SPANISH BRASS - DVD/CD "brass brass brass" Spanish Brass presents our new recording project, a DVD/CD devoted to our educational/family show "Brass Brass Brass". Spanish Brass has been hard at work for two years now on our newest educational/family show, "Brass Brass Brass", and we can't wait to release it in a double CD/DVD set! Music / Classical, Jazz 107% Project crowdfunded on May 23, 2016 🎉 209 Pledges 16.030€ From 15.000€
BeethOUVen 9 The OUV joins Beethoven's 250th anniversary with the most international premiere of the latest movement of the 9th Symphony.We count on you! Classic / Events 103% Project crowdfunded on October 28, 2020 🎉 61 Pledges 12.400€ From 12.000€
Spanish Brass. Tell me a Brass Story. (New CD) “Tell Me a Brass Story” is Spanish Brass Luur Metalls’ latest recording project, dedicated to works for brass quintet and symphonic band, produced in partnership with the Banda Municipal de Bilbao (Spain) and conductor Rafael Sanz Espert. Classic / Blues, Punk, Jazz 157% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2012 🎉 157 Pledges 9.440€ From 6.000€
"Puro de Oliva", Spanish Brass & Chano Domínguez (new CD) "Puro de Oliva” is the fusion of the musical visions of Chano Dominguez and Spanish Brass in a unique, original and innovating show. Classic 108% Project crowdfunded on March 17, 2018 🎉 178 Pledges 8.610€ From 8.000€
"Sinergies" - Nuevo CD de Luis González y Carlos Gil A new recording project by Luis González (trumpet) and Carlos Gil (trombone) with original music for both instruments. Classic 172% Project crowdfunded on December 01, 2019 🎉 278 Pledges 8.600€ From 5.000€
«Essència», the first album by Ad Libitum After more than 15 years of career, Ad Libitum faces its first record project Classic 113% Project crowdfunded on May 01, 2019 🎉 262 Pledges 8.475€ From 7.500€
New Spanish Brass CD - 25 SPANISH BRASS LUUR METALLS will be recording our twentieth CD to celebrate our 25 years as an ensemble! We’ll be recording works by a variety of Spanish and international composers, some of which were written especially for Spanish Brass Luur Metalls. Classic 135% Project crowdfunded on June 11, 2014 🎉 126 Pledges 8.120€ From 6.000€
Metalls d'Estil - Spanish Brass i Pep Gimeno "Botifarra" Spanish Brass Luur Metalls is once again asking for your collaboration on a new recording project in which they will be joined by the well-k Classic 101% Project crowdfunded on April 14, 2013 🎉 136 Pledges 7.545€ From 7.500€
Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules (Spanish Brass & Albert Guinovart) Les Aventures de Monsieur Jules is a project in which Jules Verne’s tales are woven together, told with intriguing music by Albert Guinovart Classic 100% Project crowdfunded on October 28, 2019 🎉 138 Pledges 7.510€ From 7.500€
Luis González - New CD. Gestas de un Don Nadie. Luis González is going to release a new CD, "Gestas de un Don Nadie", in which will collaborate other musicians as José Gallego, Francesca Calero, Francisco "Pacho" Flores and Spanish Brass Luur Metalls. This new CD will contain Spanish composers works. Don’t miss it! Classic 145% Project crowdfunded on January 16, 2013 🎉 168 Pledges 6.520€ From 4.500€
"Back to Styles" Back to Styles will be our second album that will make a brief tour from Baroque to Jazz. Classic 146% Project crowdfunded on April 26, 2021 🎉 159 Pledges 4.378€ From 3.000€
15 Años con "Estil Concertant" Este año Estil Concertant ha cumplido sus 15 años de vida. Queremos celebrar y reflejar nuestra trayectoria con dos conciertos y una recopilación musical única para compartirlo con vosotros. Esperamos que salga adelante con vuestra colaboración. Classic 104% Project crowdfunded on October 30, 2013 🎉 72 Pledges 3.655€ From 3.500€
Messies Participatiu 2014 El Messies Participatiu que organitza la Schola Cantorum d'Algemesí, tracta d'apropar al públic assistent el sentit original de l'obra que George Fr. Haendel volgué expressar, a partir de la traducció al valencià d'aquesta obra (realitzada per Diego Ramon i Lluch i Miquel Alandete) Classic 113% Project crowdfunded on February 01, 2014 🎉 26 Pledges 2.825€ From 2.500€
Concert Homenatge a Maria del Mar Bonet Després d’aquests 40 anys d’història, l’Orfeó planteja uns reconeixements anuals a personalitats del món cultural i musical amb un perfil coincident al nostre. En aquesta edició, l’admiració que professem envers Maria del Mar Bonet ha estat clau per voler fer un homenatge ben sentit i dinàmic. Classic / Events 118% Project crowdfunded on July 28, 2013 🎉 135 Pledges 2.120€ From 1.800€
(CD) Monogràfic David Valera - Dolby Atmos New self-produced "Moros y Cristianos" Music album. Alkalinos is the first work of this "música festera" album. Classic 103% Project crowdfunded on June 01, 2024 🎉 38 Pledges 1.029€ From 1.000€
DANCE! - Grup Mixtour Tercer proyecto de este entusiasta ensemble musical, integrado por jóvenes de gran talento, que con mucha dedicación y esfuerzo buscamos cautivar al público. Grup Mixtour con la colaboración del Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Valencia les presenta Dance! Classic / Events 104% Project crowdfunded on December 06, 2012 🎉 28 Pledges 729€ From 700€