Parchís - El Documental Parchís fue algo más que el grupo infantil más popular en España entre 1979 y 1985, ¿Nos ayudas a hacer posible este proyecto? Documentary / Music 124% Project crowdfunded on July 29, 2017 🎉 511 Pledges 49.723€ From 40.000€
Tempo Rubato - Mayte Martín TEMPO RUBATO es una colección de temas míos,un registro sonoro de emociones que se ha ido gestando durante veintidós años,a golpe de vivenci Songwriter / Flamenco 121% Project crowdfunded on May 29, 2017 🎉 442 Pledges 36.267€ From 30.000€
Petitet (Rumba pa' ti) "Petitet Rumba pa' ti" és la crònica d’una carrera d’obstacles, a vegades dura i sovint divertida, sobre al lluita desigual d’un somiador contra totes les circumstàncies. Acompanya'ns en aquest somni! Documentary / Rumba, Music 112% Project crowdfunded on May 15, 2017 🎉 368 Pledges 33.735€ From 30.000€
“El Primer Canto” de Raquel Riba Rossy Creación y lanzamiento de mi primer álbum musical formado por 10 canciones compuestas por mí. Songwriter 110% Project crowdfunded on November 06, 2020 🎉 910 Pledges 27.622€ From 25.000€
Gigposters, Album artwork... This is Error! Design The Black Keys, Metallica or Van Morrison are some of the gigposters you can see inside. Don't miss the others! Artbook / Music, Illustration 259% Project crowdfunded on October 31, 2021 🎉 577 Pledges 23.320€ From 9.000€
Andrea Motis,The Quiet Trumpet An emotionally charged story regarding an unrepeatable moment: That vertigo filled instant when one is about to leap into the unknown. Documentary / Jazz, Music 114% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 354 Pledges 17.064€ From 15.000€
Ciudadano Fernando Gallego: Baila o Muere Fernando Gallego es un barcelonés cualquiera. Su DNI es 40488088-K, pesa 78 kilos y no llega al 1,70 cm. Tiene los ojos azules y 51 años de edad pero su edad es relativa, depende del día es un adolescente sin acné o un anciano con el pelo verde. Su nombre artístico: NANDO DIXKONTROL. Documentary / Electronic 153% Project crowdfunded on June 13, 2016 🎉 279 Pledges 16.845€ From 11.000€
We are Biel Biel's hips are at high risk of dislocation and we found a preventive surgery which is performed in few hospitals in the world. Community / #8m, Positive impact, Music 1647500% Project crowdfunded on March 11, 2020 🎉 346 Pledges 16.475€ From 1€
Ladilla Rusa. Segundo disco + Videoclip Ladilla Rusa preparamos un segundo disco todavía más ambicioso, loco y divertido que el primero y un videoclip como carta de presentación. Electronic / Video clip 108% Project crowdfunded on December 21, 2020 🎉 564 Pledges 16.153€ From 15.000€
"LOVE ALBUM" by Manu Om Album dedicated to Love through songs to Krishna, Radha, Sita, Rama ... Manu Om's 14th album arrives warm and full of surprises Songwriter 105% Project crowdfunded on April 29, 2021 🎉 323 Pledges 14.665€ From 14.000€
The Homes of Latung La La Ymbernon realitzà a casa seva les obres visuals 'Latung La La i la cuinera embarassada' (2005) i 'Latung La La i la llum emergent' (Barcelona Poesia i Festival Panorama 2010). Ara, amb 'Els domicilis de Latung La La', es proposa realitzar una gira per cases d'Europa. Documentary / Performing arts, Art, Events, Music 143% Project crowdfunded on December 01, 2012 🎉 49 Pledges 14.300€ From 10.000€
world music documentary Persimpatia: Zoltán Lantos Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit, and we’ve tracked down the first one: Zoltán Lantos from Hungary. His music has seduced us and makes for a great story, but we need your help to be able to share it with you! Documentary / Classical, Music 109% Project crowdfunded on June 29, 2013 🎉 191 Pledges 13.045€ From 12.000€
Disco Anabel Conde Launching a record for Anabel Conde, 2nd. in the Eurovision Song Contest 1995. Pop 101% Project crowdfunded on October 29, 2011 🎉 84 Pledges 12.870€ From 12.700€
DVD edition of the film 'A film about Kids and Music'. We have been receiving requests for a long time from people from all over the world who want to watch or have the film. Well, the time has come to make it possible. With your help we want to issue a special and a ‘Low-cost’ edition in DVD of KIDS AND MUSIC. Documentary / Music 127% Project crowdfunded on July 07, 2014 🎉 182 Pledges 12.730€ From 10.000€
KETEKALLES ¡ Sacamos nuestro PRIMER DISCO ! Soñado y creado para ser compartido, porque nos toca, porque no estamos solas, por #kenonoskallan. ¿Nos echas una mano? Music / Positive impact 113% Project crowdfunded on November 15, 2019 🎉 419 Pledges 12.481€ From 11.000€
"SOPHIA - Mantente viva" "SOPHIA - Mantente viva" is a solidarity project made up of a documentary and a cd. It aims to raise awareness about human trafficking through one woman’s story who was the victim of trafficking and now works to rescue women and girls trapped in Bangkok’s prostitution networks. Community / Documentary, Positive impact, Music, Books 102% Project crowdfunded on May 09, 2016 🎉 199 Pledges 12.180€ From 11.950€
Persimpatia: Paul Giger. Documentary & concerts Only 4 musicians in the world own a violin with sympathetic strings made by the Catalan luthier Ricard Margarit. These violinists are exceptional individuals making extraordinary music. Documentary / Classical 100% Project crowdfunded on March 29, 2014 🎉 170 Pledges 12.040€ From 12.000€
Lliure o descansar 'Lliure o descansar' és el projecte artístic que acompanyarà el proper disc de Jo Jet i Maria Ribot. El seu objectiu és la publicació del disc i les propostes interdisciplinars que neixen de les seves cançons, ideades per un equip de 8 creatius. La seva missió última és la de qüestionar per créixer. Music / Publications 133% Project crowdfunded on May 09, 2016 🎉 319 Pledges 11.947€ From 9.000€