, we fuck!

    almost 10 years

    Envíanos e-mail a [email protected] y lo comentamos.

  • Eduardo


    about 10 years

    He llegado tarde al Crowdfunding, pero me gustaría compraros una camiseta. Cómo puedo hacerlo?


  • borxeta


    about 10 years

    Buenas, sólo quería hacer una pregunta sobre el tema... está muy bien que se quiera adoptar términos como "diversidad funcional", etc... pero ¿"gordxs"?

    ¿Es que nadie va a pensar en los "gordxs"?

  • Yes, we fuck!

    Yes, we fuck!

    about 10 years

    Hola Mónica, sí el documental incorporará subtítulos en castellano, inglés, subtítulos para sordxs y audiodescripción en castellano.

  • Mónica


    about 10 years

    Una duda, ¿el documental (DVD) incorporará subtítulos? Soy una persona sorda, por lo que según se incorporen o no, realizaré una aportación. Gracias!

  • Yes, we fuck!

    Yes, we fuck!

    about 10 years

    Hola, todavía no hay fecha fijada, per nuestro propósito es que sea para Marzo, aunque no te puedo asegurar nada de momento.

  • Alicia


    about 10 years

    Me gustaría saber la fecha del estreno en Madrid, si ya está fijada... No lo he visto por ningún lado. Gracias, y felicidades por el gran trabajo que estáis realizando.

  • Alicia Maria Figueras Ballesteros

    Alicia Maria Figueras Ballesteros

    about 10 years

    Soy Sexologa y Tanatóloga, y me gustaría mucho participar con uds en este proyecto, vivo en Pachuca Hidalgo, México y he trabajado la parte de sensibilización en el tema de Sexualidad y personas con discapacidad, así que estoy a sus ordenes y muchas

#17 / Simbolismos y alianzas para una revuelta de los cuerpos

Para cambiar de manera sustancial las políticas vinculadas a la diversidad funcional es necesario visibilizar esa realidad, problematizarla, desnaturalizarla y politizarla. Resulta imprescindible romper el círculo vicioso dependencia-infantilización: si son “naturalmente” dependientes son como niñxs, y viceversa, si les vemos como niñxs es natural que sean dependientes. El artículo recoge tres experiencias que apuntan hacia el cambio de paradigma:

Yes, we fuck!, un documental sobre sexualidad y diversidad funcional, Assex, un

grupo de autogestión de asistencia sexual, y Nexos, un corto de post-porno queer-crip.

Texto completo

#16 / ¿Qué es el Sexo? - What is sex? / Marta - amiga de Yes, we fuck!

Participa en el documental Yes, we fuck! y envíanos un video (webcam) explicándonos que es el sexo par ti.

Duración máx. 10seg.

Contactar a través de [email protected]

Nos podremos en contacto con vosotros para poderlo utilizar en el Documental Yes, we fuck!.

Be part of the documentary Yes, we fuck! Send a short video (webcam) telling us what sex is for you.

Duration max. 10 sec.

Contact: [email protected]

We'll get in touch with you to use it in the documentary Yes, we fuck!

#13 / Anormalopatia

"En sí lo que resulta insoportable de devenir raretx es la regulación, segregación y formas de disciplinamiento, por lo tanto, planear la fuga y resistir el adoctrinamiento resulta necesario, para quitarle el valor negativo del señalamiento, del estigma, para convertirlo en un lugar de gozo y así celebrar la insurrección frente a la normalidad reclamando la locura tan necesaria para inventar otros mundos posibles

#12 / Editar una vida

Estos días os hemos contado los orígenes de Yes, we fuck!, el documental Editar una vida fue vital para entender este apasionante proyecto.

#08 / Altave del Poble Sec

"Yes, we fuck!" en l'Altaveu del Poble Sec
“...i, sobretot, deixar de pensar que tot plegat és un tema de persones rares i entendre que el documental té a veure amb el desig i la fragilitat i que va contra el mite de l’individu autosuficient. Volem sacsejar la imatge clàssica que es té de la diversitat funcional i la sexualitat”. Al final, el documental té a veure amb “la llibertat de les persones, i la imatge i el control que s’exerceix sobre els cossos”

Revista Altaveu del Poble Sec

#07 / Muestra marrana 2015

CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA DE VÍDEO Y ARTE PARA LA MUESTRA MARRANA VII :: La Muestra Marrana es un festival internacional de postpornografía y sexualidades disidentes y está buscando materiales en formato vídeo y arte para su VII edición.
Muestra marrana

#06 / Lucas Platero nos envía este video....

Lucas Platero, docente e investigador sobre temas de género, sexualidad y corporalidades no envía este video, donde una hija de padres sordos que hace interpretación de lengua de signos norteamericana.

Entrevista a Lucas Platero

#04 / ¿Qué es el Sexo? - What is sex?

Participa en el documental Yes, we fuck! y envíanos un video (webcam) explicándonos que es el sexo par ti.

Duración máx. 10seg.

Contactar a través de [email protected]

Nos podremos en contacto con vosotros para poderlo utilizar en el Documental Yes, we fuck!.

Be part of the documentary Yes, we fuck! Send a short video (webcam) telling us what sex is for you.

Duration max. 10 sec.

Contact: [email protected]

We'll get in touch with you to use it in the documentary Yes, we fuck!

#03 / Muestra marrana 2014

María Llopis, Helen Torres, Lucrecia Masson, y Diana Junyent Torres nos hablan sobre el post porno, la nueva sección de la muestra, Postporno Tullido, y la sexualidad.

#02 / Diversexualidad

Aspaym Catalunya organiza con la colaboración de Sex Asistent la XIV jornada técnica donde se abordará la sexualidad desde un punto de vista diferente y se presentará la figura del asistente sexual.

#01 / Entrevista a Andrea Bardaji

Andrea Bardají es un testimonio con diversidad funcional que nos habla sobre su experiencia en el ámbito de la sexualidad. Andrea esta muy agradecida y orgullosa de su familia que siempre le ha apoyado en todos los ábitos de la vida.

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