Atac d’Acord, the new full-length studio album by Àcid Úric Àcid Úric is back. Rock is back. The rock you need (and you don’t know it yet). Rock 74% 28 days 1.120€ From 1.500€
Join the first EP of Slands Project: Slices Help us bring Slands Project's funky/jazz/rock music to life, release the first EP, and get people dancing. Jazz / Funk, Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on February 01, 2025 🎉 57 Pledges 2.230€ From 2.200€
Primer disc d'Esperit de Vi Som Esperit de Vi i necessitem el vostre suport per fer realitat el merxandatge i l'edició en físic del nostre primer LP: Dissilència. Rock / Punk 108% Project crowdfunded on July 07, 2024 🎉 79 Pledges 1.724€ From 1.600€
Videoclip "Oh, Bon rei" Vine a gravar un videoclip al castell de Montclar amb el grup de folk-rock Legendari amb la col·laboració d'Acers Trempats. Folk / Rock, Video clip 102% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2024 🎉 18 Pledges 1.020€ From 1.000€
"Bauma"- Primer disc de La Cantina Amb la teva ajuda volem aconseguir gravar el nostre primer disc i impulsar així el nostre projecte musical. Reggae and Ska / Rock 116% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2023 🎉 106 Pledges 6.355€ From 5.500€
Dexist's new album edition In the digital age, why not a physical music album? Rock 102% Project crowdfunded on November 27, 2021 🎉 48 Pledges 1.829€ From 1.800€
"Ets un pringat": the album you didn't know you need. Contribute to the second album of Fantàctels! Welcome to the losers club! Now we need your help to spice it up!. Rock 116% Project crowdfunded on June 22, 2021 🎉 160 Pledges 4.623€ From 4.000€
Primer disco de Periferia "Ruta Al Desvelo" Presentamos este Verkami para poder dar el salto a un estudio profesional en la grabación de nuestro primer disco, "Ruta al Desvelo". Rock 108% Project crowdfunded on June 15, 2021 🎉 201 Pledges 3.772€ From 3.500€
"Keep the Lights Off", first album of Bacon Radars ¡Collaborate in editing our first album on vinyl! Rock 123% Project crowdfunded on March 30, 2021 🎉 70 Pledges 2.450€ From 2.000€
Golíat: Nou LP "III", ajuda'ns a fer-lo realitat Volem fer realitat el nostre 5è treball anomenat "III" i fer-ne un producte que sigui un gaudi per tots els sentits. Dona'ns un cop de mà! Rock 106% Project crowdfunded on March 17, 2021 🎉 107 Pledges 3.829€ From 3.600€
Sisena - Nou EP Sisena necessitem finançament per gravar un EP i poder ensenyar la nostra música a la gent d’una manera professional i digne. Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2021 🎉 68 Pledges 3.519€ From 3.500€
New album: Llum Polar We are preparing a new album on trips and stars, dreams and wills. A nomad album to explore new sounds. Polar light. Rock / Indie, Psychedelia, Vinyl 107% Project crowdfunded on December 11, 2019 🎉 101 Pledges 3.745€ From 3.500€
Tre Said's debut album recording Your donations will cover our debut album's recording, mixing and mastering expenses as well as CD making. Rock 104% Project crowdfunded on June 30, 2019 🎉 67 Pledges 2.082€ From 2.000€
"Torres d'Ivori": El nou disc de NOCTÄMBULS Noctämbuls torna amb el seu segon disc "Torres d'Ivori", amb una varietat de temes Hard Rock i Metal, que no deixarà indiferent a ningú. Rock 108% Project crowdfunded on May 08, 2019 🎉 84 Pledges 3.790€ From 3.500€
Nou disc Roger Margarit 2019 Producció i gravació del meu tercer disc d'estudi. Serà un treball conceptual pop amb influències de la psicodèlia i el rock progressiu. Music / Psychedelia, Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2019 🎉 79 Pledges 6.065€ From 6.000€
Recording of the debut CD from Soak in bleach- STATIONS We're very excited to announce our crowdfunding drive and to ask your collaboration in the recording of our CD and professional music video. Indie / Rock, Vinyl 100% Project crowdfunded on January 01, 2018 🎉 97 Pledges 3.010€ From 3.000€
WE NEED YOU to press the VINYL of our new album We would love to get a vinyl edition of our fourth studio albm, "Tiempos Salvajes". Do you help us? Get juicy rewards! Rock / Vinyl 102% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 79 Pledges 2.046€ From 2.000€
"Rawness" New LP The Capaces "Rawness" recording, mixing and mastering; recording of the new promotional video-clip and releasing expenses. Rock / Punk, Vinyl 108% Project crowdfunded on December 16, 2017 🎉 131 Pledges 3.795€ From 3.500€