THIS IS SKA VOL.II Libro de Música Jamaicana. Books / Reggae and ska 116% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2023 🎉 59 Pledges 2.890€ From 2.500€
"Bauma"- Primer disc de La Cantina Amb la teva ajuda volem aconseguir gravar el nostre primer disc i impulsar així el nostre projecte musical. Reggae and Ska / Rock 116% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2023 🎉 106 Pledges 6.355€ From 5.500€
Cap al primer CD Després d'una petita gira, Seyka ens tanquem a preparar el nostre primer CD. Un disc cuinat a foc lent que no deixarà indiferent a ningú Reggae and Ska 134% Project crowdfunded on January 15, 2022 🎉 96 Pledges 4.010€ From 3.000€
BÒRIA: Verema El primer EP de Bòria. Venim fortes! Hip Hop / Reggae and ska 113% Project crowdfunded on January 07, 2022 🎉 146 Pledges 3.944€ From 3.500€
BRAMA! Primer disc de LA FERA Projecte sorgit del bagatge de diverses formacions amb visions compartides. Música com a altaveu compromès i eina de transformació social. Reggae and Ska 123% Project crowdfunded on April 01, 2021 🎉 130 Pledges 4.434€ From 3.600€
SEIKOS ENTRA A L'ESTUDI ! Ens sentim creatius i et volem tornar a portar la nostra música i bona energia a cada racó de la teva vida! Reggae and Ska 104% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2021 🎉 144 Pledges 5.210€ From 5.000€
LP vinyl Sound System Selection by Good Over Evil Good Over Evil will release our first 12 inch vinyl, Sound System Selection. Featuring 6 singers ; 6 songs + 4 Dub versions. Reggae and Ska 104% Project crowdfunded on January 10, 2021 🎉 71 Pledges 1.981€ From 1.900€
"Stay At The Parrot" The Goliards Collective a l'estudi Després de dos anys repartint tokotó allà on ens ho han demanat, a The Goliards Collective ens proposem gravar el nostre primer EP. Reggae and Ska 220% Project crowdfunded on January 02, 2021 🎉 82 Pledges 4.390€ From 2.000€
Deconstrucció: El Primer Alè Fent música sempre en contra de la condemna! Reggae and Ska 111% Project crowdfunded on October 08, 2020 🎉 79 Pledges 2.439€ From 2.200€
This is Ska (Book) This Jamaican music book will take you to the glorious decade of Ska and Rocksteady. 60 unpublished scores that you can interpret. Books / Reggae and ska 131% Project crowdfunded on August 11, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.270€ From 2.500€
Ska de Vells! Mr. Freak Després de 5 anys de l'últim disc de versions torno a la càrrega amb 16 temes propis d'autèntic ska casolà. M'ajudeu a fer-ho possible? Reggae and Ska / Songwriter, Vinyl 155% Project crowdfunded on January 11, 2020 🎉 235 Pledges 5.902€ From 3.800€
The Bass of Women Un retrato en clave feminista de la escena Sound System de Barcelona. Documentary / Reggae and ska, Positive impact 107% Project crowdfunded on August 27, 2019 🎉 122 Pledges 3.435€ From 3.200€
SEIKOS - NOU DISC Entrem a Verkami per fer realitat un dels projectes més grans al qual ens hem afrontat com a grup. Reggae and Ska 112% Project crowdfunded on February 10, 2019 🎉 74 Pledges 2.810€ From 2.500€
STORMIN' - DROP COLLECTIVE's First Album Love and passion for Jazz, Reggae and Ska in one album. Reggae and Ska / Jazz 117% Project crowdfunded on January 22, 2018 🎉 141 Pledges 4.669€ From 4.000€
Album Debut Mandragora Reggae - Mamihlapinatapai Despres de 2 anys rondant pels escenaris, des de Mandragora estem preparats per donar un gran pas, només ens falta el més important, TÚ. Reggae and Ska 105% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2018 🎉 77 Pledges 3.145€ From 3.000€
Nou disc de Kalabranda - DESPERTA LA FERA Ajuda'ns a financiar el nostre primer disc: Desperta la Fera, un disc ple de cançons reivindicatives amb estils com ska, rock, punk i reggae Rock / Punk, Reggae and ska 107% Project crowdfunded on November 29, 2017 🎉 63 Pledges 1.612€ From 1.500€
MARINAH (Ojos de Brujo) is preparing her new album MARINAH (Ojos de Brujo) is preparing her new album, "Afrolailo". Including rumba, reggae, afro-cuba and flamenco, it’s music with a woman's voice. Let’s do it together, in a direct way, in a friendly way. Make the project yours, give it what you can, spread it and tell your neighbor. Reggae and Ska / Latin, Flamenco, Rumba 107% Project crowdfunded on April 12, 2017 🎉 275 Pledges 10.376€ From 9.700€
Sr.WILSON & The Island Defenders – New album Sr.Wilson y 'The Island Defenders' – Reggae, Rub a Dub, Rap and Soul. Reggae and Ska 110% Project crowdfunded on March 06, 2017 🎉 167 Pledges 8.112€ From 7.355€