Samarreta "no som amigues" Samarreta de cotó serigrafiada amb il·lustració de dos noies donant-se un petó. Tirada única, talles de la S a la 5XL. Design / Lgtbiq, Fashion 108% Project crowdfunded on July 01, 2023 🎉 19 Pledges 378€ From 350€
CitySens Wall Planters: Colorful Circular & Social Design Let's reuse fabric cuts to make self-watering wall planters that will fill every corner with nature and lots of love. Design / Positive impact 297% Project crowdfunded on June 21, 2023 🎉 69 Pledges 5.940€ From 2.000€
The plant shelf of the future: adaptive, resourceful and sustainable The new Citysens plant shelf is a practical design, adaptable to your needs and respectful with the environment. Design / Positive impact 138% Project crowdfunded on June 08, 2019 🎉 129 Pledges 13.782€ From 10.000€
CITYSENS vertical garden CITYSENS is a new adaptive self-watering vertical garden that will take care of your plants. JOIN this crowdfunding campaign to make this project a reality: a new way to enjoy nature in the city. Design 262% Project crowdfunded on November 14, 2015 🎉 265 Pledges 26.218€ From 10.000€