Concierto Voces del Barroco: Magníficat y Dixit Dominus 40 aniversario de la Coral Ginesta de Badia del Vallès Classic / Events 115% Project crowdfunded on December 13, 2024 🎉 59 Pledges 1.725€ From 1.500€
Un Trombó Baix “Un Trombó Baix” es un cd con obras originales escritas y encargadas para este proyecto; Musica contemporánea, bulería, electroacústica... Classic 108% Project crowdfunded on June 15, 2024 🎉 111 Pledges 2.596€ From 2.400€
Developments, the new CD by KamBrass Quintet After 6 years of music, evolution and learning, KamBrass takes the next step to release his first CD. Classic 148% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2024 🎉 213 Pledges 8.568€ From 5.800€
'PANAMERICANO', by BARCELONA CLARINET PLAYERS New project by Barcelona Clarinet Players with works for clarinet quartet and wind band commissioned to Latin American composers. Classic 100% Project crowdfunded on July 04, 2023 🎉 68 Pledges 5.010€ From 5.000€
Festival Reafina Un festival de música clàssica propera a tu. Aquest estiu a Badalona, prop del mar i a espais excepcionals... Reviu la clàssica! Classic / Festival 101% Project crowdfunded on June 27, 2023 🎉 109 Pledges 6.047€ From 6.000€
Magnificat i Glòria de Vivaldi Celebrem el noste concert de Nadal amb el Magníficat i el Glòria de Vivaldi Classic 208% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2022 🎉 214 Pledges 3.115€ From 1.500€
Agatmah: Borges y Cortázar musicalizados Ciclo poético musical de nueva creación para voz —Mercedes Gancedo— y piano —Daniel Ariño— basado en textos de J. L. Borges y J. Cortázar. Classic 101% Project crowdfunded on November 01, 2022 🎉 116 Pledges 3.545€ From 3.500€
Piano recording of Beethoven's "Pastoral" sonata Musical project where Piano Beethoven's Pastoral Sonata will be recorded in a professional studio with a quality video clip. Classic 130% Project crowdfunded on June 18, 2022 🎉 78 Pledges 2.080€ From 1.600€
EL BRILLO DEL FÉNIX (FERRER FERRAN) - Musicalment pandèmic Estrena i enregistrament d'un cant simfònic a l'esperança, realitzat en honor als que ens van deixar, cuidar i motivar durant la pandèmia. Classic 102% Project crowdfunded on May 07, 2022 🎉 39 Pledges 3.555€ From 3.500€
ANTICH VENTURA—CLAMARE Ölivia Musyk first songs Music / Indie, Classical, #8m, Vinyl 102% Project crowdfunded on March 24, 2022 🎉 108 Pledges 4.095€ From 4.000€
Les catedrals, els orígens (Cathedrals and Origins) Next February 2022 we would like to record our first album, including sacred Catalan works which have never been recorded before. Classic 111% Project crowdfunded on January 26, 2022 🎉 132 Pledges 5.540€ From 5.000€
Viatge musical en clavicèmbal A través dels sons antics del clavicèmbal transportaré a l'oient a diferents indrets del segle XVIII i sense una màquina del temps Classic 109% Project crowdfunded on November 14, 2021 🎉 85 Pledges 3.800€ From 3.500€
Cor A Tempo: 5è aniversari 5 anys aprofundint en el coneixement de la música i apropant-la a la gent, i ho celebrem amb un concert únic i especial: el Rèquiem de Fauré Classic / Events 105% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2021 🎉 215 Pledges 3.035€ From 2.900€
L'Aigua Trobada An exploration of water as an element through contemporary chamber music, in which we distill the string quartet into solo violin. Classic 143% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2021 🎉 117 Pledges 5.020€ From 3.500€
BARCELONA CLARINET PLAYERS & PAQUITO D'RIVERA The new Barcelona Clarinet Players's recording project with works for clarinet quartet by maestro Paquito D'Rivera. Classic 101% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2021 🎉 62 Pledges 5.025€ From 5.000€
La Cascada de Lutour, música i natura Our choir will record a video-concert to premiere this work based on the poem dedicated by the Catalan poet Joan Maragall to nature and love Classic / Poetry, Film 145% Project crowdfunded on June 10, 2021 🎉 284 Pledges 10.125€ From 7.000€
Noël Nunet: Un CD de arpa y flauta La música que escuchas cada Navidad con un toque exclusivo. El Dúo Nunet te presenta en su primer CD versiones únicas de Navidad. Classic 100% Project crowdfunded on April 25, 2021 🎉 94 Pledges 4.834€ From 4.830€
Femina Feminae Marta Urzaiz presenta en su debut discográfico obras originales para clarinete y piano del compositor Gerard Pastor. Classic 116% Project crowdfunded on October 07, 2020 🎉 88 Pledges 3.480€ From 3.000€