Disco "DICEN" 10 canciones que tienen mucho que contar y necesitan vuestra ayuda para presentarse al mundo Songwriter 46% 24 days 2.114€ From 4.500€
Didi: grabación de 2 temas, "Va de ti y de mi" y "El nen que portem dins" Todo sueño de músico és poder expresar la musica que siente dentro. Me gustaria grabar dos de mis temas en un estudio profesional. Songwriter 60% 7 days 670€ From 1.100€
Recording Gabrielle's songs to boost her music I've been a singer-songwriter for life, and my songs have helped me heal. This year, my mission is to record them and share them! Songwriter 197% Project crowdfunded on February 03, 2025 🎉 112 Pledges 5.903€ From 3.000€
TRIPLE CD "MIQUEL PUJADÓ CANTA GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR I ANARQUIA" ("MIQUEL PUJADÓ SINGS GEORGES BRASSENS: HUMOR AND ANARCHY") Edition of a triple CD with the BRASSENS songs that have been translated and adapted by MIQUEL PUJADÓ, sung by him and by other performers. Songwriter 212% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2025 🎉 129 Pledges 4.235€ From 2.000€
Debut Album (EP): Elijah Present Tense is my debut album, the result of everything I know and the record I'd want to hear, I'd love you to love it as much as I do. Songwriter 108% Project crowdfunded on November 05, 2024 🎉 130 Pledges 4.316€ From 4.000€
ECLIPSI, el pròxim disc de Míriam Farré La llum i l'ombra dansant en un ECLIPSI. Sons que canten a la transformació i l'empoderament de créixer amb cada canvi vital. Songwriter 103% Project crowdfunded on July 09, 2024 🎉 34 Pledges 4.573€ From 4.444€
"Entre el Cielo y Tu Corazón" un álbum para volver a la esencia de la vida.. Abro mi corazón al viento con este álbum de canciones medicina, para que resuene en las almas más bellas.. Acompáñame en este viaje! Songwriter 101% Project crowdfunded on May 27, 2024 🎉 76 Pledges 3.020€ From 3.000€
“Com un segon origen”– nou disc de Santi Eizaguirre Dona suport a les noves cançons compartint aquesta campanya plena de recompenses. Music / Songwriter, Pop 129% Project crowdfunded on March 12, 2024 🎉 124 Pledges 4.500€ From 3.500€
Weġgħat Żgħar - New Album by TroffaĦamra After a long break TroffaĦamra is back with a new album, predominantly in the Maltese language, collaborating with top Maltese artists. Songwriter 116% Project crowdfunded on February 22, 2024 🎉 77 Pledges 2.310€ From 2.000€
SIN FILTROS - Primer disco de Óscar Mir-Mir Buen rollo, sencillez y autenticidad. Un proyecto que nace desde el amor a la vida, y desde la certeza de que los sueños se pueden vivir. Songwriter 100% Project crowdfunded on February 20, 2024 🎉 80 Pledges 8.505€ From 8.500€
La Pau - Primer disco en solitario Mi música está a punto de ver la luz. 10 canciones sobre la vida, las relaciones, las luces y las sombras. ¿Me acompañas? Songwriter 111% Project crowdfunded on January 31, 2024 🎉 155 Pledges 6.130€ From 5.500€
Albert Freixas's new album, "Personal/Universal" to be released soon. This project is to help with the release and promotion of my new album, Personal/Universal, which will be out come spring 2024. Songwriter 102% Project crowdfunded on January 31, 2024 🎉 58 Pledges 3.065€ From 3.000€
Nou àlbum de Roger Torné: Oliveres i Pinyols El cantautor egarenc presenta l'edició limitada del seu nou disc en físic. Ajuda'l a fer-ho possible i obtindrás recompenses exclusives! Songwriter 160% Project crowdfunded on November 26, 2023 🎉 75 Pledges 2.407€ From 1.500€
QUIÉN SOY - Estela Julia Crowdfunding para el lanzamiento de mi disco debut. Música original que fusiona géneros como el jazz, el pop y el folklore ibérico. Songwriter / Jazz, Folk, Pop 100% Project crowdfunded on December 02, 2023 🎉 70 Pledges 5.000€ From 5.000€
El Paio de Gràcia & Las Malas Lenguas - 1r disc Rumba catalana, jarana i festa major. Plazoleo, birretes i reivindicació. Sent com som nascuts a Gràcia, de què ha d’anar aquest disc si no? Songwriter 104% Project crowdfunded on October 13, 2023 🎉 76 Pledges 2.610€ From 2.500€
AUTOCURA POST CATARSI - Nou àlbum de Mireia Zamora AUTOCURA POST CATARSI. Un projecte per a tu, per tenir les eines necessàries per guarir-te. Un SÍ a tu mateix/a. Una obertura a la vida. Songwriter 108% Project crowdfunded on September 12, 2023 🎉 98 Pledges 4.300€ From 4.000€
Life Tree VerdCel 2023 2 roots to celebrate: 1. Completely NEW ALBUM (LP+Book) by VerdCel. 2. ReSamara. 15 years of Samara: New EP + Redrawn Comic. Songwriter 107% Project crowdfunded on July 31, 2023 🎉 102 Pledges 4.603€ From 4.300€
E.P AMOR. Songs of the heart. E.P. of sixs songs. Cooked in slow fire, waiting to be delighted. Songwriter 121% Project crowdfunded on May 05, 2023 🎉 108 Pledges 2.800€ From 2.310€