SPANISH MANNERS, new album by Claudia Vega Spanish Manners is my new musical project; the sound and music in which I believe with all my <3 Indie / #8m 102% Project crowdfunded on March 11, 2019 🎉 82 Pledges 7.170€ From 7.000€
New album of Gentleman Clef !! Be part of our story by helping us to getting funding for the recording of our new album! Indie / Pop 101% Project crowdfunded on December 02, 2018 🎉 172 Pledges 8.105€ From 8.000€
Paula Ferraz's first album "CHANGES", Paula Ferraz's first album, can become a reality with your help. Songwriter / Indie 167% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2018 🎉 111 Pledges 2.670€ From 1.600€
Big Fuckin' Deal record their first album ChillRock Band in the Studio. Rock / Indie 101% Project crowdfunded on April 25, 2018 🎉 47 Pledges 3.017€ From 3.000€
Fund Triángulo Inverso's debut album Triángulo inverso embarks on recording its first album, help us! Indie / Vinyl 105% Project crowdfunded on January 29, 2018 🎉 159 Pledges 12.604€ From 12.000€
Miguel Iglesias Debut Album After five years street performing in London, Paris, Edinburgh, Madrid, Mexico City... I have decided to record my own music. Follow me! Indie / Vinyl 113% Project crowdfunded on January 09, 2018 🎉 111 Pledges 5.628€ From 5.000€
Ana Laan New EP: Camino del Agua Evictions, rivers, not wanting to be here, rain, Dionysian rites, shipwrecks and monsters, 5 songs that will see the light with your support Indie 115% Project crowdfunded on December 24, 2017 🎉 210 Pledges 6.887€ From 6.000€
"Bendita Valentía", Duerme Simón's first record We're Duerme Simón and bendita valentia is our first record. This is the greatest adventure we have ever faced. We want you to make this adventure possible. Indie 139% Project crowdfunded on August 27, 2016 🎉 149 Pledges 4.178€ From 3.000€
Mechanismo / Debut album Estamos en la recta final de un largo camino. Acompáñanos. Participa. Indie 102% Project crowdfunded on January 13, 2016 🎉 110 Pledges 4.084€ From 4.000€
Hynkel - Make "Acerca de lo cotidiano" a reality! Crowdfunding of Hynkel's first LP: "Acerca de lo cotidiano". Indie / Folk, Pop 118% Project crowdfunded on June 14, 2014 🎉 62 Pledges 1.880€ From 1.600€
MONSERRAT, First album Lp/Cd 'Monserrat' is a Javier Monserrat's songs project. After some changes, maturity and much work, we want to release our first album. Twelve songs recorded in front of the sea which mix pop, folk and psychedelia. Participate, spread it and make it real! Now you can take part in our piece. Folk / Indie, Pop, Vinyl 112% Project crowdfunded on November 16, 2013 🎉 105 Pledges 3.123€ From 2.800€