JUANTXO SKALARI & LA RUDE BAND. Recording and edition of new album 'Rude Station' This year we are celebrating the 20th birthday of Skalariak. That was the first band that I cofounded with my brother Peio. Now I am working again with him and with “La Rude Band” (my new band) on the creation of “Rude Station” new album. Reggae and Ska 106% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2014 🎉 142 Pledges 6.894€ From 6.500€
First album of Metabolé! After a few years of playing music and moving around different stages, Metabolé decided to record our first album to allow our music to travel very far away. But we need you to make it possible. Collaborate with our Verkami !!! Reggae and Ska / Rock, Rumba 106% Project crowdfunded on December 17, 2014 🎉 145 Pledges 3.165€ From 3.000€
#verkamiRelamidos L’objectiu d’aquest Verkami és aconseguir els recursos necessaris per poder fer realitat el nostre primer disc, que ens permetrà fer-vos arribar la nostra música i poder-la portar a tot arreu. Reggae and Ska / Punk, Rock 103% Project crowdfunded on December 04, 2014 🎉 122 Pledges 3.095€ From 3.000€
publicación primer Disco Natural Band Natural Band are a formation of ten musicians, born at the end of the year 2007 in Terres de l'Ebre (Catalonia). We are about to finish our first Studio album, which will be released this 2013. To publish it physically, we propose a collaboration to you. Reggae and Ska 126% Project crowdfunded on March 31, 2013 🎉 59 Pledges 2.015€ From 1.600€
Col·labora amb el nou disc de Fetitxe 13! Fetitxe 13 vol treure el seu nou disc de hip hop, "This is Tarrako", el dia 15 de Març de 2014, però necessita un darrer cop de mà! Dóna-li una última empenta convertint-te en micromecenes del seu projecte! Gràcies a gent com tu ho farem possible! Hip Hop / Reggae and ska, Soul 136% Project crowdfunded on March 12, 2014 🎉 84 Pledges 1.630€ From 1.200€
CREACIÓ DEL PRIMER EP DE L'ERIÇÓ PUNXEGUT Realització del primer EP de l'Eriçó Punxegut. Un projecte de música per infants i famílies amb la finalitat de passar-nos-ho bé!!!! Reggae and Ska / #8m 104% Project crowdfunded on March 14, 2022 🎉 70 Pledges 1.560€ From 1.500€
"REGGAELIZE IT!", segon disc del grup ROE GREEN & TXIPIAITÉ BAND Edició física del CD "REGGAELIZE IT!", segon disc del grup ROE GREEN & TXIPIAITÉ BAND Reggae and Ska 103% Project crowdfunded on April 15, 2014 🎉 64 Pledges 1.029€ From 1.000€
Reggus, 20th anniversary of the reggae festival and other herbs Reggus is a festival of reggae and other Jamaican rhythm music that has been held in Reus for the past 19 years. It is a reference point in the world of reggae festivals in southern Europe. The festival is 100% self-managed and can be done so thanks to the support of all the agents involved. Reggae and Ska / Events 103% Project crowdfunded on May 12, 2013 🎉 33 Pledges 820€ From 800€