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Galicia Portobello Road

Short film that shows a moment in the relationship between a mother and her daughter. It will be filmed in London in Galician and English. I want to tell this story because: migration is important to me, I'm fascinated by human relationships and I believe in stories about women told by women.

Adriana Paramo Perez

A project of


Created in

From 5.000€
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View project in Castellano and Galego

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The idea for the short film Galicia Portobello Road was born at a moment in my life when I started seeing my mother as a woman rather than simply ´my mother´. In addition to this, the signs that the Spanish community, and especially the Galician people, left in this area decades ago have always fascinated me. In Portobello road there is a mural commemorating the support of the Kensington troops in the Spanish Civil War. Also the only Spanish school in the UK, where they teach Galician language, is based here.

Mural in Portobello road

Spanish school Cañada Blanch in Portobello road, originally a Dominican convent

Some themes are repeated in my work: migration, communication, and women issues. I am especially interested in exploring relationships between people. If you want to see what I have been up to, you can watch my previous short film Stone Island.

You can also follow me on Twitter.


María has the opportunity of selling the restaurant she has owned for forty years in Portobello road to a well-known supermarket chain. She will use the money to return to Galicia and retire there with her partner. Celtia, María's daughter, has been always frustrated with her work. When her mother decides to sell the restaurant she sees her secret dream of running the business come to an end. Wanting to convince her mum to stay, she goes to talk to her. She finds Maria packing glasses, plates... and memories. In these circumstances they will both learn to understand each other as women beyond their family link.


The short film will be shot in London, around the area of Portobello road, in Galician and English. The story takes place in a restaurant while Maria and Celtia, mother and daughter, are having a conversation. Apart from the main characters there is also James, Celtia's boyfriend who pushes her to follow her dream and to face her mother.

Visit our facebook to keep up to date with our details, pictures and hear about other relevant publications and articles.

Adriana Páramo director and scriptwriter. In addition, there are other great people involved in this short film because they believe in this project.
Lucía Regueiro as Celtia, the daughter.
Mariana Carballal as María, the mother.

Some rewards include photographs signed by them.
María Ugarte Galiana: Producer
Xan Campos Trío: Music.

Some rewards include a CD with 3 jazz songs from short film, (you can hear some of their music on the crowdfunding video!)
Xela Cuñarro: Photographer.

Some rewards include pictures of London or Galicia taken by her with poems by
Lara Dopazo.

Photograph by Xela Cuñarro, showcased at Foyles, London, as part of Love Charing Cross Road Photography Exhibition (2013)


Thanks to your contributions we will make this short film happen!

If you want to see how the story between María and Celtia ends, help us! The director and the rest of the team are already in London but we need to bring the cast! We need the money to buy the plane tickets, book the hotel rooms, pay for other expenses...

Most important of all is THE SHOOT.

It will be a very intense couple of days! Apart from hiring equipment, a crew of about 15 people will have to eat!

This process doesn't end with the shoot... afterwards we will have to return the equipment, edit the footage, send the film to festivals...

As you can see it's not just about having a camera. There are plenty of other things to keep a production going. This is why we need your collaboration!


Preproduction: July, August

In these months we will finalise the script, hire the locations, ask for permissions to shoot, and we will of course rehearse with the actresses!

Film shoot: Last week of August

During these days we will film the whole script! 10 pages and 5 scenes!

Postproduction: September, October

Now it's time for the editing suite! We will choose the shots, adjust colour, sound, but most important... it's here where the story is told! The director and editor will spend days working and deciding which shots tell the story that we all want to see.

Rewards: December and January. There will be 2 events to give the rewards, one in London and one in Galicia.

Thanks for supporting this project. Let's make this short film together!



There are none published yet.

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  • Adriana Paramo Perez

    Adriana Paramo Perez

    over 8 years

    Hola, te acabo de mandar un email! :)

  • Katja Rothamel

    Katja Rothamel

    over 8 years

    Hola a todos, no sé si no me di cuenta: cuando puedo ver la peli bajándola? y cuando puedo escuchar la música de jazz como patrona de 20€? :) no utililzo tanto el FB pa enterarme de muchas cosas. Vi el éxito de la peli. felicidades!

    saludos Katja

  • Miguel Ángel

    Miguel Ángel

    almost 10 years

    Enhorabuena por alcanzar y superar el objetivo. Nos alegramos de que nuestro 'Sello de Calidad ace' haya contirbuido a ello. Miguel Ángel Escudero. Director Técnico Agencia del Cortometraje Español(ACE)

  • EscuderoMA


    almost 10 years

    Hola Adriana. Somos la Agencia del Cortometraje Español(ACE). Si quieres que te otorguemos nuestro 'Sello de Calidad' para ayudarte a conseguir la financiación de 'Galicia Portobello Road' escríbenos a [email protected] y te informaremos.

#06 / Despois da pre estrea de Galicia. Portobello Road

Moitas gracias a todos os que compartiron con nós a tarde do luns 29 de decembro no auditorio de Vigo!

Proxectouse por primeira vez Galicia Portobello Road, e foi acollida con moito cariño!

Sen o voso apoio nada disto tería sido posible. Esperamos que vos gustara e que a partir de aquí, a curta teña unha longa viaxe por festivais en distintas partes do mundo!!

Empregaremos este blog e a páxina de facebook para seguir informando.

Asimesmo, poñeremonos en contacto cos mecenas que aínda non recibiron os seus regalos.

A curta ten un pedaciño de cada un de vós!

Adriana Páramo e o equipo de Galicia. Portobello Road.

#05 / Pre Estrea de Galicia.Portobello Road / Private Screening Galicia. Portobello Road

Despois de intensos meses de montaxe e postproducción, estamos moi contentos de despedir o ano coa curta lista!

O 29 de decembro haberá unha pre estrea no auditorio do concello de Vigo, ás 19 horas.

Aínda que esto foi posible a última hora, convidamos a todos os mecenas a asistir, xa que se fará a primeira entrega dos regalos. Se alguén non pode vir, non pasa nada porque haberá máis proxeccións en 2015, e ademais a curta como parte das recompensas se entregará on line a cada un de vós.

Estamos desexando compartir a curta con vós! Só esperamos que disfrutedes dela xa que esto non tería sido posible sen o voso apoio!



Adriana Páramo e o equipo de Galicia.Portobello Road

After some intense months editing, we are really happy to announce that we will be saying bye to 2014 with the film ready!

On Monday 29th December there will be a screening in the council's screening room in Vigo, at 19hrs.

read more


O domingo 17 e luns 18 de agosto levouse a cabo a rodaxe de Galicia Portobello Road. Estamos moi agradecidos a tódolos que apoiaron o proxecto dende o principio! A rodaxe saíu moi ben gracias a un equipo de persoas incrible!

Agora toca montar a curta!

Seguiremos informando.

O equipo de GaliciaPortobelloRoad

Shoot is done! We filmed Galicia Portobello Road on Sunday 17th and Monday 18th of August. We are really thankful to all the people that supported this project from the beginning. Shooting went well thanks to a great team of people! Now it's time to start editing!

We'll keep you updated

The team behind GaliciaPortobelloRoad

#03 / Novedades/News

Como xa sabedes conseguimos, e pasamos do obxectivo.

Gracias a tódolos mecenas outra vez!

Agora estamos moi cerca de rodar!

Anunciamos que Lucía Regueiro finalmente non poderá acompañarnos na rodaxe pero Estíbaliz Veiga será a actriz que dará vida á personaxe de Celtia.

Estamos preparando con ilusión a rodaxe e estamos seguros de que Galicia Portobello Road non defraudará!

Xa vos iremos informando paso a paso de como avanza a rodaxe.

As you know we managed to pass our initial goal.

Thanks to all the patrons!

Shoot is coming soon!

We announce that Lucía Regueiro won't be able to be with us during the shoot but Estíbaliz Veiga will be the actress palying Celtia.

We are organising the shoot and we are sure Galicia Portobello Road will keep up with the expectations!

We will be keeping you up to date on any other news!

#02 / Galicia Portobello Road consigue el sello de calidad ACE

Estamos encantados de anunciar que Galicia Portobello Road ha conseguido el sello de calidad ACE:

Una vez leído el guión cinematográfico ‘GALICIA PORTOBELLO ROAD’ escrito por ADRIANA PÁRAMO PÉREZ, analizado el dossier del proyecto de cortometraje que se desea llevar a cabo, habiendo constatando la profesionalidad y experiencia como realizadora de, ADRIANA PÁRAMO PÉREZ, YO Miguel Ángel Escudero, Director Técnico de la Agencia del Cortometraje Español(ace)® le otorgo en nombre de esta agencia el ‘Sello de Calidad ace®’ a dicho proyecto de cortometraje por ser una obra de destacado interés cultural y cinematográfico.

No os olvideis de compartir y colaborar para hacer este corto realidad!


#01 / Primera semana de crowd funding / 1st week of crowd funding

¡Hola a todos los mecenas!

La primera semana de crowdfunding ya se ha acabado, y aunque hemos tenido buenos resultados, necesitamos de vuestro apoyo para seguir compartiendo la campaña con otra gente, ¡aún quedan 33 días!

Las últimas noticias en la promoción de la campaña es que GaliciaPortobelloRoad está ahora también en ¡YouTube! Y como teníamos tanto material de las actrices, hemos decidido subir otros clips en los que nos hablan de por qué quieren colaborar en el corto.

Lucía Regueiro y el papel de Celtia

Mariana Carballal y el papel de madre

Muchas gracias de nuevo por haber colaborado y por creer en el proyecto. Esperamos que muchos otros, decidan como vosotros ser mecenas y así podremos hacerlo realidad.

¡Seguiremos en contacto con más novedades!

Adriana Páramo y el equipo de Portobello Road

Hello to all of the patrons!

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