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The thrash metal band ABDUCTUM have already recorded their new studio album Behold the Man, join us and be part of helping us to release it!


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From 900€
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About us

We are ABDUCTUM from Granada (Spain), essentially defined as a old school thrash metal band. Our first album The Unrevealed Truth was released in 2013, it was given outstanding reactions, then band decided to continue working hard, so now is the moment for the new album BEHOLD THE MAN!

Why Crowdfunding?

A Crowdfunding it's just to get the new album and other rewards through this site and then help us to release it. It took a lot of effort and resources to make this record. Many previous expenses and investment of our currently budget on studio recording before, then now this final but not less important last step is just to release the physical CD, at this point your help is essential to the success of this campaign to give you this new work of which we are so proud.

What are we going to do with your contributions?

Recorded and mastered at KBYO STUDIOS. With this upcoming album we've taken a great leap forward and are at our absolute best as musicians. It will have a physical edition for all those who love our music.

So the raised contributions will go directly towards the manufacture and distribution of the album.

About Rewards

In addition the CD BEHOLD THE MAN, there is exclusive offers such as exclusive t-shirts and other new album t-shirts, picks, buttons, signed posters, etc. All of this now only available here!

The chance to get an amazing personalized ABDUCTUM TABLE CLOCK, unique piece of art made by Kiski, our bass player.

And the extra opportunity to have an unbeatable CUSTOMISED DESIGN IN YOUR LEATHER JACKET (any kind of design you wish) by our frontman and artist Noël Puente.

International Pledger

International Pledger will be contacted regarding shipping on each item after pledging or you can previously contact us to know about the concrete shipping cost to your country.


If we reach our goal, band ships within 20 days after crowdfunding campaing ends.

For all those who live in our city, you'll be informed about a meeting place to get items directly.

You will be contacted for any other further information after pledging.

More Info

Use our Verkami Questions and Answers section to get answer to all of your related questions. Also you can write us to [email protected] or to any other official site of the band:

Web oficial


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#07 / Mecenas de Granada

Saludos de nuevo,

Para todos aquellos que adquirísteis vuestras recompensas en Granada, habrá punto de entrega de las mismas, del cual se facilitará información esta misma semana entrante, para aquellos que no pudieran acudir a tal evento, ponerse en contacto o se os dará en mano de la forma más conveniente. Muchas gracias.



#06 / Envíos/Packages


¡Muy buenas a todos!

La semana entrante empezaréis a recibir vuestras recompensas, sentimos el inmenso retraso debido a circunstancias ajenas a nosotros y problemas pasados con la realización del disco en fábrica. Se agradece el confirmar por email la recepción de vuestros paquetes y nos encantará cualquier comentario al respecto que queráis hacernos. ¡Que lo disfrutéis! ¡Mil gracias por vuestro apoyo, seguimos en marcha!


Hi everybody!

Next week you will receive all your packages, we apologize for the long delay because of some problems in the past with manufacture of cds. Please confirm the reception of your packages if possible and feel free to comment everything about the Abductum stuffs, we will be happy to know about it. We really hope you enjoy this! Thanks a lot for your support, we continue on the way!



#05 / Retraso - Delay

Pedimos disculpas por el retraso en mandaros vuestras recompensas, algunos problemas con la fabricación del disco nos está provocando una demora mucho más allá de lo esperado. Esperamos pronto solucionar esta incidencia e informaros al respecto. Muchas gracias

We apologize for the delay to send all of your rewards, some problems with the cd manufacturing are uncontrollable factors that have caused the delay, more than expected. We hope to solve this problem soon, we will keep you well informed. Thanks so much


#04 / Gracias por vuestra paciencia/Thanks for your patience

Buenas a todos,

Ha habido algún retraso en la fabricación del álbum lo que sumado a las fechas en que estamos ha provocado aún más lentitud, estamos a la espera de que el trabajo esté en nuestras manos, pues todos los demás artículos de las recompensas están listos para ser enviados, según se estima el álbum estará listo a finales de este presente mes de Agosto y procederemos a enviar todos vuestros paquetes, de nuevo gracias por vuestra comprensión en la espera.

Hi everybody,

There is some delay in the manufacture of cds and the process has been slow this summer, we are just waiting to have this already done and we estimate it will be ready at the end of this month August, all the others rewards are ready to send, again, thanks so much for your understanding.


#03 / Preparando material

¡Hola a todos!

Estamos en plena recepción de material y andaremos hoy mismo mandando formularios para obtener vuestros datos, (revisad vuestros emails :)) y procesar todos los envíos en cuanto tengamos todos los artículos. ¡Seguimos...!

Hi everybody!

We are currently receiving all stuffs and we would send the form to get all your adressess today (check your email out :)) and then process to send all the stuffs! We continue...!

¡Muy buenas a todos!

#02 / En los próximos días...

¡Hola a todos!

Dentro de unos días esperamos tener todo el material, son diversos los artículos y el disco está practicamente preparado y dispuesto para enviároslo, seguramente en la semana entrante recibiréis los formularios para obtener todos vuestros datos de envío a los que sois de fuera de Granada y a los demás seréis informados del lugar de entrega de vuestras recompensas. ¡GRACIAS A TODOS POR VUESTRA PACIENCIA!

Hello everybody!

We will have all stuffs ready in the next days, there is many things to be prepared and the physical album is almost already done, probably next week you will receive the form to get your complete address information. For all people who live in Granada, you will be informed about the place and day to get your rewards. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!


#01 / ¡Muchas gracias, lo conseguimos!



¡¡¡Mil gracias a todos por hacer posible nuestro proyecto!!!.

¡Consideraos todos los que habéis colaborado parte de nuestro nuevo álbum!

Recibiréis todas vuestras recompensas de Abductum a lo largo del presente mes de Julio, os iremos informando en cuanto estén listas para ser enviadas. También recibiréis en breve los formularios para hacernos llegar la información de vuestra dirección para poder enviároslas.

Para todos aquellos que sois de Granada se informará pronto sobre un punto de encuentro, día y fecha para la entrega en mano de dichas recompensas.

Seguimos informando...


Thanks so much everybody to make this real!!!

All of you are an important part of this!

You will receive your Abductum's rewards along this month july, we will let you know when they are all ready to send. You will receive soon a form to get all of your addresses to proceed to send all the stuffs.

Stay tuned...

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