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Brew-Hope Lagarta Ale

Brew-Hope is a project of Cervecera Libre to create craft beer in solidarity with those fighting to create a better world. We begin with Lagarta, a blonde ale with ginger, coriander and orange peel. 10% of benefits will go to Extremadura Entiende, a organization fighting for LGTBQI rights.

Cervecera Libre

A project of

Created in

From 5.000€
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What is Cervecera Libre?

Cervecera Libre is a little world created by women who want to enjoy life a little and earn a living following their dreams. We are based in Extremadura but you can find us around Spain. Until now we’ve brought two beers, La Loba and Medea, to the market but we have a ton of recipes patiently waiting their turn. We always brew in small batches, using high quality ingredients, zero extracts, with inspiration, much care and never in a rush.

Yes, it’s what you’re thinking…we’re we are those daring entrepreneurs with which the Treasury is lining it’s pockets. Our lives revolve around beer…developing, brewing, marketing, selling, festivals and between all that we eat, sleep and of course drink beer. One day we realized that our activities and activism outside of Cervecera Libre had evaporated thanks to the grace of entrepreneurship.

What is Brew-Hope?

Brew-Hope is a project with which we can move beyond beer. Backed by crowdfunding we are weaving a network of awesome people, elaborating new beers from our mountain of recipes and donating 10% of the benefits from the sale of those brews to associations in line with our impure and deviant minds.
video in english

Lagarta Ale

Lagarta Ale is blonde, smooth, light at 5% and laced in candied ginger, corriander and orange peel. We have faith that this is a scandal that you’ll love.

Lagarta is the beer in the Brew-Hope series. "Lagarta, like lizard? What a strange name..." No, we don’t mean a female lizard or a moth. The Real Academy of Spanish lists Lagarta as a "sly woman" or "prostitute". It is a word like so many others which has served to humiliate and offend women. We re-claim this word as our own and remove the Blessed Guilt.

The label was designed by p.nitas*, a feminist artist from Extremadura. She was one of our inspirations to begin this project thanks to her work and her activism.

Extremadura Entiende

10% of profits from the sale of Lagarta will go to Extremadura Entiende. For the last seven years Extremadura Entiende has worked toward increasing visibility and giving voice to lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. Their voice is heard throughout the region, vindicating our rights and, in turn, transmitting our concerns and realities.

As part of this exciting and committed work their current project takes a special look at LGBTQI concerns in rural areas and encourages development through the following actions:

Provide advice and support to lesbian, bisexual and transgender women in Extremadura;

Address the social realities of those who are in prison and those who live in care facilities;

Bringing the reality of family and affective diversity to children in small towns.

In short, a promising work that aims to avoid the risk of social exclusion and achieve a more plural, tolerant and diverse Extremadura.


Postcard and Poster designed by p.nitas*


Lagarta Ale in a 25cl bottle. There are various options, they can be picked up in Madrid or Mérida or shipped to the Spanish peninsula and the Baleares islands. or to Europe (España peninsular y Baleares o a Europa ( Portugal, Francia, Italia, Holanda, Luxemburgo, Bélgica, Alemania, Escocia, Gales, Inglaterra, Austria, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Irlanda, Suecia, Bulgaria, República Checa, República Eslovaca, Eslovenia, Estonia, Grecia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia y Rumanía). Sorry Canary Islands, but is a mess, if this goes well we’ll try to ship to you later!


There are two options available for tastings:

  • One where you can sign up individually and we will have the tasting at locations in Madrid or Mérida.

  • The second option is for 6 people and we’ll have the tasting where you like as long as it’s in Madrid or Mérida.

Each tasting will consist of La Loba Cerveza Libre, Medea Saison con enebro and Lagarta Ale accompanied by tasty snacks.

We’ll tap a keg!

That’s right, we’ll bring our equipment where you like and we’ll tap a keg of Lagarta Ale! Just like with the tastings, this offer is only valid for Madrid and Mérida (surrounding areas too)

Home Brewing Workshop

We’ll come to you in Madrid, Mérida or surrounding areas and make a beer together from milling the malt to the bottling. The ideal group will be no more than 10 people but we are adaptable. It will take approximately seven hours to brew on one day, including a tasting of our beers. About 15 days later we’ll bottle the beer which will take two or three hours.

Where will your support go?

First Objective 5000€

-Elaborate 1000 liters of Lagarta Ale, and purchase her bottles, labels and packaging, which will cost 4000€

-Label design 200€

Estimated Costs:

-Postcards and posters 150€

-Verkami commissions and credit card commissions 385€

-Paypal 100€

-Shipping costs: depends on the number of shipments and reward type

Second Objective

If we make it past our goal we can brew more liters, which increases our donation, and cover all the rewards…especailly the shipping!


The postcards and posters we can begin sending out two weeks after the close of the campagin.

Lagarta beer will take approximately two months from the close of the campagin. As soon as it’s ready we’ll start shipping!

The rest of the rewards associated with the brewing of Lagarta will begin approximately two months after the close of the campagin. Then we can begin the tastings, workshops and tapping kegs!


If you want to know more you can write to us at

[email protected]

You can learn more about us at:



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  • Cervecera Libre

    Cervecera Libre

    over 8 years

    Hola Sofía,

    La cerveza sin alcohol ya veremos, de momento no la contemplamos. Sí vendemos a herbolarios. Y si quieres escríbenos a [email protected] y te contamos los precios de las cervezas. Saludos y gracias por escribir!

  • sofia


    over 8 years

    Enhorabuena por la iniciativa...pensais en hacer cerveza sin alcohol?otra pregunta...vendeis a herbolarios?

    Y otra pregunta....que precio tiene la cerveza

  • Cervecera Libre

    Cervecera Libre

    over 8 years

    Hola, muchas gracias!! No tenemos merchandising de lagarta, solo alguna cosa de Cervecera Libre. Ponte en contacto con nosotras en [email protected] y te mandamos fotos. Saludos!!

  • Alex Juárez

    Alex Juárez

    over 8 years

    Hola! Primero felicitaros por el proyecto, merece la pena apostar por algo alternativo (en cuanto pueda pondré mi granito de arena).

    Os quería preguntar sobre el merchandising. ¿Tenéis actualmente algo a la venta? Es para un regalo de cumple :-)

  • Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    over 8 years

    Si por favor, poned otra recompensa mas con Bolsas y Camisetas =D Muchas gracias! ;)

  • Cervecera Libre

    Cervecera Libre

    over 8 years

    Hola! nosotras filtramos en frío. Respetamos todos los tiempos!!

  • Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    over 8 years

    La cerveza RUBIA se filtra regularmente en frío, pero algunas utilizan la cola de pescado --> www.worldvegfest.org/ave/alcohol.html - Cervezas Veganas Rubias --> HEINEKEN; BUDWEISER, Whitbread, Kaltenberg Pils, Labatt Blue; Scottish Courage, Beck’s

  • Cervecera Libre

    Cervecera Libre

    over 8 years

    Nosotras no usamos cola de pescado, tenemos la cerveza en frío todo el tiempo que haga falta para clarificar. salud!!

  • Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    Jane - Grupo Las Solidari-A-s

    over 8 years

    Se ha reducido mucho el uso de Cola de Pescado; sustituida por caseina vegetal. Pero todavía se utiliza en variedades ALE =( www.directoalpaladar.com/cultura-gastronomica/tiene-pescado-mi-cerveza-si-eres-vegano-cuidado-como-celebras-san-patricio

  • Cervecera Libre

    Cervecera Libre

    over 8 years

    brew-hope es vegana. la clarificación la hacemos con frío

#03 / ¡¡¡CONSEGUIDO!!!

Muchísimas gracias, ha sido una pasada todo el apoyo que hemos recibido durante estos 40 días. Nos ha encantado la experiencia y estamos súper agradecidas. En los próximos días os iremos contando cómo se van desarrollando los acontecimientos.

Primero tenemos que comprar los ingredientes mágicos y si todo va bien la semana que viene estaremos cocinando al fin Lagarta.

Gracias, gracias, gracias!!!!

#02 / 20 DÍAS

Muchísimas gracias a lxs 50 mecenas que habéis participado hasta ahora. Nos quedan solo 20 días, a ver si lo conseguimos!!!



Llevamos siete días y ya con 15 mecenas, muchísimas gracias por vuestras aportaciones.

Ayudadnos a difundir, por favor... A ver si podemos sacar unos minutillos a toda esa gente suertuda que está de vacaciones!


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