#ELRETO #ELRETO se encuentra en pleno proceso de preproducción. ¡Ayúdanos a conseguir un largometraje de terror found footage (metraje encontrado)! Feature film 102% Project crowdfunded on February 07, 2025 🎉 62 Pledges 6.100€ From 6.000€
The Miracle, a documentary film by David Varela The Miracle is a relatively autobiographical musical, in documentary format and based on dreamt events. Documentary 122% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2024 🎉 131 Pledges 8.530€ From 7.000€
Documentary: Life Between Cuts Join us on this emotional journey and discover how, in every cut, there is a story to tell. Documentary 167% Project crowdfunded on December 08, 2024 🎉 202 Pledges 6.675€ From 4.000€
Short film: "Érase una vez… un cuento que me he inventado" Help us fund the story we would have told, in the way we would have told it, when we were children. Short movie 192% Project crowdfunded on October 09, 2024 🎉 34 Pledges 1.535€ From 800€
POLO ROJO I need your help to make this project a reality, are you in? Short movie 112% Project crowdfunded on June 11, 2024 🎉 23 Pledges 670€ From 600€
BATMAN: Last Night Cortometraje secuela de 'BATMAN: First Night' (2023) en el que se potenciará la epicidad de la historia, el drama y la ambientación. Short movie 121% Project crowdfunded on April 10, 2024 🎉 37 Pledges 940€ From 780€
LOSE OUR SHAME Videoclip "LOSE OUR SHAME" tells a story of love and desire in a video clip that fuses elements of ElectroPop with epic overtones and EuroDance. Short movie / Electronic, Pop, Video clip 101% Project crowdfunded on March 23, 2024 🎉 22 Pledges 890€ From 880€
Número de serie A dark room, five hired killers… and a clueless unknown woman comes in. Tension grows among the killers. Who is she? Why is she there? Short movie 107% Project crowdfunded on November 10, 2023 🎉 78 Pledges 2.790€ From 2.600€
Limbo del Dolor: A Micro Shortfilm by Rocío Argueta After stubbing his toe, a man gains a new-found perspective of other-worldly dimensions. Short movie 132% Project crowdfunded on September 05, 2023 🎉 52 Pledges 2.640€ From 2.000€
Get Over It (Supéralo) How many times have you thought that what you had just left behind and what is awaiting you ahead are not what you truly need? Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2023 🎉 42 Pledges 2.000€ From 2.000€
A little longer (2023) ¿Alguna vez has tenido un amor con fecha de caducidad? “A little longer” es una historia de amor atravesada por la distancia. Short movie / #8m 116% Project crowdfunded on April 02, 2023 🎉 43 Pledges 2.325€ From 2.000€
Shortfilm "1907 Off the field" Off the field is a shortfilm about a football fan who becomes a hooligan. The shortfilm critics racism, homofobic and radical behaviours. Short movie 102% Project crowdfunded on March 21, 2023 🎉 14 Pledges 305€ From 300€
Feature film project "When there's no way out" A history that mixes past and present, joined by the reality of prostitution and trafficking human beings Feature film 114% Project crowdfunded on March 08, 2023 🎉 123 Pledges 10.270€ From 9.000€
'TRIBE' - Short film In 2021, 2,143 reports of sexual assault were made in Spain. Where does this violence against women come from? Short movie 111% Project crowdfunded on December 28, 2022 🎉 42 Pledges 3.340€ From 3.000€
Guarrazar The story of what was hidden for more than 1000 years: the most important Visigothic treasure in the world. Documentary / History, Art 103% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2022 🎉 255 Pledges 11.320€ From 11.000€
Color - Short Film "Color" is a dramedy about diversity, equality, love and tolerance, set in a somewhat.. different world. Now we raise funds to help Ukraine! Short movie 121% Project crowdfunded on June 16, 2022 🎉 103 Pledges 4.840€ From 4.000€
Shortfilm "FATHER" Postwar. A daring study of the church under Franco’s dictatorship through a case of homosexuality. Short movie 118% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2022 🎉 30 Pledges 1.772€ From 1.500€
Víctima en la sombra “Víctima en la sombra” un corto sobre la culpa, la tristeza y cómo intentar superarlo. Short movie 100% Project crowdfunded on May 01, 2022 🎉 39 Pledges 3.000€ From 3.000€