Andrea Motis,The Quiet Trumpet An emotionally charged story regarding an unrepeatable moment: That vertigo filled instant when one is about to leap into the unknown. Documentary / Jazz, Music 114% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 354 Pledges 17.064€ From 15.000€
Sant Andreu Jazz Band - Jazzing vol.2 , 3 and 4. Contribute and help us make three new albums of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band a reality! They were recorded 2020 during confinement and at the B Jazz / #8m 139% Project crowdfunded on April 03, 2022 🎉 169 Pledges 11.090€ From 8.000€
Jazzing Festival 2015: jazz for all We are Sant Andreu Jazz Band, a very young big band from Barcelona, Spain. We are committed to jazz music and last year we made the first jazz festival from Sant Andreu, the Jazzing Festival. It was a very ambitious project and this year we want to make possible a second edition. Will you join us? Jazz / Events, Festival, Music 170% Project crowdfunded on July 12, 2015 🎉 140 Pledges 8.475€ From 5.000€
Oleandole presenta 'Wayne Shorter goes Flamenco' ¡Descubre la versión más flamenca de Wayne Shorter en nuestro nuevo álbum! Forma parte de nuestro proyecto entrando en nuestro Verkami. Jazz / Flamenco 103% Project crowdfunded on September 17, 2021 🎉 124 Pledges 8.250€ From 8.000€
Pegasus 10: Standby....ON! The catalan jazz-fusion band best known internationally is preparing a new album. The record wants to mark the restart point of the friendship that has always united Pegasus with fans and friends. Jazz 103% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2013 🎉 114 Pledges 8.250€ From 8.000€
Armando Erenas presenta Life Soundscapes El primer proyecto del músico es un libro que trata de arte, música, literatura y superación Jazz 123% Project crowdfunded on July 31, 2023 🎉 155 Pledges 7.376€ From 6.000€
JOC presenta el seu primer treball com a Crooner: "My Song" Presentació del CD "My Song" a la sala Luz de Gas (Barcelona) el proper 12 de Setembre Jazz 109% Project crowdfunded on August 06, 2017 🎉 187 Pledges 7.065€ From 6.500€
12x6 Guitarra l'Escola de Barcelona Una reunió dels millors guitarristes del nostre país tocant un repertori que va del clàssic al jazz i música de cinema Classic / Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on July 06, 2019 🎉 82 Pledges 7.000€ From 7.000€
Primer disc de Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra Hola! Som Rufaca Folk Jazz Orquestra, una big band formada per les noves generacions del jazz català i del folk pirinenc, capitanejats pel Sergi Vergés, arranjador i director. En breu volem entrar a l'estudi de gravació per plasmar la música que hem estat preparant aquests darrers mesos. Jazz / Folk 110% Project crowdfunded on November 12, 2016 🎉 259 Pledges 6.600€ From 6.000€
Creació del segon disc de la Fredi's Jazz Band La big band vallesana prepara el segon àlbum amb un repertori enèrgic i entusiasta. Necessitem el teu suport per fer-ho possible! Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on July 30, 2024 🎉 77 Pledges 6.530€ From 6.500€
Carmen Doora ECO Música ecológica y de proximidad. Con pinceladas de pop, flamenco, latin, funk y jazz, el nuevo disco de Carmen Doora Eco supone una propuesta musical elegante y de calidad, comprometida a la vez con el medio ambiente y con una forma de vida ética y sostenible. Pop / Latin, Jazz, Flamenco 105% Project crowdfunded on March 23, 2016 🎉 117 Pledges 6.270€ From 6.000€
Samantha de Siena: Lifting the Veil Lifting the Veil is my second album, a project very close to my heart and a journey i've been living over the last few years. We have a magical team of people collaborating on this album and we're excited to be able to share it with you soon. Thank you for all your support in making this happen! Folk / Blues, Punk, Jazz 104% Project crowdfunded on August 30, 2012 🎉 136 Pledges 6.210€ From 6.000€
Chocolat! CD Gravació del CD de l'espectacle Chocolat! de la Companyia Divinas Chocolat! · 90% swing + 10 % comedy Deixa't seduir per la màgia del swing! Jazz 102% Project crowdfunded on December 24, 2012 🎉 84 Pledges 5.630€ From 5.500€
8 am - Sommeliers' new Album In this second album we show you a more personal facet integrated of original themes to help you start the day with energy! Pop / Jazz 102% Project crowdfunded on December 25, 2017 🎉 149 Pledges 5.585€ From 5.500€
QUIÉN SOY - Estela Julia Crowdfunding para el lanzamiento de mi disco debut. Música original que fusiona géneros como el jazz, el pop y el folklore ibérico. Songwriter / Pop, Folk, Jazz 100% Project crowdfunded on December 02, 2023 🎉 70 Pledges 5.000€ From 5.000€
Alba Llibre - Underwear El primer disc, la primera vegada, primeres impressions concentrades per crear Underwear... Una part de mi. Pop / Jazz 138% Project crowdfunded on April 29, 2014 🎉 151 Pledges 4.828€ From 3.500€
STORMIN' - DROP COLLECTIVE's First Album Love and passion for Jazz, Reggae and Ska in one album. Reggae and Ska / Jazz 117% Project crowdfunded on January 22, 2018 🎉 141 Pledges 4.669€ From 4.000€
Recording my new album: To Drop & Let Go After recording an album with cover songs the time to record my own material has arrived! A very interesting work of art recorded only with 2 instruments that create ambiance, sound layers, percussion, noise and silence: Double bass & Voice! Only with your help i’ll be able to create this project Jazz / Songwriter, Vinyl 106% Project crowdfunded on May 09, 2017 🎉 185 Pledges 4.650€ From 4.400€