TOPOUM After the success of "1911 Amundsen vs Scott", Looping Games returns with a new boardgame! Europe, 1916. The Great War has swept Europe and ravaged their fields. Just a small fertile land standstill and it’s disputed by…moles? Board games 261% Project crowdfunded on January 30, 2016 🎉 599 Pledges 24.820€ From 9.500€
Wake up, Cthulhu! Wake up, Cthulhu! "Protojuegos Verkami" 1st contest winner is a fun boardgame where you must be the cultist who casts his best spells in ord Board games 564% Project crowdfunded on April 10, 2015 🎉 604 Pledges 22.572€ From 4.000€
Bloody Nights Bloody Nights is a semi-cooperative game in which every player incarnates an inhabitant who will need to get weapons and food provisions, re Board games 486% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2015 🎉 742 Pledges 19.458€ From 4.000€
La consulta en joc! Vols entendre què està passant entre Catalunya i Espanya? Nosaltres volem decidir!. Per això hem creat aquest joc, per fer-ho possible. No ho oblidis, som el que decidim! Board games 101% Project crowdfunded on October 13, 2013 🎉 204 Pledges 12.530€ From 12.400€
Voluptas, pleasure is for all. Owning our desire and exploring it through play Games / Erotica, Positive impact 173% Project crowdfunded on November 28, 2020 🎉 439 Pledges 10.386€ From 6.000€
Vinigma "El primer Escape en una botella de vino" Disfruta de un buen vino mientras tratas de descifrar el enigma que se encuentra en su interior. Una forma de pasar el rato en compañía. Games / Food 165% Project crowdfunded on May 07, 2018 🎉 379 Pledges 9.718€ From 5.900€
FITA - El joc de preguntes i respostes sobre muntanya. Fita és un joc estil trívia amb 1.200 preguntes i 4.800 respostes pels apassionats de la muntanya (natura, geografia, esport, història...) Board games / Nature, History, Sport, Travel 634% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2021 🎉 391 Pledges 9.504€ From 1.500€
El Joc de Memòria dels Ocells de Catalunya Una manera entretinguda i divertida de conèixer una mica més els nostres ocells. 30 espècies representatives de la nostra avifauna. Design / Games, Nature 473% Project crowdfunded on March 20, 2022 🎉 313 Pledges 9.462€ From 2.000€
King of the Hill: The dwarf throne King of the Hill: The Dwarf throne es un juego de mesa de reglas sencillas, de 2-5 jugadores, donde cada jugador interpreta el líder de un clan enano que intenta convertirse en el nuevo rey de Dwarfen, para ello tendrá que hacer lo que se les da mejor a los enanos ¡fanfarronear sobre sus hazañas! Board games 124% Project crowdfunded on May 22, 2016 🎉 284 Pledges 8.708€ From 7.000€
Guspira Guspira is an amusing board game, for all the family, based on the world of ‘correfoc’, one of the most spectacular popular feasts of the Catalan culture. The cards show the most typical elements of this celebration: fire, devils, beasts... Board games / Traditional festivals 165% Project crowdfunded on November 25, 2014 🎉 242 Pledges 8.254€ From 5.000€
KOKORO - Juguetes sensibles, juguetes con sentido El CUB: un juguete innovador para niños con TEA. Diseñado por dos maestras y pedagogas para fomentar el desarrollo y el juego Games / Design, Children 102% Project crowdfunded on November 23, 2024 🎉 122 Pledges 8.166€ From 8.000€
Storytelling Storytelling is a board game for 2 - 4 players. The suggested ages 5 and up. With this game we will be plunged into a world full of magic, fantasy, talking animals, dragons, knights and princesses.Through stories that all we know, who will turn into the best storyteller? Board games 135% Project crowdfunded on August 01, 2015 🎉 151 Pledges 8.081€ From 6.000€
Carteros edición España Estudia bien las calles para ser el primero en entregar el correo. Parece fácil, pero ¡ten cuidado con los perros! Board games 136% Project crowdfunded on April 28, 2021 🎉 206 Pledges 7.493€ From 5.500€
La Fallera Calavera: el joc de cartes valencià Un joc d'estratègia en valencià destinat a tots els públics que parodia elements del nostre folklore, cultura popular i mitologia. NOU OBJECTIU!!! Si arribem a 6.000 euros inclourem 2 cartes addicionals i targetes que resumeixen les regles fonamentals del joc. Ideal per a principiants! Board games / Zombies, Traditional festivals 210% Project crowdfunded on January 06, 2014 🎉 366 Pledges 7.341€ From 3.500€
Crowdfunding, Verkami Edition The world's first crowdfunding game! Crowdfunding is a game for all ages where you must get patrons for your project by going to the press, events, social networks... While contingencies and trolls act against you. Will you be able to reach your goal within the 40 days of campaign? Board games 161% Project crowdfunded on August 23, 2014 🎉 193 Pledges 7.253€ From 4.500€
VINIGMA. CRIPTEX. El primer juego Escape en una botella de vino. Después del éxito de Vinigma y Beernigma os presentamos nuestra nueva aventura donde tendrás que descifrar el nuevo enigma de La Mona Lisa. Games / Food 105% Project crowdfunded on October 07, 2019 🎉 191 Pledges 6.844€ From 6.500€
"Okupa tu també!" Fes possible el joc de taula del conflicte per l'habitatge Ni gent sense casa, ni cases sense gent! Prepara't i defensa el dret a l'habitatge. Board games 111% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2021 🎉 146 Pledges 6.670€ From 6.000€
Monstrys ¡Los fastidiosos Monstrys han invadido el barrio! ¿Estáis dispuestos a darles caza? Un juego monstruoso para toda la familia. Board games 262% Project crowdfunded on September 28, 2021 🎉 316 Pledges 6.542€ From 2.500€