Trustto Team x MSF Development of a medical device in collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières. Non-profit project. Science and Technology / Positive impact 196% Project crowdfunded on July 10, 2024 🎉 97 Pledges 2.945€ From 1.500€
e-Tech Racing - #TenYearsOnTheCharge e-Tech Racing wants to celebrate their 10th anniversary. Help us be the first Spanish team to develop their own in-wheel electric motors Science and Technology 106% Project crowdfunded on May 20, 2024 🎉 50 Pledges 3.177€ From 3.000€
A l'ombra del trencadís Sistema d’ombratge que s'adapta a diferents entorns i facilita la creació de refugis climàtics on no és possible plantar vegetació. Science and Technology / Community, Positive impact 125% Project crowdfunded on May 19, 2024 🎉 31 Pledges 2.875€ From 2.300€
Projecte Velella et necessita! Posem a punt el Moska! Ajuda'ns a posar a punt el nostre veler, el MOSKA, per a que col·labori amb un projecte enfocat a la conservació i educació ambiental marina Science and Technology / Ecology 106% Project crowdfunded on November 13, 2023 🎉 83 Pledges 3.700€ From 3.500€
¡Ayúdanos a hacer nuestros alerones! ¡Vuela junto a nosotros hacia la línea de meta! Colabora en nuestra campaña para impulsar los alerones de nuestro monoplaza! Science and Technology / Sport 109% Project crowdfunded on July 29, 2023 🎉 45 Pledges 2.170€ From 2.000€
Pharos - Trustto Team x Open Arms Electric rescue drone incorporating foils to improve flight efficiency, with the objective of locating drifting vessels. Science and Technology / Positive impact 125% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2023 🎉 62 Pledges 2.180€ From 1.750€
Projecte Horus I: Desvelant els misteris del cel Explorant el cel i descobrint els seus secrets: Uneix-te al Projecte Horus I i ajuda'ns a fer realitat la nostra petita carrera espacial. Science and Technology 132% Project crowdfunded on June 12, 2023 🎉 11 Pledges 395€ From 300€
Trustto Team x Open Arms Colabora en nuestro proyecto para crear un dispositivo de estabilización de embarcaciones a la deriva para Open Arms. Science and Technology / Positive impact 220% Project crowdfunded on July 05, 2022 🎉 99 Pledges 3.296€ From 1.500€
¡¡Ayúdanos a competir por Europa con nuestro próximo monoplaza!! Dynamics UPC Manresa es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro formada por estudiantes universitarios que desarrollan y construyen un monoplaza. Science and Technology / Sport 131% Project crowdfunded on May 01, 2022 🎉 39 Pledges 2.610€ From 2.000€
Construcción de un huerto automatizado Creación de un huerto urbano con invernadero automatizado, con regulación autónoma de temperatura, humedad y riego de las plantas. Science and Technology 108% Project crowdfunded on August 22, 2021 🎉 12 Pledges 215€ From 200€
e-Tech Racing - #DriveWithUs Our passion for engineering has made us compete with our electric car in Italy and Spain. Do you want to drive with us? Science and Technology / Sport 108% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2021 🎉 25 Pledges 3.240€ From 3.000€
#alem: unimos arte y tecnología para acompañar emocionalmente a personas que padecen una enfermedad Incorporamos la realidad virtual inmersiva y los vídeos 360º a la maleta de materiales creativos de Artepaliativo Science and Technology / Art, Positive impact 138% Project crowdfunded on June 09, 2021 🎉 81 Pledges 4.825€ From 3.500€
Elisava Racing Team Dayna smart electric rescue motorcycle by Elisava Racing Team Design / Science and technology, Positive impact 180% Project crowdfunded on August 08, 2020 🎉 91 Pledges 3.599€ From 2.000€
MAR A LA VISTA Restoring a traditional sailboat to go whale watching and raise awareness around conservation Science and Technology / Nature 240% Project crowdfunded on July 26, 2020 🎉 318 Pledges 24.000€ From 10.000€
Guineu de CycloCat (enrutador ciclista) Programari per a calcular rutes segures utilitzant els tracks que tenim documentats a CycloCat. Science and Technology 120% Project crowdfunded on July 13, 2020 🎉 133 Pledges 3.605€ From 3.000€
SAVE THE MEDITERRANEAN FAN MUSSEL ! Technical and Scientific action to protect surviving individuals of the endangered Mediterranean fan mussel in the Ebro Delta (Spain) Science and Technology / #8m, Ecology, Nature 102% Project crowdfunded on March 21, 2020 🎉 161 Pledges 8.124€ From 7.959€
Boles de llavors Diverango Et portem la Natura a casa! Ajuda la Natura i el Clima d'una manera fàcil i sostenible mentre omples de vida el teu entorn. Science and Technology / Ecology, Positive impact 328% Project crowdfunded on October 22, 2019 🎉 166 Pledges 3.936€ From 1.200€
Hidden Deserts We need your help to discover the submerged deserts that threaten our oceans! Science and Technology / Positive impact, Nature 107% Project crowdfunded on July 15, 2019 🎉 197 Pledges 10.685€ From 10.000€