Eider short film EIDER is the title and the name of the main character. A traditional animation short film, made by and for animation lovers. Animation / Short film 105% Project crowdfunded on December 28, 2018 🎉 187 Pledges 7.335€ From 7.000€
The Great Green, traditional animation short-film. The story of a looser. Animation 105% Project crowdfunded on March 07, 2018 🎉 86 Pledges 5.260€ From 5.000€
Travel by feet, a 2D animated short film Travel by feet is a 2D animated short film by Khris Cembe. A black comedy co-written along with his traveling mate Laura Aguado, a proposal that puts together a brilliant graphic design and recognizable elements from thriller genre. Do you want to join this trip? Animation / Short film 102% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2012 🎉 180 Pledges 12.195€ From 12.000€