Atac d’Acord, the new full-length studio album by Àcid Úric Àcid Úric is back. Rock is back. The rock you need (and you don’t know it yet). Rock 55% 38 days 835€ From 1.500€
Limón Exprimido by Rayo ⚡ Your favorite merengue singer has arrived ⚡ Folk 1% 20 days 94€ From 6.000€
Saji disko berriaren proiektua aurrera eramateko laguntza Zuen laguntzari esker studio profesional batean gure diska hau grabatzea eta ezagutzera eramatera lortzea da gure helburua. Pop 101% Project crowdfunded on May 02, 2024 🎉 85 Pledges 4.035€ From 4.000€
HERRA vamos a por nuestro primer LP!! ¡HERRA nos embarcamos en la salida de nuestro primer disco y nos gustaría contar con todos y todas para hacerlo realidad! Metal 155% Project crowdfunded on November 11, 2023 🎉 105 Pledges 3.880€ From 2.500€
Little Dust | New album of Thursday's Pussy Dogs Little Dust. New pussywork composed by 10 songs of bluesy affection and hard rock intensity that deserve to be listened through a needle. Rock / Blues, Vinyl 110% Project crowdfunded on May 15, 2023 🎉 89 Pledges 2.200€ From 2.000€
El primeru | Uruna Uruna released an album. "El primeru" (The first one). Can you give us a hand? Folk 122% Project crowdfunded on April 05, 2023 🎉 107 Pledges 3.040€ From 2.500€
"BONES" Record of Puy Barral and Manu Gaigne. Poetry and Percussion. boom! A concert between Music and Spoken Word. Poetry / #8m, Music 106% Project crowdfunded on March 15, 2023 🎉 105 Pledges 5.500€ From 5.200€
Proyecto eliminado A petición del autor Music 108% Project crowdfunded on July 11, 2022 🎉 202 Pledges 8.072€ From 7.500€
Videoclip de Animación 2D "Tu Castillo" Lo conseguimos!!! Gracias a vuestras aportaciones hemos superado los 3000€! Hasta el 10 de Febrero aún se puede colaborar. Mil gracias! Music / Animation, Video clip 103% Project crowdfunded on February 10, 2022 🎉 101 Pledges 3.104€ From 3.000€
"Ehun Doinuak" a hurdy gurdy method to learn hurdy gurdy, without any prior knowledge. The first method with a repertoire adapted from Euskal Herria. Also, gradual so you can learn from the beginning. Discover our crowdfunding! Books / Music 197% Project crowdfunded on June 02, 2021 🎉 153 Pledges 5.670€ From 2.875€
Elements. Eneko Azparren’s new album The album consists of eight pieces of music that I have composed. Discover the great musicians who will be participating and how to help me Music 125% Project crowdfunded on January 24, 2021 🎉 124 Pledges 3.735€ From 3.000€
Asier LI-ren HORRELA BIZITZEKO IV ARANTZAZUN Diskoaren emanaldi/grabazioa Arantzazun, KEA abesbatza eta Ana Belén García organo-jolearen eskutik. Music / Classical, Events 102% Project crowdfunded on January 24, 2021 🎉 107 Pledges 4.605€ From 4.500€
Gorka Gaztanbide Nire izenean argitaratutako dudan lehenbiziko diskoa grabatu nahi dut. Estudioan grabatu nahi ditut nire musikari/ lagun direnekin. Songwriter 126% Project crowdfunded on January 20, 2021 🎉 90 Pledges 2.900€ From 2.300€
Basabi is premiering their LP Kronos We'd like you to get to know Basabi better and that's why we're sure you'll enjoy listening to Kronos. Our first LP. Classic / Folk 211% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2021 🎉 123 Pledges 3.187€ From 1.510€
Esanezinen lehen EPa. Orain arte esan ez ditugunak abestera gatoz, esanezin direnekin, zuekin. Music 110% Project crowdfunded on November 17, 2020 🎉 122 Pledges 2.414€ From 2.200€
SEGUNDO DISCO DE IBAI MARIN Ibai Marin tiene un largo recorrido en la música, pero este será su segundo disco en solitario. ¡Ya están los temas compuestos! Songwriter 103% Project crowdfunded on August 15, 2020 🎉 98 Pledges 4.309€ From 4.200€
Hyedra's upcoming new album release Hyedra is a post-rock band from San Sebastián (Basque Country, Spain) looking for some funding so that we're able to release our new album. Rock 101% Project crowdfunded on May 24, 2020 🎉 124 Pledges 4.043€ From 4.000€
Incursed's new album: BASKAVÍGIN We are Incursed (folk/pagan metal from Bilbao), and we want to release our fifth album in 2020, so... we need your help! Metal 152% Project crowdfunded on May 11, 2020 🎉 134 Pledges 4.546€ From 3.000€