DAVIT BAYES GRUP Música, pintura i literatura. Ajuda'ns a fer possible aquest projecte!! Jazz 130% Project crowdfunded on November 05, 2024 🎉 69 Pledges 3.261€ From 2.500€
En clave de Serrat Universo Serrat como nunca antes lo habías escuchado. Sin etiquetas y en formación de octeto, Luis González rinde homenaje a J.M Serrat. Music / Classical, Jazz 104% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2019 🎉 57 Pledges 2.290€ From 2.200€
Nits de swing a l'Apolo Nits de swing a l'Apolo és el nou DVD-CD de la Barcelona Jazz Orquestra, dedicat a la música i ball de Swing. Transcorre a la Sala Apolo, mítica sala de Barcelona, amb vestuari i ambientació de l'època. Totes les cançons están coreografiades per grans artistes internacionals i nacionals. Jazz / Film, Music, Dance 100% Project crowdfunded on December 22, 2015 🎉 182 Pledges 7.033€ From 7.000€
Calista Walks Calista Walks is a music project of funk, soul and black music influences, was born in 2012 from the merger of cultures and knowledge with which the creators have been involved professionally in the last 10 years. Jazz / Soul, Funk 102% Project crowdfunded on December 24, 2014 🎉 96 Pledges 3.050€ From 3.000€
"The Gramophone Allstars: Jazzmaica" Documentary Documentary about the making of Jazzmaica by The Gramophone Allstars Big Band. Documentary / Jazz 113% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2014 🎉 158 Pledges 3.971€ From 3.500€