The (Tribal) Experience 1st Convention of Tribal Fusion in Spain at national and international level the days 11, 12 and 13 October 2013. Immerse yourself in the programming of the different experiences: workshops, concert, open stage,...Live The (Tribal) Experience Dance / Events 102% Project crowdfunded on October 10, 2013 🎉 37 Pledges 1.022€ From 1.000€
Play with Food - La scena del cibo PLAY WITH FOOD is the first visual and performing arts festival devoted to food: theater, dance, video, photography, sound design and cooking. Food / Performing arts, Events, Art, Dance, Photography 117% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2012 🎉 28 Pledges 1.400€ From 1.200€
XXV Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid El Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid cumple 25 años actuando como plataforma de lanzamiento de más de 300 coreógrafos y 900 intérpretes. A través de Verkami queremos generar dinero para mantener los premios en metálico, además de nuestras residencias y becas. Dance / Events, Festival 106% Project crowdfunded on November 30, 2011 🎉 58 Pledges 6.880€ From 6.500€