Primer disc d'Huialfàs Huialfàs, orquestra liderada per Miquel Bennàssar que reviu les cançons i tonades de feina de sa Pobla en clau experimental. Jazz 107% Project crowdfunded on May 09, 2024 🎉 159 Pledges 5.340€ From 5.000€
MARINERO EN TIERRA | Mary Lambourne's first album Mary Lambourne is releasing her first album 'Marinero en tierra', but needs help to finish it. Songwriter / Latin, Jazz, Flamenco 124% Project crowdfunded on December 13, 2017 🎉 96 Pledges 4.970€ From 4.000€
Nou disc de Llunàtiques Tenim un nou disc, "Diumenge, a 384.000 km"! Hem musicat poetes com Salvador Espriu, Pau Vadell, Andreu Vidal, Miquel Àngel Riera, Marià Villangómez, Bernat Nadal... Lletres carregades de significat amb músiques fresques i originals. Un projecte autogestionat que necessita la teva col·laboració! Jazz / Latin, Poetry 109% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2014 🎉 62 Pledges 1.628€ From 1.500€
L'ORANGE new album: TÀCTIL Participate in the auto-edition of “Tàctil”, our fist album. We recorded, mixed and mastered last summer, 2012. All its process has been self made and now we’d like to achieve the necessary budget to make our CD copies and give them back to our fans. Jazz 105% Project crowdfunded on April 27, 2013 🎉 45 Pledges 1.260€ From 1.200€