The hockey ones The series that we would've liked to see when we were teenagers: we talk of periods, of girls who beat eachother, of the boredom of towns, of best friends that deep inside you hate, of first times that aren’t as horrible or as good enough to remember them, of girls that fall in love with other girls Webserie / Lgtbiq, Positive impact 117% Project crowdfunded on September 20, 2016 🎉 155 Pledges 5.870€ From 5.000€
Clito Clito narra les aventures i desventures de la Clito, un clítoris amb potes que viu a la ciutat de Barcelona. Animation / Webserie, Positive impact 106% Project crowdfunded on January 12, 2018 🎉 123 Pledges 3.720€ From 3.500€
La Libertaria A mother, a daughter and a grandmother that decide not to be what is expected from them. Webserie / Positive impact 124% Project crowdfunded on May 14, 2018 🎉 92 Pledges 2.235€ From 1.800€