The Miracle, a documentary film by David Varela The Miracle is a relatively autobiographical musical, in documentary format and based on dreamt events. Documentary 122% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2024 🎉 131 Pledges 8.530€ From 7.000€
Documentary: Life Between Cuts Join us on this emotional journey and discover how, in every cut, there is a story to tell. Documentary 167% Project crowdfunded on December 08, 2024 🎉 202 Pledges 6.675€ From 4.000€
La Barraca; Orquesta Ambulante. Carlos Danés, pianista, peregrina a Santiago de Compostela con su piano en un carro de caballos dando conciertos por los pueblos de España. Documentary 105% Project crowdfunded on March 31, 2024 🎉 148 Pledges 11.436€ From 10.860€
Guiando a los Niños Un documental que busca resaltar la importancia de la relación entre un alumno y su guía Montessori. Documentary / Education 113% Project crowdfunded on March 27, 2024 🎉 13 Pledges 655€ From 580€
Acompaña a JaramaFan en los documentales de las 26H de Madrid y 30H de Campillos Dos documentales de las carreras de karting de alquiler más importantes de España, las 26H de Madrid y las 30H de Campillos (Málaga). Documentary / Sport 100% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2023 🎉 31 Pledges 1.980€ From 1.980€
Documental "La Batalla del Viento" Un film sobre la polémica por los parques eólicos. Damos voz a las zonas rurales que pretenden convertir en polígonos industriales. Documentary / Nature, Positive impact 103% Project crowdfunded on March 01, 2023 🎉 114 Pledges 3.810€ From 3.700€
VESTIDO Y PANTALÓN (Por si hay que correr) El conceptualismo y la visibilidad del Drag andaluz. Documentary / Short film, Lgtbiq 113% Project crowdfunded on October 14, 2022 🎉 30 Pledges 790€ From 700€
Guarrazar The story of what was hidden for more than 1000 years: the most important Visigothic treasure in the world. Documentary / History, Art 103% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2022 🎉 255 Pledges 11.320€ From 11.000€
Musaserin Mismos muros. Diferentes puertas. Documentary 106% Project crowdfunded on May 07, 2022 🎉 60 Pledges 1.805€ From 1.700€
Prometeo Encadenado Documental Documental que afronta la situación de los enfermos con Síndrome de Ehlers Danlos. Una enfermedad hereditaria, sin cura hasta el momento. Documentary / Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on October 05, 2021 🎉 268 Pledges 10.240€ From 10.000€
DOVER: Die For Rock & Roll ¡El documental definitivo! La historia de Dover jamás contada, narrada a través de sus protagonistas y con horas de material inédito. Un documento irrepetible. Documentary / Music 101% Project crowdfunded on August 02, 2021 🎉 235 Pledges 40.240€ From 40.000€
Normalidad 2020 / Finados y Confinados Un doble proyecto de largometraje documental y teatro documento. Es la historia del duelo transformado en creación. Documentary / Positive impact 100% Project crowdfunded on July 05, 2021 🎉 72 Pledges 5.016€ From 5.000€
MUJERES CALVAS (BALD WOMEN) Being a bald woman constitutes a great taboo in our society. This documentary aims to provide visibility and acceptance for female baldness Documentary / Positive impact 138% Project crowdfunded on January 28, 2020 🎉 413 Pledges 16.575€ From 12.000€
KARIBU: documentary in Kenya Hello! We're two friends that are going back to Kenya to film a documentary as our final proyect for Univesity, would you join us? Documentary / Travel 103% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2019 🎉 31 Pledges 1.130€ From 1.100€
Return to Casa Ros Make this film about (un)memory and the power of images unforgettable. Documentary / History, Photography 100% Project crowdfunded on October 29, 2019 🎉 145 Pledges 10.250€ From 10.200€
Yuma. A documentary about tourism in Cuba. Become a co-producer of this story about tourists who try to capture a stereotyped reality that doesn't exist. Documentary / Travel 118% Project crowdfunded on July 14, 2019 🎉 95 Pledges 3.550€ From 3.000€
DOWNTOWN FOR SALE Farewell to the soul of Lavapiés! The Documentary about the fast extinction of this historical neighbourhood. Documentary / Positive impact 100% Project crowdfunded on June 23, 2019 🎉 206 Pledges 15.054€ From 15.000€
Partidos: Una historia del exilio argentino en Madrid Partidos es la nueva película documental de Silvia Di Florio, que habla del exilio argentino en Madrid causado por la dictadura militar. Documentary 102% Project crowdfunded on June 23, 2019 🎉 179 Pledges 20.355€ From 20.000€