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# Two Flowers for a Little Horse

'Two flowers for a little horse' is a film about a group of people who, amid the current economic ‘crisis’, decide to look for an alternative way of life that is imaginative, but at the same time realistic, for themselves and for their surroundings: bio-construction.

susana rey

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Created in

From 7.000€
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( Take a look at the Teaser on YouTube: http://youtu.be/y6j3hVmqqHc )

“Two flowers for a little horse” is a film about a group of people who, amid the current economic ‘crisis’, decide to look for an alternative way of life that is imaginative, but at the same time realistic, for themselves and for their surroundings: bio-construction.


In 2010, Enric Valero, who has always been fully committed to social work, told me that he was going to coordinate a Project that involved bio-construction using canes. And the seed was sown!

The idea of bio-construction came from the Assembly of Unemployed People of Paterna. The members of this group had been holding workshops on ecological allotments and bio-agriculture. They had been using abandoned pieces of land and turning them into co-operatives and so helping people to work for themselves. This project came to a head in April 2010 when some of the members organized a sit-in at Paterna town hall to demand the resources they had been promised.

In this context, in March 2011, the group was finally able to carry out their bio-construction project and they started building at the Delta of the River Palància, in Sagunto, Valencia. Two flower-shaped structures appeared on the very edge of the Mediterranean Sea!

The idea was to put up structures whose organic shape had been inspired by the flora and fauna of the area. Two ‘flowers’ made of natural, local materials: sand, hemp, jute, canes and mud, which would enhance the surroundings and provide welcome shade for the many visitors to this beautiful area.

The project, backed by the Xúquer Water Board, had Jon Cory-Wright and Fati Martin as advisors and Marc Fuster as a collaborator. These three are members of Arquitectura se mueve (Architecture on the move), a group of young, enthusiastic people who are experimenting with bio-architecture, looking for solutions and new methods in this exciting and fertile area of work. They are the ones who will turn ideas into reality. Thanks to this joint effort our ecofilm got off to a start.


Installed in the Delta del Palància I spent three months from dawn to dusk filming the transformation of a team of ex-construction workers into ‘eco-builders’, witnessing them turning their bricks and mortar skills to mud and cane (much used in days of yore around here). The working day was interspersed with the kind of events that crop up naturally in an open space such as this, and which all left their mark on our story.

So on the shores of the Mediterranean, we wil witness the birth of a lamb, we will discover ‘sheepsurfing’ and we will receive a daily visit from Beethoven the pony.

But never fear, there is plenty of Action! One afternoon, while we were enjoying our post-lunch snooze, we had a whole load of material stolen. And on another occasion, a fierce night wind blew away the arches at the entrance of the site. This episode, which we thought of calling ‘The Fallen Angel, a necessary error’, serves to remind us of the often ignored usefulness of regarding mistakes as paving stones on the road to perfection.

Neither was there a shortage of good moments, camaraderie, laughter and Jordi’s jokes…Oh Jordi! One of those characters who, if left to their own devices, are capable of making a film exceed its length in a flash…

And, as in any film that’s worth its salt, a bit of spark is a must. Marc is ‘the good-looking lad’ of the film. Although he doesn’t know it yet, there is rather a ‘spicy’ scene in the script which involves shaping the mud with long drawn-out caresses!
(The erotic of materials).

Two Flowers for a little Horse, far from being just an exhaustive documentary focussing on construction techniques, aims to raise parallel questions which can be summed up in the following way:

The Delta of the River Palància is a place where people, animals and objects coincide to give meaning to a space full of life, ideas and resistance…

All this we can see in the "teaser" uploaded to Youtube, to pop up on "play video". The English version of the teaser TWO FLOWERS FOR A LITTLE HORSE is in http://youtu.be/y6j3hVmqqHc


As mentioned earlier, the construction period lasted from March to June 2011. Apart from a few shots we now have most of the material recorded but, as Godard used to say each time he put together a film:

                   Now we have to make the movie!

We’ve checked the recorded material, we’ve re-written the script and now we are putting it all together. After that we will have to do the final edit, some post-production and put sound to the film.

We will need:

To film extra takes and interviews / Archive images / Animation

Graphics / Photomontage / Translations /Editing and assembling

Voice-overs and voices off / Sound and mixing / Mastering and copies of DVDs / Diffusion and Distribution.

We intend to use mainly songs in the Catalonian language. We are lucky enough to have the collaboration of some excellent Valencian musicians such as Al Tall, Àlvar Carpi, Antònia Font, Carles Dénia, Domingo Chinchilla, Dusminguet, Lilit i Dionís, Mar Aranda, Miquel Gil, Obrint Pas, Pep Gimeno “Botifarra” and Rafa Xambó, and we are still making new contacts.

We would like to make versions of the film not only in the main languages of Spain but also in English and Portuguese. We reckon that we should have the film out by December 2013 at the latest!

                  If luck is on our side…! 


I hold a Fine Arts degree and am a scriptwriter and audio-visual producer with eight national and international awards. I have worked on several films (‘A los que aman’ by Isabel Coixet, ‘Cuando vuelvas a mi lado’ by Gracia Querejeta, ‘Los lunes al sol’ by Fernando León de Aranoa among others).

My film work has been seen at 30 festivals in 10 countries and shown at the Cervantes Institutes in Berlin and Lisbon, as well as at The Graduate Center of the University of New York and in several FNAC round Spain and Portugal. It has been shown on television channels and has appeared in specialized magazines such as Cahiers du Cinema and Variety.

I have been selected for several projects on sculpture in natural spaces (European Community Leader Plan) and I received a grant through the EICTV of Cuba and the the Xunta de Galicia Board of Culture to study at film school in Havana.

I have several art research publications, I write for the press and I wrote and illustrated ‘Martiño and the Sea’ and composed 7 of the tracks on the cd of the book.

I have taught at the IEL (Spanish Institute of Lisbon) in Portugal and also at the School of Design of Orihuela, Spain. I have also given talks and master classes at several universities and fora, such as the University of New York, the Polytechnic of Valencia, the Universities of Santiago and Vigo, the Galician Centre of Art and Image, The Carlos Casares Foundation and the Gavina School in Valencia, among others.


There are none published yet.

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  • susana rey

    susana rey

    almost 11 years

    Hola Dolo!

    Pues moltes gràcies por tu interés en colaborar con Dues flors...

    Si, alguna gente no quiso utilizar la tarjeta... No hay problema, te doy una cuenta en Bancaja:

    2038 6124 44 3000011761

    Te agradeceríamos que en concepto pongas "para Dues flors..." y que en cuanto hagas el ingreso, nos enviés un email a esta misma cuenta para que comprobemos que todo esta correcto y te lo confirmemos.

    Otra vez gracias y un abrazo:


  • DOLO


    almost 11 years

    volem col·laborar amb aquest projecte i hem vist que la manera de pagar és mitjançant targeta de crèdit, i volguerem un compte corrent on fer la nostra aportació....via transferència....pot ser??

  • susana rey

    susana rey

    almost 11 years

    Pascual, no te imaginas lo emocionada que estoy!

    Moltísimas gracies por tu aportación y que sepas que pasarás a la historia por ser la primera persona que colaboró con el verkami.

    Bicos y petons.


  • Pasqual Requena

    Pasqual Requena

    about 11 years

    De moment no pregunte, et dic "bicos, ànim i endavant!"

#07 / Recompensa Verkami "Dues flors..."

Benvolguts amics i amigues:

Com sabeu, hem presentat en “premier” la pel·lícula “Dues flors per a un cavallet”, que hem produït gràcies al vostre suport al Verkami, a Ca Revolta el passat 6 de març.

Aquest dia, també, s'han lliurat les recompenses corresponents al Verkami entre els assistents, amb excepció del DVD, que trigarà encara uns mesos a realitzar-se.

Si no has pogut recollir les teues recompenses, pots passar-te fins al 31 de maig pel bar de Ca Revolta, de dilluns a dissabte, de 19 a 22 hores, i preguntar per Núria.

Si no vius a  València i no et pots apropar, envia'ns un correu i intentarem fer t’ho  arribar.

Agraint una vegada més el teu suport, rep una fraternal salutació.

Xurxo Estévez

[email protected]

Queridos amigos e amigas:

Como sabedes, presentamos en "premier" a película "Dues flors per a un cavallet", que producimos grazas ao voso apoio ao Verkami, en Ca Revolta o pasado 6 de marzo.

read more





Pasqual Requena, Lluïsa Cifre, Lluna llanera, M. Luisa Tello, Carpi, Susana Rey, Cristina Domingo, Marta Maru, Miquel, Genís Palao Gómez, Nestormontferris, Monmia, Soleugeni, Dolors, Miquelrtato, Pilar Gregori, Segarcia, Josep Yudici i Rosell, Lola Pomer, María Armesto, M. Luisa Tello, Francesc, Guillem, Inpaval, Mati, Amparogomez, Susi Gascó, ECOVAMOS, Berta, Joan Antoni, Eduardo Cifre, Ana, Oceanovero, Amarantari, Sisco García, Isidre, Canito59, Lluïsa Cifre, Alusquinos, Mloresaguin, el Castefa, Laurasantacruz, Fran, Josep maria sancho i carreres, Antonmasa, Elvilopez, Pepa, Gisela Cano, Albert F-T, Vanda i Jordi, Tamefra, Marisa Gómez, Huno, Duarte crestar, Alberto Puig (*), Santi65, Kiko, Isabel,… read more




¡El 26 termina nuestro Verkami! ¡Estamos en la recta final y hemos superado la barrera psicológica de los 5.000 euros, camino de los 6.000! ¡Genial!

Para darle un último empujoncito al verkami: exobreros del ladrillo reconvertidos ahora en ecobreros de la caña y el barro, esto es L’ASSEMBLEA D’ATURATS DE PATERNA. Joan, Marc, Paco, Pipa, Periko, Gabi, Salva, Santi y Jordi ¡La colla del Palància! Personas que en el corazón llevan pequeños grandes proyectos: bioconstrucción, recuperación de tierras abandonadas, huerto ecológico…

… Pero que por encima de todo, en la cabeza tienen… la terra!

EL MILLOR DE L’HORTA a you tube!!


No dejéis de verla y de difundir esta entrada al blog. Es una brevísima animación (40 seg.) y un modesto homenaje a las ideas productivas a ritmo de Cant dels maulets (Al Tall, 2001).

Muchas gracias a El CENTRE SOCIAL TERRA y a la GRANJA JULIAread more

#03 / A Carevolta i a tots



Desde que hicimos la primera entrada, la posibilidad de alcanzar el objetivo está mucho más cerca!

Ya estamos rozando la barrera de los 4.000 euros y todo gracias a vosotros! Moltes gràcies a tots, moitas gracias, obrigadísimos!

Pascual Requena, Lluïsa Cifre, Lluna llanera, M. Luisa Tello, Carpi, Susana Rey, Cristina Domingo, Marta Maru, Miquel, Genis Palo Gómez, Nestrormonferris, Monmia, Soleugeni, Dolors, Miquelrtato, Pilar Gregori, Segarcia, Josep Yudici i Rosell, Lola Pomer, Marta Maru, María Armesto, M. Luisa Tello, Fracesc, Guillen, Inpaval, Mati, Amparogomez, Susi Gascó, Ecovamos, Berta, Joan Antoni, Eduardo Cifre, Ana, Oceanovero, Amarantari, Sisco García, Isidre, Canito59, Lluïsa Cifre (otra vez!), Alusquinos, Mloresaguin, el Castefa, Laurasantacruz, Fran, Josep maría sancho i carreres, Antonmasa, Elvilopez, Pepa, Gisela Cano, Albert F-T, Vanda i Jordi, Tamefra, Marisa Gomez, Ca Revolta, Huno…

read more

#02 / Canya


Un tema a seis manos. Una hermosa casualidad. Estos versos de Domingo Chinchilla, acompañados por la guitarra de Àlvar Carpi, llegan a mi justo en el momento en el que escribía el guión para Dues flors...

Así que sobre esta Canya, materia prima del documental, añadí unos efectos y loops digitales...

#01 / *Dues Flors*... un ecofilme en construcción



Tras una intensa semana desde el lanzamiento de Dues flors per a un cavallet, ¡por fin llega el momento de abrir el blog!

Aunque llevamos apenas unos días, y a juzgar por lo bien que ha comenzado el Verkami, las horas y más horas ajustándolo todo, los esfuerzos por colgar el proyecto en cuatro idiomas y abrir ya con el teaser y los gráficos terminados, los nervios de última hora, y las noches en vela preparando la campaña (nuestro guasapeado eslogan: ¡Mucho Verkami, poco Verkama!), ya han merecido la pena.


(Por orden de entrada hasta hoy -25/05/2013-)

Pascual Requena, Lluisa Cifre, Lluna llunera, M. Luisa Tello, Carpi, Cristina Domingo, Marta Maru, Miquel, Genis Palo Gómez, Nestorrmonferris, Monmia, Soleugeni, Dolors, Miquelrtato, Pilar Gregori, Segarcia, Josep Yudici i Rosell,… read more

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