Art. 490 UN FILM PER LA LLIBERTAT Documentary 119% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2021 🎉 868 Pledges 89.075€ From 75.000€
Parchís - El Documental Parchís fue algo más que el grupo infantil más popular en España entre 1979 y 1985, ¿Nos ayudas a hacer posible este proyecto? Documentary / Music 124% Project crowdfunded on July 29, 2017 🎉 511 Pledges 49.723€ From 40.000€
Petitet (Rumba pa' ti) "Petitet Rumba pa' ti" és la crònica d’una carrera d’obstacles, a vegades dura i sovint divertida, sobre al lluita desigual d’un somiador contra totes les circumstàncies. Acompanya'ns en aquest somni! Documentary / Rumba, Music 112% Project crowdfunded on May 15, 2017 🎉 368 Pledges 33.735€ From 30.000€
Between Walls (a documentary by wants to explain why the UE has signed an agreement with Turkey and portray which is the current situation of refugees after the approval of such deal. Help us make this happen! Documentary / Positive impact 101% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2016 🎉 249 Pledges 30.430€ From 30.000€
Brin d'Amour Brin d’Amour is a portrayal of the life and work of Alain Vigneau. A performance artist and clown who nurtured his art from his painful childhood, and developed the fascinating art-therapy ‘Essential Clown’; a process that reconciles us with our past and invites us to laugh at ourselves. Documentary / Clown 135% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2016 🎉 398 Pledges 22.965€ From 17.000€
Andrea Motis,The Quiet Trumpet An emotionally charged story regarding an unrepeatable moment: That vertigo filled instant when one is about to leap into the unknown. Documentary / Jazz, Music 114% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 354 Pledges 17.064€ From 15.000€
Ciudadano Fernando Gallego: Baila o Muere Fernando Gallego es un barcelonés cualquiera. Su DNI es 40488088-K, pesa 78 kilos y no llega al 1,70 cm. Tiene los ojos azules y 51 años de edad pero su edad es relativa, depende del día es un adolescente sin acné o un anciano con el pelo verde. Su nombre artístico: NANDO DIXKONTROL. Documentary / Electronic 153% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2016 🎉 279 Pledges 16.845€ From 11.000€
My Neighborhood Team:a documentary about the U.C Ceares Help us finish this documentary about the U. C. Ceares and the true values of football. Documentary / Sport 108% Project crowdfunded on June 28, 2016 🎉 327 Pledges 16.190€ From 15.000€
CANÓPOLIS: Más allá de la Ciudad de los Perros Esta es la historia de un singular refugio de animales que pretende cambiar el futuro de los centros de acogida para dar @FINALASJAULAS Documentary 102% Project crowdfunded on December 26, 2022 🎉 121 Pledges 15.355€ From 15.000€
GUSTAU, uncovering the Transition The murder of the young Gustau Muñoz is the starting point for questioning spanish Transition, and the crimes committed during this period Documentary 102% Project crowdfunded on October 19, 2020 🎉 389 Pledges 15.315€ From 15.000€
Backstage. Let's talk about a sarcoma. Help us to discover what happens from the time the doctors walk out the door of the practice until they come back for the next visit. Documentary / Free licenses, Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2019 🎉 91 Pledges 15.240€ From 15.000€
No Me Olvides, El jardín de los recuerdos. No Me Olvides, es una película documental en donde cinco hermanas y sus hijas le hacen un homenaje a su madre a través de fotografías, cuentos, canciones y poemas. Un viaje introspectivo, un viaje de reconocimiento, un re-encuentro. La cercanía del devenir de una familia, que pudiera ser la tuya. Documentary 100% Project crowdfunded on May 28, 2017 🎉 63 Pledges 15.010€ From 15.000€
Pavlovsky Producción de un largometraje documental sobre Ángel Pavlovsky, icono social y uno de los artistas más queridos y valorados en España Documentary / Theatre 100% Project crowdfunded on October 03, 2018 🎉 87 Pledges 15.000€ From 15.000€
The Homes of Latung La La Ymbernon realitzà a casa seva les obres visuals 'Latung La La i la cuinera embarassada' (2005) i 'Latung La La i la llum emergent' (Barcelona Poesia i Festival Panorama 2010). Ara, amb 'Els domicilis de Latung La La', es proposa realitzar una gira per cases d'Europa. Documentary / Performing arts, Art, Music, Events 143% Project crowdfunded on December 01, 2012 🎉 49 Pledges 14.300€ From 10.000€
world music documentary Persimpatia: Zoltán Lantos Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit, and we’ve tracked down the first one: Zoltán Lantos from Hungary. His music has seduced us and makes for a great story, but we need your help to be able to share it with you! Documentary / Classical, Music 109% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2013 🎉 191 Pledges 13.045€ From 12.000€
Yes, we fuck! Yes, we fuck" is a project-documentary that seeks to address sexuality in people with functional diversity, called disabled. Documentary / Erotica, Community, Lgtbiq, Positive impact 108% Project crowdfunded on January 28, 2015 🎉 563 Pledges 12.950€ From 12.000€
La vida d'una flor. La insurrecció anarquista de l'Alt Llobregat i Cardener del 1932 “Cinc dies d'anarquia, no van durar més que la vida d'una flor” (Federica Montseny) Documentary / History 104% Project crowdfunded on March 30, 2024 🎉 160 Pledges 12.946€ From 12.500€
Repatriem el cos d'Idrissa Diallo Viatgem a Guinea per complir la voluntat de la seva família. #RepatriemIdrissa Documentary / Positive impact, Travel 123% Project crowdfunded on April 28, 2018 🎉 461 Pledges 12.870€ From 10.470€