“Poemari per a acordió” by LA COMPANYIA MINIMíssimA Compilation of poetic texts in the form of a book and a musical version on the networks. Poetry / Music, Books 101% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2022 🎉 115 Pledges 4.026€ From 4.000€
how to analyze and evaluate mat-housing The book "how to analyse and evaluate mat housing" questions the validity of the system of Mat Building in contemporary residential production. Characterized by a large graphic section, the book analyzes different projects highlighting architectural and urbanistic potentials and deficiencies. Books 108% Project crowdfunded on April 24, 2016 🎉 104 Pledges 2.700€ From 2.500€
Pornoterrorismo - Diana J. Torres in Italia Il libro di Diana J. Torres "Pornoterrorismo” è un testo essenziale della lotta del femminismo pro-sex è ora disponibile in Italiano. Il Verkami é per pagare le spese di vitto e trasporto dell'autrice durante il tour di presentazioni e per le spese di le ricompense. Books / Performance, Art, Erotica 112% Project crowdfunded on April 02, 2014 🎉 86 Pledges 1.675€ From 1.500€