Somaliland, the peaceful neighbour Hayat fled from the war in Somalia when she was only 2 years old. Two decades later, she is going on a journey which will bring her back to her roots in Somaliland. This country, located north of Somalia (one of the most dangerous places on earth), is not recognised by the international community. Documentary / Journalism 103% Project crowdfunded on April 18, 2015 🎉 58 Pledges 6.165€ From 6.000€
REACCIÓN! *Reaction!* is a magazine of Alternative Social Journalism. It is also a job insertion tool for people on the streets. With your help we can get down on paper. Together we can give opportunities to those most in need. Magazines / Journalism 104% Project crowdfunded on January 14, 2013 🎉 33 Pledges 1.250€ From 1.200€
la mitad de todo La mitad de todo es un mosaico de voces de mujeres residentes en La Paz, Bolivia. Desde posiciones diversas, las entrevistadas nos hablan sobre sus vidas y nos dan su visión y su versión de la situación sociopolítica del país, el primero en Latinoamérica gobernado por un hombre indígena. ¿Y? Documentary / Free licenses, Journalism, Community, Publications, Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2012 🎉 51 Pledges 1.840€ From 1.800€
Funding the new website of Diagonal Un portal informativo de actualización diaria, desarrollado en software libre. Queremos que Diagonal web sea una página accesible que permita una mayor presencia de nuestras noticias en la red, y que sea asimismo un espacio de acción de y para los movimientos sociales. Journalism / Free licenses, Cooperative 196% Project crowdfunded on June 25, 2011 🎉 566 Pledges 19.580€ From 10.000€