I am EL TWANGUERO!, I play Twang guitar and travel the world searching for the essence of what will be my new project. I have crossed the Atlantic non-stop, to absorb the traditions and finally meet you, my dear patron, so with your help we can finish this journey together.
Those who are familiar with me know that I am a tireless ROOT MUSIC FREAK and I usually compose music based on my journeys.
I´ve always felt drawn to the American and Latin American music, In this new album I worked hard for merging both sounds. The TWANG with the Caribbean Rhythms, the SURF with the Mambo of PEREZ PRADO.
PACHUCO is the title of my new album, produced by the great Producer and Musician Candy Caramelo. After The Brooklyn Session and Argentina Songbook I continued my adventures in the Americas, making a stop in the Latin tradition that was born in Los Angeles in the 40´s. MAMBO, SWING, RUMBA and ROCKABILLY come together on this occasion, giving birth to an original repertoire, fast-paced and suitable for dancing and wildness.
PACHUCO will consist of PERCUSSION, DRUMS, BASS, GUITARS, VOCALS, TRUMPETS and other guest appearances.
- meet CANDY CARAMELO a recognized Spanish Producer and bassist, and one of my favourites in the whole world.
- meet JOSE NIÑO BRUNO a well-known Spanish drummer, a compulsive rhythm studious, and also one of my favourite drummers.
- meet MOISES PORRO from Cuba, a consecrated world citizen musician: everything he touches turns to magic. Also one of my favs.
- meet MANUEL MACHADO from Cuban, an inspiring elegant musician that makes everything sound perfectly crazy. A trumpet master. My fav.
Your contributions will go to the following items
We´ve been imagining it for years, working on IT 6 months, and 2 months playing it LIVE in Madrid to roll the repertoire.
Now is the most important step, and your contributions will make it possible. With them we will cover:
-A week of Recording Studio in Madrid.
-Mixes and Mastering.
-Cover and manufacturing of 1000 copies.
-First Single Video Clip.
About the Rewards
You will recieve **PACHUCO* at your address (available in USA, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Argentina) (in digital format all around the world):*
Download CARRETERAS SECUNDARIAS, (from 30 euros on) a topic not edited yet.
A special gift for CHRISTMAS of two INEDIT CAROLS composed by TWANGUERO, you can enjoy them by December 23 (ALL DIGITAL PACK option).
Expected Timetable
We will record the Album in December 2014.
Rewards Delivery:
Late February 2015 (Spain and Portugal)
Late March 2015 (México, Argentina, USA, Canada)
+ Info
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Para cuándo Sevilla?
Hola! soy mecenas, colaboré con 15 euros ¿cómo va el tema? no me llegó ningún mail y quería saber cuando estarán disponibles las descargas, gracias!!
Hola Diego. No se puede colaborar ya?. Un saludo.
El Twanguero
Hola Joku, la discografia completa seria en CD fisico. Por supuesto, habrá gira española con la misma formación. Las entradas te serviran para cualquier concierto de la gira 2015.
Hola Diego!
Una duda sobre el aporte de 100 euros...la discografia completa seria en cd fisico o descarga digital?
Y otra cosa habra gira española con la formacion que graba "Pachuco"?
Gracias y un saludo!
El Twanguero
Hola Damian, podemos hacer valer esa entrada para la presentacion en Buenos Aires.. todavía no hay fecha definida pero va a haber en breve seguramente.. slds!
Damian Pantaleone
La entrada para Madrid y Valencia, en mi caso que estoy en Argentina, como se solucionaria ?, esta en tus planes tocar en Baires ?,
El Twanguero
Hola Karine, la gira española será en Abril- Mayo y Junio de 2015. estamos trabajando para anunciar cuanto antes las fechas.
Hola Diego y enhorabuena!
Cuando se daría a conocer las fechas de los conciertos?
Muchas gracias
El Twanguero
Eso estaria genial!!