Haz Posible el Kirtan Bhakti en Barcelona: Apoya los Artistas Apoya el Festival Kirtan Bhakti en Barcelona: Dona para cubrir el costo de los artistas y hacer posible este evento espiritual en septiembre Popular festivals 105% Project crowdfunded on August 25, 2024 🎉 46 Pledges 1.896€ From 1.800€
Matsuri Barcelona (Japanese cultural festival in Barcelona) Free admission Japanese cultural festival based on traditional culture, featuring the best traditional guest artists from Japan. Popular festivals / Festival 100% Project crowdfunded on July 08, 2024 🎉 23 Pledges 5.015€ From 5.000€
Matsuri Festival Japanese cultural festival based on cultural and traditional folk entertainment. Popular festivals / Festival 101% Project crowdfunded on June 05, 2022 🎉 56 Pledges 6.060€ From 6.000€
Anonymous Society. A human towers group is much more than people lifting human towers in their free time. Documentary / Traditional festivals 118% Project crowdfunded on September 13, 2019 🎉 130 Pledges 3.534€ From 3.000€
Castellers de Sant Cugat visit Castellers of London As patrons of Castellers of London, we will travel to London to perform together. Popular festivals 109% Project crowdfunded on October 29, 2017 🎉 99 Pledges 1.631€ From 1.500€
Aligats (Photographic Book) Aligats is a photographic project that aims to capture the emotions, experiences and feelings of the participants in the "Salt de l'Aliga" of La Patum of Berga (Barcelona, Catalonia), traditional celebration declared masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2005. Photography / Traditional festivals, Books 166% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2015 🎉 162 Pledges 5.650€ From 3.400€
Guspira Guspira is an amusing board game, for all the family, based on the world of ‘correfoc’, one of the most spectacular popular feasts of the Catalan culture. The cards show the most typical elements of this celebration: fire, devils, beasts... Board games / Traditional festivals 165% Project crowdfunded on November 25, 2014 🎉 242 Pledges 8.254€ From 5.000€
#indiacapgrossa Photographic exhibition and a paper deluxe catalogue immortalising the experience of 'Capgrossos de Mataró' at the Govinda Festival Popular festivals / Exhibitions, Travel, Photography 111% Project crowdfunded on June 21, 2014 🎉 170 Pledges 7.205€ From 6.500€
Catalans Want To Vote. Human Towers for Democracy Let us all tell Europe together that the Catalans want to vote. We are taking 10 Catalan Human Towers to 7 European capitals to claim the right to vote. The human towers will be raised simultaneously on 8th June at 12h with banners showing a democratic message loud and clear: #CatalansWantToVote. Community / Traditional festivals 109% Project crowdfunded on May 10, 2014 🎉 3,589 Pledges 130.505€ From 120.000€
The catalans castles game Board game about human castles. Strategic and entertaining to play with family and friends. To know the Catalan culture and tipical music. A good time to become a good head "casteller" and directs the rise of the best castles in your club. Board games / Traditional festivals 141% Project crowdfunded on December 19, 2013 🎉 42 Pledges 1.125€ From 800€
Melting pot: indian castellers, catalan govinda “Melting pot” is a metaphor of the pot where different elements of a plural society meet. The documentary explains how the Catalan Castellers and the Indian Govinda share a passion and meet in the Dahi Handi festival that culminates with the braking of a pot full of a mixture of yogurt and flowers. Documentary / Traditional festivals 164% Project crowdfunded on November 04, 2013 🎉 228 Pledges 8.220€ From 5.000€