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Researching new tools for diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We are presenting a crowdfunding organized by ASSSEM to support the IrsiCaixa research project whose objective is to define new tools to diagnose Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ((ME/CFS)


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From 5.000€
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Did you know that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Sydrome…?

  • Is a complex illness that affects the immunological, neurological, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

  • It is of unknown etiology. The diagnosis is done through evaluating the symptoms.

  • In Spain, it affects, approximately 1 person in 1000.

  • ME/CFS is part of the so-called Central Sensitivity Syndromes (CSS), along with Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Electrohypersensibility, and most sufferers have more than one CSS at the same time.


Why should you collaborate in this research?

Right now, ME/CFS does not have the necessary recognition in our country. Despite the fact that a high percentage of those sick with it have it in a severe and incapacitating form, there is a lack of public financing to attend to this illness in a multidisciplinary manner. We depend on research like this to be able to put an end to 30 years of medical neglect and legal vulnerability which have added to the suffering of patients with ME/CFS, leaving so many of them socially excluded.

Who are we?

ASSSEM (Spanish Association of Health Professionals and Patients in Support of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Sydrome) is a non-profit organization established by people living with ME/CFS and professionals. We are now joining forces with the Insituto de Investigación del Sida IrsiCaixa (IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute) to help the research the relationship between the immune system and this illness.

What do we want to do?

The funds we receive will be used to finance the IrsiCaixa Research Project:

“Characterization of the T regulating cells in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) was defined as a neuroimmunological illness initially thanks to the work of Dr Nancy Klimas and of other research groups. Yet, since then, very few studies have gone further into the immunological aspects of this illness. In the past few years, the interest in the dysfunction of the immune system in patients with ME/CFS has grown and numerous research groups have started investigating in this area including IrsiCaixa.

“Characterization of the T regulating cells in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” is the name of the project we are seeking funds for. The objective of the study is to establish new tools for diagnosing, as well as understanding better the causes of ME/CFS and possible therapeutic directions. This project gives continuity to the study published last year by the same researchers which proves that there are 8 molecular alterations in people with ME/CFS which seem to be related to a faulty functioning of the immune system.

Regulator T cells (Tregs) are a key element in the immune system because they control both the response to pathogens and autoimmune responses. Given the fact that patients with ME/CFS have alterations in the control of pathogens (infections and reactivation of infections) and have autoimmune problems, the study of these cells could put forward relevant data that can help research.

The idea is to carry out a thorough investigation of regulator T cells, both in amount and function, to be able to determine how they influence in the immunological alterations described in the research published last year. The study will last one year and it will be carried out with the blood samples already stored in IrsiCaixa, so it will not make any more demands on patients.

Author:IrsiCaixa/Raimon Solà

How much do we need?

We need 29,000 euros to cover the whole research project. Initially we have set ourselves the objective of 5,000 euros, which is the minimum necessary to get this research going.

How long is the study?

The study will last for one year and the rewards become payable once the results are


There are none published yet.

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  • Alcion0558


    over 9 years

    Saludos desde Palma de Mallorca, Juan J, Peña
    Comentaros de la importancia de los Fotones en nuestro Cerebro.
    Mi mujer y yo (66-52 años) hemos investigado y probado las bondades y beneficios de dichos Fotones. [email protected] 634 418 402

  • pascamarquez@gmail.com

    [email protected]

    almost 10 years

    Mi pregunta es la sigüiente: he realizado una aportación para el proyecto, y cuando he hecho dicha aportación, constaba que tenia derecho a 6 cuotas gratis si me hacia socia, cosa que hace tiempo quiero hacer pero no se como.

  • Mercedes Alvarez

    Mercedes Alvarez

    about 10 years

    Padezco EM en un alto grado de discapacidad desde los 28 años (hace 15 años). Si necesitais pacientes para investigar contad conmigo. GRACIAS.

  • carmen gloria

    carmen gloria

    about 10 years

    YUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Ahora hay que volver a subirlo. Podemos!!!

  • marisa caballero

    marisa caballero

    about 10 years

    estoy diasnosticada de SFC y me gustaria poder hacer un donativo para la investigacion,y tambien poder hacerme las pruevas ¿como Hacerlo ?

  • Carlos


    about 10 years

    Es importante que actualicéis el reto de 5.000€ a 29.000€

    Si la gente entra aquí y ve que el reto de 5.000€ está conseguido, eso desmotiva a seguir donando, porque ya se ha conseguido...

  • josep ramon llacuna

    josep ramon llacuna

    about 10 years

    bueno dias,

    las aportaciones econòmicas a través de que canal y métodologia se deben hacer.

    gracias por vuestras atenciones.

  • Isabel


    about 10 years

    Hola ,yo aporte una cantidad y ahora quiero volver a donar y no me deja ,lo hice por Verkami,llevo unos días en cama y no tengo mucha movilidad,marco la cantidad introduzco mi email y mi contraseña y no puedo seguir con el pago!Gracias.



    about 10 years

    Buenas tardes Carmen:

    Mañana actualizaremos el reto a 15.000€ de momento y detacaremos que el presupuesto final son los 29.000€.

    Gracias por tu ayuda, te pedimos que sigas ayudándonos a difundir.

  • Carmen Gloria Pin

    Carmen Gloria Pin

    about 10 years

    Una vez que hemos superado los 5000€ iniciales, no se puede indicar que el objetivo final necesario es de 29.000€?? Gracias

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