LIBYA CLOSE UP by Ricardo García Vilanova - photojournalist released in Siria Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, freelance photojournalist, has spent 194 days in Syria kidnapped and has received no income since then. All profits from the publication of his work LIBYA CLOSE UP will go to ensure his economic security until recovery. Photography / Journalism 125% Project crowdfunded on May 13, 2014 🎉 840 Pledges 37.416€ From 30.000€
'Here & There (again)' The project 'Here & There (again)' will be a book compiling a selection of drawings made on location by Miguel Herranz during the last 3 years. Artbook 194% Project crowdfunded on October 27, 2015 🎉 305 Pledges 7.765€ From 4.000€
The Portraitist A rural school in the Spanish republic of the '30s. A lost world through the eyes of children who are learning to write. The utopia of a teacher truncated by war and dictatorship. A documentary and a collective effort in memory of the victims of Franco's repression. Documentary / Journalism, Publications 146% Project crowdfunded on June 06, 2012 🎉 184 Pledges 7.275€ From 5.000€
CIUTAT MORTA (Des_Montaje 4F) CIUTAT MORTA es un trabajo de investigación videográfica que pretende dar a conocer la verdad sobre el caso 4F, uno de los casos de corrupción policial más graves que se han destapado en Barcelona. Documentary / Free licenses, Cooperative, Journalism, Community, Positive impact 112% Project crowdfunded on December 20, 2011 🎉 182 Pledges 4.720€ From 4.211€
“Poemari per a acordió” by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA Compilation of poetic texts in the form of a book and a musical version on the networks. Poetry / Music, Books 101% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2022 🎉 115 Pledges 4.026€ From 4.000€
how to analyze and evaluate mat-housing The book "how to analyse and evaluate mat housing" questions the validity of the system of Mat Building in contemporary residential production. Characterized by a large graphic section, the book analyzes different projects highlighting architectural and urbanistic potentials and deficiencies. Books 108% Project crowdfunded on April 24, 2016 🎉 104 Pledges 2.700€ From 2.500€
Yoga Cards Is a deck of cards in which the Asanas (yoga poses) appear on one side, and the benefits and contraindications on the other. In addition, it comes with an Appendix of Healing Asanas for curing various illnesses and ailments, based on the experiences of Master BKS Iyengar. Publications 102% Project crowdfunded on October 08, 2012 🎉 45 Pledges 2.548€ From 2.500€
Ayudemos a que La Oreja Magica regrese a la radio.NUEVA META: 1600 Euros. Con tu ayuda La Oreja Mágica ya regresará al aire todos los jueves en setiembre.Con esta nueva meta podremos pagar tres meses adelantados. Radio and Podcast 154% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2019 🎉 37 Pledges 1.845€ From 1.200€
Pornoterrorismo - Diana J. Torres in Italia Il libro di Diana J. Torres "Pornoterrorismo” è un testo essenziale della lotta del femminismo pro-sex è ora disponibile in Italiano. Il Verkami é per pagare le spese di vitto e trasporto dell'autrice durante il tour di presentazioni e per le spese di le ricompense. Books / Erotica, Performance, Art 112% Project crowdfunded on April 02, 2014 🎉 86 Pledges 1.675€ From 1.500€
Entre lugares y retos: Escocia ¡Viajer@s! esto es para vosotros. Una guía que no es guía y una App sin ser App. No te quedes solo en el papel. ¿Aceptas el reto? Journalism / Travel 117% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2018 🎉 27 Pledges 1.165€ From 1.000€