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Do you want to be the 8th Excómunion member? Collaborate with our third album!

Assist in the crowdfunding of the third Excómunion album. After two experiences of self-financing, self-management and self-production, we want to use Verkami to produce our third album: "From what might happen”.


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From 4.000€
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Excómunion will publish our third album, and after two experiences of self-financing, self-management and self-production, we want to use the platform “Verkami” to promote our new work, "For what might happen"

Through this crowdfunding we want to get the amount of money necessary to carry out our work thanks to your contributions: you are our audience, you are the movements and associations for which we have played, you are our friends, colleagues, you are the ones who have seen us live sometime or you have heard our previous albums .... You are our family. You are the 8th Excómunion member. Those whom know us now for the first time can be also be from today.

We want your support to be *a new step in our history and a more horizontal cultural impulse. We want to get our hopes with you while achieving the objective. A new album, full of songs where we have put a lot of us since 2012, with the very essence of the band, with the same energy, with lirics full of day by day experiences, struggle, feelings, commitment…

That’s why we choose crowdfunding: we work directly with those who support us, inform you about how the process progresses, and also sending your rewards straight home. Moreover, those who live (geographically) closest to the band will get the rewards in hand, if they prefer.

Album’s design will be in charge of Maria Picasso, whom we worked with also in “Con la soga al cuello” album. You can follow her activity in her web: marinapicasso.com

This album will be recorded in Studios B, with Bernardo Calvo at the controls. We recorded our last album, *"Con la soga al cuello" *(2012), with him, and the result was very pleasant. You can find the studio and the work of Bernardo Calvo on his website: [studiobmadrid.com]

You can hear the result in our bandcamp:

To what your contributions will be used for

The full amount of contributions will be spent in the recording, edition, mastering and design of the album. If we get a bigger amount than the objective, we will use the remaining money for improving the final result, with more mixing and mastering hours, or even the production of the first album’s video.

About the rewards:

There is plenty of different rewards to choose, so we recommend you to take a relaxed look and choose the reward that fits better to your availability and aim to contribute. Direct support in this campaign will make you to enjoy better prices, as we avoid intermediates. It’s even cheaper than in shops.

That’s why we don’t only offer you the possibility to help in the album and getting it home, moreover, we offer rewards to choose (shirts, merchandising, private shows…). Besides, supporting this crowdfunding you will hear the album exclusively through and anticipated digital download, and you will be the first to know closer the project, the cover, and comments about the songs we are recording. In all cases, of course, we will thank in our web your support.

Predicted schedule:

We think the album can be finished in November, and the rewards will be ready to send in December. When we support crowdfunding projects, we want to get the rewards the soon as possible, so now it’s us who want to fulfill this wish.

Creative Commons License

This album, as the previous ones, will be under the Creative Commons license in the following terms.

Besides, Excomunion supports "blanket sellers clause". More info here

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  • The Pirelli

    The Pirelli

    over 8 years

    Ke pasa exkomulgaos!! jajajajajaaj

    Vais a poner de recompensa las sandalias del juanko? o la gorra de cuba de galin? o que fran se rape y se haga el cenizero! pa eso vendo hasta mi chupa!

    Colaborad en mi verkami pa pillar una litrona!


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