CITYSENS vertical garden CITYSENS is a new adaptive self-watering vertical garden that will take care of your plants. JOIN this crowdfunding campaign to make this project a reality: a new way to enjoy nature in the city. Design 262% Project crowdfunded on November 14, 2015 🎉 265 Pledges 26.218€ From 10.000€
The plant shelf of the future: adaptive, resourceful and sustainable The new Citysens plant shelf is a practical design, adaptable to your needs and respectful with the environment. Design / Positive impact 138% Project crowdfunded on June 08, 2019 🎉 129 Pledges 13.782€ From 10.000€
CitySens Wall Planters: Colorful Circular & Social Design Let's reuse fabric cuts to make self-watering wall planters that will fill every corner with nature and lots of love. Design / Positive impact 297% Project crowdfunded on June 21, 2023 🎉 69 Pledges 5.940€ From 2.000€
QUINA CANYA ! Joguinetes Un nunut? Un picacanyes? Un caça fardatxos? Una barqueta de fulla? Un caça-boles? Bufa ! I tot això què és? Books / Design, Children, Positive impact 322% Project crowdfunded on February 26, 2019 🎉 137 Pledges 3.216€ From 1.000€
#Somdelterreno Del Terreno vol ser la nova imatge de les Terres de l’Ebre, de la mà de l’artista Hernán en H, presentem els seus dibuixos més originals amb expressions ebrenques. Design / Fashion 117% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2015 🎉 93 Pledges 2.348€ From 2.000€
FATO, outfit rural. Fato és una marca per a reivindicar i visibilitzar la ruralitat des del món rural amb humor, de manera fresca i poca-solta. Fato ets tu Design / Fashion 113% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2021 🎉 74 Pledges 1.809€ From 1.600€
Creació de nous dissenys de Subalterna Serigrafia Ajudeu-nos a crear nous dissenys de samarretes i bosses de Subalterna Serigrafia que ens permetran consolidar el nostre projecte. Design / Cooperative, Fashion, Positive impact 106% Project crowdfunded on September 03, 2018 🎉 62 Pledges 1.270€ From 1.200€
Samarreta "no som amigues" Samarreta de cotó serigrafiada amb il·lustració de dos noies donant-se un petó. Tirada única, talles de la S a la 5XL. Design / Fashion, Lgtbiq 108% Project crowdfunded on July 01, 2023 🎉 19 Pledges 378€ From 350€