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Barcelonnabis, the documentary

Barcelonnabis is a research documentary that explores the use of cannabis in Spain, focusing mainly in Barcelona. Starting from the existence of numerous associations cannabis. Barcelona is a pioneer in this model consumption and distribution of cannabis.


Created in

From 3.000€
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Is a documentary research that explores the use of cannabis in Spain, mainly focusing on Barcelona. Based on the existence of partnerships as an alternative to cannabis prohibition.

For two years we have conducted over a hundred interviews. We witnessed several events related to the world of cannabis, carried out a research.

Literature, monitoring today and the media, especially the interviews are the elements that constitute the backbone of this project, still in progress.


These associations gradually expanded throughout Spain. Barcelona has pioneered this model of consumption and distribution of cannabis and its derivatives. According to its statutes, the common goal of cannabis consumption clubs is to supply members of cannabis grown in healthy conditions and controlled, offering partners an alternative to the black market.

Although there are many and varied, the associations are not the only viewpoint that try to show in Barcelonnabis. The opinion of physicians, psychiatrists, treatment centers, and other factors opposed to the systematic use of marijuana also argue their positions. And we intend to investigate what is the opinion of the main political forces with regard to this situation and investigate the economic impact of this model.


Ultimately seeks to penetrate the reality of cannabis clubs, not to encourage or glorify drug use, but defending the freedom of choice of people (different people and "normal") that makes use of this practice, both playful as medicinally.


We are a small team of young, independent, active and restless artists, with extensive experience in the audiovisual sector. We made documentaries, music videos, short films and short documentaries, earning several nominations and awards in various international festivals.

We meet, for over two years to implement this feature film documentary project, and we have not stopped working since.

You can know more about us link


We have insisted on this project independently. Renouncing the facilities to maintain the autonomy of our work. It was not our goal to respond to any outside interest. For this reason, so far, we have used our scarce resources to meet production. But much remains to be done. Editing, graphics, and image postproduction, postproduction sound, mastering, and the subsequent distribution of the documentary to enable it to travel at international festivals and most importantly, can be seen by the public, depend largely on the success of this campaign.

The funds we hope to achieve through this way will cover some of the costs, but we continue to seek other forms of funding to enable us to complete all we need. In the unfortunate event of not successfully achieve the purpose of this campaign, we will donate raised funds in more urgent phases of the film, and will continue struggling to make this project a reality.


Many others have set audiovisual materials based on the subject of the cultivation and consumption of cannabis. Some have delved into the history of this plant, and the political and economic interests that have marked the "legality" of cannabis throughout our recent history. With this documentary, we hope to show a model by which (currently, in the context of Barcelona, Spain) persons who choose to consume cannabis, so either medicinal or recreational, are partnering, sharing culture, home, and making of a collective voice in the fight to stabilize the plant. At the end of the day (and as many of our respondents agree) this is, above all, freedom: individual, as social beings, and especially as a human being.


We have different rewards for your contribution, since the download of the soundtrack of the film, created by the artist Kumar Sublevao-Beat, and of course you appear on our website in the acknowledgments, or as a producer, and in the movie credits. We also have books, T-shirts of various types, the DVD of the film with exciting extra content, museum tickets, miscellaneous and some other surprises!

If you are a company and are interested in supporting this project, and do not fit the rewards we have described, please contact us and sure we will agree.

[email protected]

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  • Andres


    over 10 years

    Como haces para fumar marihuana y ser tan flaco??? Yo despues de fumar me da mucho hambre y no puedo parar de comer cosas dulces..

  • VenezolanoGreen


    over 10 years

    Hola les deseo mucha suerte, soy un comerciante de parafernalia para fumador en Venezuela y por Vaporizadores y Grinders me han condenado a prisión y mantienen mi empresa en averiguaciones, quisiera dar a conocer mi historia y no se por cual medio.

  • Barcelonnabis Documental

    Barcelonnabis Documental

    over 10 years

    Hola Ruth,

    Algunos personas que padecen de Fibromialgia están usando Cannabis con buenos resultados, Aun no se hace una investigación mas completa. si ves en nuestro teaser del documental Barcelonnabis, se menciona su uso.

    Saludos, y muchas gracias!

  • Ruth Noemi Mendez Martin

    Ruth Noemi Mendez Martin

    over 10 years

    Hola mi enhorabuena y desearles el mayor de los exitos en vuestro prollecto.Mi nombre Es Ruth tengo 41 años y vivo en Tenerife,padezco de Fibromialgia y Fátiga Crónica.Mi pregunta es,saben si en estos casos el consumo es beneficioso en nosotr@s?Mxg

  • Barcelonnabis Documental

    Barcelonnabis Documental

    over 10 years

    :) :) :)

  • weedmaps


    over 10 years

    Love your project! Just sent you guys a donation. Hope it helps get funded!

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