Negro Durante mi trabajo iniciado en 2004 en Melilla, pude documentar imágenes como esta. Pero hay muchas imágenes que vi y no pude fotografiar. Journalism / Positive impact 118% Project crowdfunded on August 03, 2020 🎉 252 Pledges 8.836€ From 7.500€
Book: "The Streets Will Always Be Ours: Indignados, Podemos, and the Catalan struggle" Delving deep into Catalan independence and other challenges to the Spanish establishment in the last decade. Help turn interviews into book Books / Journalism 110% Project crowdfunded on September 15, 2018 🎉 172 Pledges 5.292€ From 4.800€
D.OAK nº02 D.OAK is a documentary photography magazine that gives a glimpse behind the scenes of the projects developed by OAK stories. Magazines / Journalism, Positive impact, Photography 178% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2018 🎉 63 Pledges 5.330€ From 3.000€
Pecados y Capitales We want to create travel guide books of emergent and alternative destinations, from a fresh point of view, aiming to diversify tourism. Journalism / Travel 103% Project crowdfunded on November 06, 2017 🎉 149 Pledges 4.120€ From 4.000€
D.OAK nº01 D.OAK is a documentary photography magazine that shows the background of the work done by the agency OAK stories. Magazines / Journalism, Positive impact, Photography 133% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2017 🎉 95 Pledges 3.990€ From 3.000€
For the freedom of information and against political meddling in public service news coverage during political campaign! The Journalist Association intends to bring the case of political meddling imposition over the journalistic news coverage to the Strasbourg Court. It is a European anomaly that limits the citizens’ right to receive unbiased information during election periods. We need your involvement. Journalism 101% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2015 🎉 161 Pledges 6.030€ From 6.000€
Many Grains of Sand — Molts granets de sorra In a world of 7 billion people, with desperate problems and distant leaders, what's the best way to make our voices heard? Studies show non-violent action is the most effective in bringing about change. "Many Grains of Sand" is a sourcebook of ideas, tried and tested by Catalan independentists, Journalism / Books 113% Project crowdfunded on February 27, 2015 🎉 375 Pledges 11.250€ From 10.000€
Crónica21 Archive: Building a Picture of the Present Crónica21 is a free, on-line, multidisciplinary archive of documentary stories and analysis about the deepening economic, political and social crisis in Spain. It has been designed to include photography, video, illustration, text, and audio. Journalism / Community, App 108% Project crowdfunded on June 14, 2014 🎉 172 Pledges 13.510€ From 12.500€
LIBYA CLOSE UP by Ricardo García Vilanova - photojournalist released in Siria Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, freelance photojournalist, has spent 194 days in Syria kidnapped and has received no income since then. All profits from the publication of his work LIBYA CLOSE UP will go to ensure his economic security until recovery. Photography / Journalism 125% Project crowdfunded on May 13, 2014 🎉 840 Pledges 37.416€ From 30.000€
The Silent Revolution This documentary explains how the Kurds from Syria have taken advantage of the context of war to put into motion a political and cultural revolution with the purpose of recovering their rights as a nation which suppressed more than 50 years ago. This process suffers a big informative marginalisation Documentary / Journalism, Positive impact 121% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2013 🎉 217 Pledges 7.245€ From 6.000€
EZLN, 20 years - Evolution and scope of the zapatist movement (1994-2014) What has happened in 20 years of the Zapatista movement? Does it keep its essence? What is the future of the Zapatistas? Discover with us the answer to these questions and many more. Travel to Chiapas through this report and help us to publish it in a book. Journalism / Books 123% Project crowdfunded on June 11, 2013 🎉 129 Pledges 4.315€ From 3.500€
What's up with Catalonia? Help us tell the world the real story! We'll publish a book of 35 essays written by Catalonia experts especially for a non-Catalan audience, and translated into English. Then we’ll jumpstart the distribution by sending 500 copies to libraries, newspapers and politicians all over the world. Journalism / Books 165% Project crowdfunded on February 24, 2013 🎉 593 Pledges 12.372€ From 7.500€
COLLECTIVE ECONOMY. Europe's last revolution “Collective Economy. Europe’s last Revolution” takes a closer look at a singular unprecedented experience: the collectivization of industry and services that took place in Catalunya between 1936 and 1939. Help us to finish it! Become a sponsor! Documentary / Journalism, Publications, History 125% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2012 🎉 187 Pledges 5.643€ From 4.500€
Chunchi In a small town in Ecuador at 2, 280 metres above sea level, sixty two children have commited suicide over the last five years from hanging themselves, ingesting rat poison, solvents, gunpowder from fireworks, and other poisonous substances. In despair and desperation, their parents have fled to... Documentary / Journalism, Community, Publications 105% Project crowdfunded on October 02, 2012 🎉 87 Pledges 5.445€ From 5.200€
Mama Tunza-Pay It Forward Mama Tunza - Pay it Forward is a photo-documentary project, which wants to broadcast a series of good deeds that have been made an honorary people simply to help others, forming a chain of favors that have saved lives accordingly of abandoned children. Photography / Journalism, Documentary, Publications, Film 101% Project crowdfunded on July 01, 2012 🎉 44 Pledges 2.010€ From 2.000€
The Portraitist A rural school in the Spanish republic of the '30s. A lost world through the eyes of children who are learning to write. The utopia of a teacher truncated by war and dictatorship. A documentary and a collective effort in memory of the victims of Franco's repression. Documentary / Journalism, Publications 146% Project crowdfunded on June 06, 2012 🎉 184 Pledges 7.275€ From 5.000€