Bakarr¿k Deskonfiantzaren mugak marra gorriak ditu Short movie 124% Project crowdfunded on July 02, 2023 🎉 67 Pledges 1.555€ From 1.250€
ZUZENEAN Sare sozialek gure bizitzetan izan dezaketen eragina eta arriskua islatzen duen film laburra. Short movie 131% Project crowdfunded on June 24, 2023 🎉 53 Pledges 1.965€ From 1.500€
PROSOPAGNOSIA Une batez gelditu eta nor garen hausnartzera gonbidatuko gaituen film laburra. Short movie 142% Project crowdfunded on June 02, 2023 🎉 254 Pledges 14.200€ From 10.000€
"Muskil" film laburra 1988. Euskal Herriko landa eremua. Egunerokotasun eta indarkeriaren infernutik irtetzeko beharra duen adineko emakume baten istorioa. Short movie 119% Project crowdfunded on May 26, 2022 🎉 126 Pledges 3.565€ From 3.000€
'Odolusteak' laburmetraia Dwingi Dwingik sortzaile ezberdinekin elkarlanean burutu nahi duen laburmetraia. ...eta gauzak ez balira zuk beti uste izan dituzun bezala? Short movie 208% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2019 🎉 102 Pledges 2.606€ From 1.250€
PIL PIL The film mixes humour, surrealism and gastronomy and, at the same time, analyses the power relationships. Short movie 102% Project crowdfunded on July 30, 2018 🎉 93 Pledges 3.305€ From 3.250€
EZUSTEKO TALKA - film laburra Aitziber Garmendia eta Jose Ramon Soroiz buruaz beste egitera doan gizon baten misterioan murgiltzen dira film labur honetan. Short movie 110% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2018 🎉 31 Pledges 2.200€ From 2.000€
Night Shift This will be Izaskun Arandia's first time as a director in a professional short film. With a social subject matter, the script won the Screen Academy Short Script Competition (2008) in the UK.The short film will be shot in San Sebastian in September. 75% of the crew is made up of women! Short movie 104% Project crowdfunded on September 23, 2016 🎉 41 Pledges 2.590€ From 2.500€