| Planet-Ari | ¡El tercer libro de poesía metafísica de Ariadna! Publicación del libro Planet-Ari, y gira de recitales de poesía musicada para presentar el libro en Barcelona, Girona y Olot. Books / #8m, Poetry 109% Project crowdfunded on March 16, 2024 🎉 91 Pledges 2.715€ From 2.500€
EN UN MIRALH Mos Azimans first recording Mos Azimans announces the recording of its research on the “chans” of Bernat de Ventadorn (…1147-1170…). You may be among the first to enjoy its work and to make it real. Classic / Poetry 160% Project crowdfunded on April 06, 2015 🎉 119 Pledges 3.990€ From 2.500€